?? Mariana Blidaru ??
Real Estate Agent at Keller Williams Real Estate; Success Coach to Mortgage Loan Officers
What are goals? To me goals are things I want to do, where I want to go in my life and career, anything that I want, and need to make it happen within a period of time. To achieve goals, takes motivation, dedication, and willpower. How many times we set goals, but because it takes effort, we give up? Achieving goals can be very rewarding. The pursuit of goals is something you alone can do. When you set a goal, you have to be certain that you have, and will do whatever needs to be done to achieve it. I sometimes, daydream what my life will look like when my goal is achieved. When I make a plan, if I do not set a time to have that done by, and have no steps set to get there, I feel that is only a wish, not a goal, as I have no idea how I will get there. I learned that anything we want in life, is a project we set our minds to. Like any projects, we need to break down the steps, and set measurable results. To me, this is the same like any project at work. Have you ever tried to look at a project manager, how he/she achieves their projects. It seems easy. In reality is not as easy as it looks, because if the steps are not set, there are no measurable targets and results, then nothing comes out of it. To achieve your results, you need to work with you brain, to set it to succeed. Like everything, setting and achoviong goals is a mind set. Good luck !