Go for Your Everything

Go for Your Everything

In To ERE is Human, I offered up on the notion of "everything requires everything". I do humbly recommend the read and reflect. That said, how do we best discern and decide on the everything we truly seek? In part it is indeed and in deed about exploring Purpose. But, I suggest that it is ultimately about exploring our own best sense of Character, Purpose and Unity within and without. If we are to say good-bye to the SOSO...

Goodbye SOSO

... if we are to forge a life that has meaning and Purpose, with joyful Excellence...

The Virtue of Excellence

... then we need consider Character and Unity, as well as Purpose. By the way, this is the second special edition of Aim High in two days, and I promise it will be monthly forward, lol... but I thought it valuable to share these thoughts on going after your Everything.

Character Matters

I suggest Character plays a role because our own sense of Character helps define what and who matters most to us. Temperaments are perspectives on Character, if you think about it...

... and if there are 8 billion and counting people on the planet (and there are), then there are 8 billion and counting shades of Temperament. The 5 Pillars of Temperament noted above are in us all to varying degrees, if you will. Our Temperament is essentially driven by the Virtues to which we most hold true. With that in heart and mind, our task is to best and most clearly determine our own Code of Character....

... and what strengths of Character (Virtues) are core to who we are. This will help define and determine what our own sense of Service and Just Cause might be ... as most important to us. For example, if your core Virtues are Discernment and Perceptiveness and Understanding then Purpose around exploration might be most important to you. If your core Virtues are Caring, Compassion and Kindness. then Service in the helping professions might be. Character fit is important in determining best Purpose in Service.

The Virtue of Service

Unity Matters

Unity does not limit itself to bringing people together. It is integral to the Universe, when we think about it. And, Unity within is about Congruence...

Congruence from www.virtuesmatter.org

... and its practice. When we believe, think, feel, say and act in alignment, we are practicing Congruence, and an internal Unity. If we have a better and more clear sense of our best and core Character, and can then think, speak and act in accordance; well, that is powerful stuff. And when we can bring that Character and Unity to an aligned Purpose, wow.

The Virtue of Purposefulness


For me, my Core Four Virtues are:

This does not mean they are the only ones I value. I value them all, in practice. That said, these are the Core Four of who I am, and they find a welcoming home in my work and the study of Character, Purpose and Unity and The Humanity Map in Service to those I best serve. And, The Power of Character fascinates me, fully engaging my personal sense and practice of Honor, Love, Unity and Zeal. It is what I write on and it is why I humbly but assertively claim that I am a "Strength Coach, Speaker and Educator helping nobilize leadership, mobilize mission and humanize culture." I am The Unity Guy, at core, by spirit. So, I ask that you consider...

  • What is your best sense of Character? Identify and claim your core Virtues of Being and Doing. Identify the Virtues that make you tick and that drive you in the most healthy of ways. Name them to claim them.

100 Funky Cool Virtues

  • What do those Virtues look like for you? What would they look like in thought, words and action, aligned? Get palpably clear on that.

The Practice of Congruence from www.virtuesmatter.org

  • What Purpose would be best served by that Countenance and Gait of Character and Unity? What needs of the world or your corner of it might best be served thusly? Explore that Purpose. I am reminded that Frederick Buechner once said, “Vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world's deep need." Finding that meeting place is quite cool.

Get clear on that. Invest in yourself on that. Do it for your organization at school, work, business or community. Do it for a better future for us all.

Go for your Everything... and Aim High.

Justice, Peace and Unity...

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

The Unity Guy at Epic Engage

Here are some other offerings to possibly consider...

Body of Work
Humans Together Strong
Rock 118
The Unity Guy


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