The game ends 2-0. It was a U14 Cup Final. A mid-first half penalty and a late counter attack that were the difference. In between, the losing goalkeeper was tested time and time again. The crowd roared on each save and ooohhh’d and ahhhh’d each thwarted scoring attempt. The final whistle blew. For one team the final was lost. One side erupted in cheers and celebrations. The other slumped and walked toward their bench. The defeated keeper walked slowly toward the circle. Alone. No one. 60 yards. The teams had already lined up and was going through the obligatory handshake line. The keeper was still making his lonely walk when the first person to meet him was the opposing goalkeeper. A brief exchange which I was too far to hear, but likely a simple “great job” was said. This is the Goalkeepers Union. But this is also a problem.
Not one teammate or coach would be the first to meet him or have that first reassuring word. Is it because they don’t value the keeper? Is it because they thought he played bad? Not at all. They just don’t know how to react. They don’t know what to say. They don’t know how to say. They aren’t goalkeepers. But that needs to change.
Taking a step back, it is Empathy that is missing. EMPATHY. Empathy is a skill that is highly demanded in all walks of life and arguably the most important characteristic of great leaders. As Simon Sinek writes, “Empathy is the ability to recognize and share other people's feelings and it is the most important instrument in a leader's toolbox.”
Today’s situation showed me two sides to the world of goalkeeping.
One side showed me people in charge of a solid team in a big youth club who are not prioritizing goalkeepers nor taking the time to empathize with the goalkeeper’s plight.
And on the flip side, I saw a 13 yr old goalkeeper from an opposing team demonstrate the “most important instrument in a leader’s toolbox”.
Everyone remembers that moment Jurgen Klopp sprinted on to the pitch and leapt into Alisson’s arms after a goal. He was fined and suspended for this one – and has also been the first on the pitch to seek out his defeated keeper and he has set such a tone within his team that the other players will do the same.
Youth coaches everywhere want their teams to play like Liverpool or Manchester City - - but instead try looking beyond the formations and tactics. The best coaches create the best environment and instead of looking to the Champions League for inspiration, think about that 13 yr old who showed us all we needed to know about the importance of Empathy and Leadership – and he just happened to be GOALKEEPER.
Take care of your goalkeepers. Have their back. Talk to them. Make sure they know they are appreciated. It will go along way.