Goal GETTING! Not Just Goal Setting...
David Hepburn Jr
Is your business where you want it to be now? Did you know that you could "Close The Gap" in 90 days? Message me and let's start closing the gap from where you are now to where you want to be!
Thursday, December 7th, 2pm MT on Zoom "Goal Getting" webinar.
Did you know that less than 8% of people create goals to accomplish their work? Less than 8%, wow!
Are you part of the 8% or the 92%?
I talk to business owners all the time and when I ask them where their goals are, a lot say "Oh, I keep them in my head." I don't know about you, there's so much going on in my head I would not be able to keep them straight and know when I am supposed to be working on this or that.
The big challenge for most people is that they fear setting a big goal because they might not make it. With thinking like that, guess what? They're RIGHT!! There is an old saying, "Shoot for the moon, if you don't make it, at least you are among the stars." Most people won't even shoot for the moon. They are too busy looking at all the obstacles.
Did you know there is a guaranteed way to get your goals? I'm not talking about losing weight, getting taller or making to the NFL. I'm talking about your business goals.
See the problem is that many people set their goals and then just start working on them, not laying out a plan to reach them. That is the key to GETTING any goal. Laying out a plan to reach that goal.
Join us Thursday December 7th, one week from today and learn the steps to GET every goal you set! Goal GETTING! (Click this)
Don't let the future just happen to you, create your future!!
95% of your success or failure depends on the beliefs you have about yourself and what you can do.
Thanks for reading and "see" you next Thursday!
Continued Success