Goal setting - a money attraction or destruction machine?

Goal setting - a money attraction or destruction machine?

?How do you know, that today was a good day for your employees and the company?


That was a question, which I learnt from a former Toyota Manager 10 years ago. And I often asked this question in the last 10 years, when I helped leaders to implement a shopfloor management system. We visualized important KPI’s for a daily 10 min. meeting on a board in the factory to check and confirm results with the workers and leaders.

But there was one question which some leaders didn’t like? There was a question, where I can see fear and worries in their face. What’s the target?

People want to have success, but have fear to set targets.


?Why have people so much fear and worries and how can you reduce resistance from employees or leaders? Most leaders are not aware, that there are 3 different levels of targets which each of them effects their results and personal growth.

?The 3 different levels of targets and growth:

  • Level A is a goal, which you mostly achieve with your daily routines and resources. There is less resistance from your workers, because everybody knows how to achieve that goal.?
  • Level B is a target where you want to improve your current KPI’s and which you THINK it is achievable. The resistance will increase, because you and your team are not sure how to achieve that higher goal.?
  • Level C is the target where you improve your KPI’s, but that goal is outside of your horizon. That’s the goal where magic happens. That’s the goal where the impossible comes possible, that’s the goal where you increase your faith and trust, that’s the goal where you reduce your stress level while you increase your certainty and your results.

?Most companies use level A & B and lose money, before they finish their goal setting process, because they are not aware how the human brain works, how they use the subconscious mind, how to define C-level targets and how that affects their results.


If your goal isn't scary and exciting enough, then it's not a big enough goal for you and the team


Each of these 3 different levels has different effects of your employees and results:?

  • The amount of your KPI’s and profit
  • The growth of yourself and your employees
  • The resistance of yourself and your team

?Between these different 3 levels of targets there is one thing which works totally different and which can change your results dramatically.


Goals are like magnets. They will attract the things that make them come true.


Often when I asked the question what’s the target I hear “I have to discuss that with my team” which is totally important. But what happens in this process, when you are sitting in an office with 3 to 5 different people and ask “what is possible to improve”? You will probably here 3 to 5 different numbers. And the reason is, each people has a different belief system, different trust, different experience and different knowledge. At the end your target is the average from the 3-5 people.


?In the end, your goal is only as good as the faith, trust and knowledge of the persons who sets the goal.


?What happens when you have a goal in your head? For example if you have already implemented a shopfloor management system in your company you saw improvements after some days in your KPI’s without any change in a process. You have a daily meeting each day with actual results and targets and thereby you activate a system in your brain with your focus, which supports you to achieve your goals. And often after long discussion about the right target, everybody is happy and proud in the company how good and easy the team has achieved the targets.?

If you hold your goal in your mind, it must move into form It MUST. That is an absolute law.


Let me ask you a question. Do you think goals must be SMART? Imagine you want to improve your goal to 10% more sales or productivity and you achieve your goal between 9-12%. And now you have a goal to improve to 70% more sales or productivity and you achieve your goal between 40-50%. Would you prefer to hit the goal of 12% and achieve your goal or would you prefer 40%, but not hit your goal, but still have higher growth? Most desire the second goal, but subconsciously they will pursue the first goal, because every person has two primary fears that are deeply wired into your subconscious mind. And as a result, we choose small goals that we can achieve rather than big goals, which challenge us to overcome our fears and doubts.

It doesn't matter where you are now, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.


?Now take a calculator and calculate how more money you could earn, if you understand how the human brain and results works. Is it a 6-figure number, is it a 7-figure number or more? Target setting is the most important thing to grow and to achieve results, but it depends which level of target you chose and how you as a leader control your emotion and the emotion of your employees. Targets means growing and targets means uncertainty, but without new goals humans are much more unsatisfied than with a goal.


It is not about the goal. It is about growing to become the person that can accomplish that goal.


?What happens if leaders and employees go home in the evening and see that today was a good day? They know that the company has earned money, they have the feeling of certainty and the best of all – they are happy and smile, when they left and when they come back in the morning. And that’s the point what delivers money to companies - happy people.


You want to improve your results and learn:

  • Why you should define your C-Level target to achieve your goals in an easy way?
  • How to define goals, that your subconscious mind supports and don’t block you?
  • Why workers have resistance and how to reduce resistance?
  • How to control and change emotions to reduce stress?

What is your experience with goals? Write a comment or book a clarity call https://calendly.com/d/cmnv-wnt-crv/30-minuten-besprechung for more information about my amazing 2-day seminar in the Europe Park or my 8-week coaching program “Upgrade your Results”. Learn what people let stuck and how you can support your team to achieve your goals in an easy and happy way.



PS. In 2024 there are 2 appointments for an internal leader or team event available. Be fast and save the seminar now, that you can achieve your goals without stress but with ease in 2025.



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