Go for a Three Pointer Champ!
Padmanaban Solaimalai
Digital Transformation| Program Management |Agile Coach |Sports Enthusiast
My coach Mr.Bently says, "go for a 3 pointer", when we look for a lead, that way we leap the game with good score and improve the momentum of the game. My coach is a rare combination of enthusiasm,empathy and pinch of toughness.
Likewise, in communication we look for 3 pointers before we speak, to whom do we speak, how to speak and when to speak. You might be wondering the real content isn't included here, that is amalgamated outcome when the 3 pointers are well thought and pondered.
The buzz word in the business world is public speaking and presentation skill after the corporate epoch. Well within the business ambiance we are made to believe that the presentation and delivery is the key, seldom realizing that the delivery is the translation of the feeling. The persuasiveness comes naturally when we are inclined towards the actuality.
All these resolves to effective communication which is in most case considered to be public speaking. No wonder public speaking is an art and it can be tamed. Now it is virtuous to remember that effective private or personal speaking is also very imperative to be a happiness champion.
Every human has a tone and timbre of calmness that suites the natural ambiance and the intent. Now let us think that our audience is the dear ones. Do we reserve the same genuineness and sincerity to communicate with them? Complacency is a huge problem in relationships nowadays. Most people don't see it because it disguises itself in the form of contentedness and sophistication. You're only doing enough to maintain relationship, enough isn’t enough to make your relationship better and stronger. Ambushing is an issue across tea table conversation, the reality is, in most cases sound boarding is healthier than talking. We tend to impress the dear ones with the persuasive speaking style, the kind of coaching we get from the public speaking. Inversely playing it loud when the listener is deaf with their thoughts is an offbeat jingle.
We tend to impress the dear ones with the persuasive speaking style, the kind of coaching we get from the public speaking. Inversely playing it loud when the listener is deaf with their thoughts is an offbeat jingle.
Now it is time to connect the sketch, the three pointers in the game of basketball which is situational, becomes a leap for the game and aid the teammates to induce positive hope and winning streak. A three-pointer is made with focus considering the purpose, body balance with momentum and follow through with fallback. Invariably, the effective personal talk should elevate relationship to next level, build trust to share the confidences and chat happiness to seek clarity. This three-pointer is genuinely charming dear one with the way we converse with them. How many 3 pointers you made today?
#ScribebyCoachGrovin #Gofor3pointer #EffectivePersonalSpeaking