Goal Setting
Avik Dutta
Writing is my hobby and talking is What I do for living! An absent minded professor!
Goal Setting for larger organization and motivating individuals does have become a complex task these days.
As each and every individual have their own goal and to align that with the organization goal is complex task anyhow!
The process that I follow is Keeping things simple.
Let me explain accordingly so that you can have a better overview of the situation:-
In my high school days I was in a school which was not categorized in the niche category! I used skip the classes as I didn't like the class environment.
However I used to study at home by myself only. (Self Study)
During the exam time I used to set goals for myself that 'If I give the exam which is self satisfactory then only I will give myself a treat'.
And there was a punishment too! 'If I don't give exam according to my satisfaction then I used skip the evening snacks'.
Same applied When I entered the Corporate (Corrupted) sector!
I still gift myself a gift and do buy gift for my niece When I deliver according to my expectation.
'Sometimes I fail, Sometimes I do well and Sometimes I reach beyond my expectation!'
Now does come the organization alignment part!
If I am working on left process oriented organization then I do train my brain according to that!
It's all about delivering consumer What they are looking for!
The conflict arises When I try to introduce my own right brain (creative brain) to work. As I am firm believer that
'If you do the same thing you will get the same result'
'If I see the doors closed then I also see the window which is open! By which I can reach my goal'
'It's not about taking the same path everyday and reaching the destination.(It's boring) It's about taking different paths everyday to reach the same destination.'
Now how to align left and right brain?
It's simple colors are numbers! (Confused?)
(7 colors and 7 numbers)
If you balance it accordingly then we all can be 'ambidextrous'! (However that's a very difficult job!)
So you need to climb the ladder and take one step at a time to reach the top.
If you look down then if you are scared of heights (acrophobia) and their are people to pull your leg so that you can't climb up!
Their is a rope (hope) Always remember that!
Jump and grab the rope and go on the top of the next ladder.
Be Unique be Thought provoking be Innovative be Empathetic and that's how leaders grow!
You need to UNTIE your previous bonding sometimes! So you can build new bonding!
You need to UNLEARN your previous learning sometimes! So that you can learn new things!
Keep on reading!
Keep on inspiring people!
And let people think, say Whatever they want!