If Goal Setting Was Easy, We'd All Be Millionaires
Leslie Flowers
Blazing a Trail for the Business Leader | Leveraging the Laws of Achievement and Timeless Success Principles to Create the Aha Moment for Leaders and Drive Their Professional and Personal Transformation.
After a 14-year stint and deep dive into the mechanics of the principles of success in Napoleon Hill's classic, Think and Grow Rich more than ninety times, One thing I know for sure is this:
"If Goal Setting was easy, we'd all be millionaires." Leslie Flowers
With 100 million sales it is the most popular personal development book of all time. This classic actually contains the very process that Dr. Hill's research showed through twenty years of research and interviews with over 10,000 people, to set and achieve goals ... with consistency and predictability.
I have unraveled the 21st century Secret to this kind of achievement ... and Why everyone isn't a millionaire! Right? It's all right there in black and white and has been for more than one hundred years.
If you know this work even fairly well, you recognize that a very large percentage of today's personal development greats use this book as the foundation of their own programs. THEY DOVE IN! And they are millionaires.
They studied, rather than 'read.' They wanted ... yet were also Willing to stick with it. We all want, yet are we Willing to go the distance? And what does that take?
The Secret to consistent achievement was missing in a simple format. People were not willing with today's lack of focus, or desire, to Study and practice beyond reading Think and Grow Rich, once, let alone twice. "Even a goldfish can focus for eight seconds," a friend always says.
So, while Dr. Hill gathered in his classic all the 'principles of success' in one place (they weren't new, simply spread out over 5,000 years of recorded history), which I believe makes him the 20th century's greatest reporter. There was no simple List of Conclusions for Achievement that one could simply 'check off' when setting goals!
My clients wanted that and needed it. With some 15,000 hours of study and teaching, seven books, and countless of training masterminds, we now have "the 12 Golden Rules of Results."
We are willing, yes ... yet not quite 'that' willing to spend years to learn to do this. My clients now have a checklist, along with several other proprietary concepts that assure more than 90 percent probability of achieving goals every quarter, year after year.
My mavenZmind (mastermind) clients have set and achieved more than 900 quarterly goals since mid 2013, using this simple checklist with consistent and predictable achievement, time after time after time.
It allows theme to live a life filled with wealth, health and happiness. I don't see these as goals; rather as the mindset on the way to each goal.
I introduce three proprietary concepts in my quarterly 5-day Art of Results masterclass, live June 21-25, 1-2 pm et, LIVE, free, hi touch, lo tech, recorded with workbook. One you know them and how they work, along with what you already know, be Ready and Expect your dreams to come true.
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