Go with Nature’s flow
Trying to get your child to eat fruit and all you get is a full tantrum treatment? ??Sounds very familiar to us.
Thankfully, there are other options. Juices, especially the freshly squeezed ones are an easy and effective way to add more nutrients to your child’s diet – without having to look at an oh-so-grumpy face. Alternatively packaged juices are also a great option, but here’s where you need to be careful.
Most fruit juices that are sold commercially are heat treated, contain high amounts of sugar and additives. This is so they can last longer on supermarket shelves. In the process, their nutritional value gets seriously compromised.
At Originz, our goal is to always provide you with a healthy, wholesome and honest option – exactly as Nature intended.
Our range of kids-friendly juices is 100% Organic; it has ZERO ADDED SUGAR, no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors. They are a simple, balanced mix of organic fruit juice and water. Available in colorful packs that fit snugly into any lunchbox, our Originz juices are designed to bring a smile to your child’s face.