Go Woke, Go Broke, A Confused Arrogant, Certain, and Defensive White Guy

Go Woke, Go Broke, A Confused Arrogant, Certain, and Defensive White Guy

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

— Martin Luther King Jr. 


The water on top of the mountain is some of the best water I’ve ever tasted. I have a large YETI container that I fill with ice each morning, get water from the fridge, and fill it up. I have a few of these while working; hydration is paramount, especially where we live. If and when you visit our mountain top chalet, make sure you taste the water.


Well, good morning, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and others. How are you this morning or whenever you find these golden words of nonsense? My friend Deb reached out a couple of days ago and shared some information about South Dakota; it was new information to me; I appreciate it when a reader takes the time to understand an issue or topic in a kind manner. She said, “you seem angry?” I smiled; I’m about the happiest fellow you will meet today; I’m puzzled by a few things going on, but that does not anger me; I’m more of a state of confusion.


As an example of my confusion, the be less white initiative has begun. I’ll use Newsweek as my source; they seem pretty reliable these days. Per Newsweek

“Coca-Cola, facing mounting backlash from conservatives online, has responded to allegations of anti-white rhetoric after an internal whistleblower leaked screenshots of diversity training materials that encourage staff to “try to be less white.”

On Friday, Karlyn Borysenko, an activist who supports banning critical race theory, shared images from an internal whistleblower of its online racism training. The slides included tips to learners on how to be “less white, less arrogant, less certain, less defensive, less ignorant and more humble.”

“In the U.S. and other Western nations, white people are socialized to feel that they are inherently superior because they are white,” one of the slides read. “Research shows that by age 3 to 4, children understand that it is better to be white.”

Well, I was not aware that being white meant to live with arrogance and confidence. I think this is racist. I think calling out people for the color of their skin is racist. How about we judge people on their characteristics and not the color of their skin. The basis for the equal rights amendment was to treat all equally, not putting one class below another?


I think my friend Martin Luther King gave a speech where he talked about his children not being judged on their skin color but their character. Does this not apply to my race? Is it now in vogue to point to white people and say be less of what you are? 


I think diversity training does little to combat racism. If anything, it makes people angry that they are subjected to mistruths and blanketed statements about who they are. Our firm will not be using any diversity training; we are about as rainbow as you can get having all flavors, colors, and creeds filling our bench of equal individuals.


I find it a little funny Newsweek calls out conservatives for their calling out of Coca-Cola. I have many liberal friends that think this is a big bag of bullshit. This attack on white people is not a conservative or liberal thing, it’s a woke thing, and I’m not a fan of the woke folk. Woke folks think it OK for men to compete in women’s sports. That, to me, is insane. 


The “Woke” wants equity, not equality. So what is the difference? A quick Google search provides the following: Equality: What’s the Difference? Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.

I support those that are marginalized; I help folks that are in need. I think it is society’s role to help those suppressed get a leg up, but this is not the government’s role. Is it OK to encourage Coke to train their employees to be less white? Of course, but my Diet Coke choice was changed after reading the story. I’ll never drink another Coke product; I think Pepsi has some good stuff; I’m going to cancel Coke in my life, and I believe I am not alone.

The statement about kids at 3 or 4 understanding being white is better is pure unadulterated bull shit. Have you ever watched kids play? They don’t’ care about their friend’s color; they are happy to have a black, red, yellow, or white friend. The current narrative is the U.S.A. is nothing but a racist collection of racist people doing racist things, which is offensive. 


If a white person states, “I’m not racist,” they are deemed racist. If a white woman writes a book about how white people are the key to helping others out, we have to recognize our faults that not our gifts are deemed, best-selling author and hero. I liken the plight of the disadvantaged to that of my white woman partner. She entered a male-dominated industry and kicked ass. No one helped her; she fought, kicked, and screamed and now co-owns a very successful small business.


There was no equity for her, no extra free passes to get to the front of the line based on her sex. A few years ago, we filed to be a WBE in Indiana. That’s a designation that allows us preferred treatment because our firm is majority-owned by a person with a vagina. As of the writings of these words, we have yet to play this card. Instead, we decided to be excellent and use our minds and culture to attract our clients’ type. We don’t’ care what color they are as long as they are not an asshole.


Well, well, did I get you? Are you angry, frustrated, concerned with my thoughts and ideas? Someone has to push back on the insanity of these days.  I have many friends that support the idea that white folks are fragile, and we need to be reeducated about our want for success; I smile at them and they return the smile with a snarky comment that I am a white supremacist.  The problem with calling everyone racist is that no one is racist. I don’t know a racist, but if I did, I think they are enjoying this new tactic created to divide and not support unity. Come on, folks, we are better than this.


“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

— Martin Luther King Jr. 


A busnesses primary number one goal is to please there customers and make money, everything else is secondary.



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