go MiLes: Learning technology through sharing series (Vol 2)

go MiLes: Learning technology through sharing series (Vol 2)

Alembic — Data migration basics

by Akash Chandrasekar

Alembic is a popular database migration tool for Python applications. It provides several benefits and advantages, making it an excellent choice for managing database schema changes and version control. Here are?some of the key benefits of using Alembic:

1.?Database Schema Version Control:?

Alembic allows you to version-control your database schema. Each database migration is recorded as a separate version, making it easy to track changes and roll back to previous versions if needed.

2.?Database Migration Management:?

Alembic simplifies managing database migrations. It can automatically generate migration scripts based on changes in your SQLAlchemy models, saving you from manually writing SQL migration scripts.

3.?Idempotent Migrations:?

Alembic generates idempotent migrations, which means you can apply the same migration multiple times without causing issues or data duplication.

4.?Support for Multiple Database Engines:?

Alembic is compatible with various database engines, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and more. This flexibility allows you to work with different databases seamlessly.

5.?Simplified Schema Evolution:?

With Alembic, you can quickly evolve your database schema without losing data or requiring complex manual operations.

6.?Rollback Support:?

Alembic provides a straightforward way to roll back migrations, allowing you to revert to a previous database state if needed.

7.?Testing and Continuous Integration:?

Alembic integrates well with testing frameworks and continuous integration tools. You can apply migrations automatically during deployment or testing processes.

8.?Collaboration and Teamwork:?

Version-controlled migrations make it easier for multiple developers to work on the same project and apply database changes efficiently.

9.?Integrates with SQLAlchemy:?

If your application uses SQLAlchemy as the ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library, Alembic seamlessly integrates with it, leveraging your existing SQLAlchemy models to generate migrations.

10.?Reproducibility and Consistency:?

Database migrations generated by Alembic are reproducible and consistent across environments, ensuring that your development, staging, and production databases are in sync.

11.?Automated Generation of Migration Scripts:?

Alembic can automatically generate migration scripts based on the changes made to your SQLAlchemy models, reducing the chance of human error in writing migration scripts manually.

First five steps to set up and check its version:

Step 1: Create Alembic Configuration File

Create a file named alembic.ini in your project directory to store the Alembic configuration settings. This file will define the database connection URI and other configurations.

An example alembic.ini file content:

# alembic.ini


?script_location = Alembic

?sqlalchemy.url = driver://user:password@localhost/dbname

Replace driver, user, password, localhost, and dbname with your database connection details.

Step 2: Create Alembic Environment Directory

Create a Alembic directory to hold Alembic migration scripts and versions in your project directory.

Run the following command in the terminal or command prompt “alembic init alembic”

Step 3: Modify the Alembic Configuration

Open the newly created alembic/env.py file and locate the run_migrations_online() function.

Modify the function to use the configuration from the alembic.ini file:

from alembic import context

? ? ? ? ? ??from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config, pool

? ? ? ? ? ??from logging.config import fileConfig


? ? ? ? ? ??# ...


? ? ? ? ? ??def run_migrations_online():

? ? ? ? ? ?# ...


? ? ? ? ? ?connectable = engine_from_config(

? ? ? ? ? ?config.get_section(config.config_ini_section),

? ? ? ? ??prefix='sqlalchemy.',

? ? ? ? ??poolclass=pool.NullPool,

? ? ? ? ? ?)


? ? ? ? ? ? ?# ...

Step 4: Generate an Initial Migration

To generate an initial migration, run the following command in the terminal or command prompt:

alembic revision — autogenerate -m “initial”

This command generates an initial migration script based on the current state of your database schema.

Step 5: Apply the Initial Migration

To apply the initial migration and create the database tables, run the following command:

alembic upgrade head

This command executes the migration scripts and updates the database schema to the latest version.

To check the Alembic version, run the following command:

alembic — version

This will display the current version of Alembic installed in your Python environment.

With these steps, you have set up Alembic in your project and performed the initial migration. You are now ready to manage your database schema changes using Alembic effectively.

Version Control Integration with Alembic:

1. What is Version Control Integration?

?Version control allows tracking and managing changes to code and database schema. Alembic integrates seamlessly with version control systems for streamlined collaboration.

2. Benefits of Version Control Integration

  • Traceable history of database schema changes.
  • Easy collaboration and teamwork.
  • Rollback to previous schema versions.
  • Avoid conflicts during simultaneous changes.

3. Alembic and Git Integration

  • Alembic supports Git, the popular distributed version control system.
  • Database migration scripts become part of your Git repository.
  • Collaborate with team members, review changes, and resolve conflicts.

4. Versioning Migration Scripts

  • Each migration script represents a database schema version.
  • Use descriptive names for migration scripts (e.g., “add_users_table”).
  • Avoid changing committed migration scripts to maintain consistency.

5. Best Practices for Version Control Integration

  • Commit migration scripts separately from application code changes.
  • Use meaningful commit messages for clarity and documentation.
  • Create feature branches for complex schema changes.

6. Collaborative Workflow

  • Pull the latest changes from the repository before running migrations.
  • Coordinate with team members to avoid conflicts.
  • Review and approve migrations through pull requests.

[Include relevant visuals or icons to illustrate the integration process.]

Version control integration ensures a smooth and organized development process, making managing and tracking database schema changes easier while working collaboratively with your team.

[Add any concluding remarks or call-to-action if applicable.]

Note:?Customize the slide design, colour scheme, and content to align with your presentation’s overall style and context. Visual elements can enhance understanding and engagement, so use graphics or flowcharts to illustrate the version control integration workflow.

Alembic commands:?


?| Command | Description |


?| branches | Show current branch points. |

?| check | Check if revision command with autogenerate has pending upgrade ops. |

?| current | Display the current revision for a database. |

?| downgrade | Revert to a previous version. |

?| edit | Edit revision script(s) using $EDITOR. |

?| ensure_version | Create the alembic version table if it doesn't exist already. |

?| heads | Show current available heads in the script directory. |

?| history | List changeset scripts in chronological order. |

?| init | Initialize a new scripts directory. |

?| list_templates | List available templates. |

?| merge | Merge two revisions together. Creates a new migration file. |

?| revision | Create a new revision file. |

?| show | Show the revision(s) denoted by the given symbol. |

?| stamp | 'stamp' the revision table with the given revision; don't run any migrations. |

?| upgrade | Upgrade to a later version. |


Overall, Alembic simplifies the process of managing database schema changes, enhances team collaboration, and ensures the consistency and reliability of your database migrations. It is a powerful tool that saves time and effort in handling the complexities of evolving your application’s database schema over time.

Introduction to Model Garden?

by Sriya B

Model Garden is a central repository of pre-trained machine learning models on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It provides a single place to search, discover, and interact with various models from Google and Google partners.??

Model Garden is trained on various datasets and can be used for multiple tasks, such as image classification, natural language processing, and machine translation. They are also regularly updated with new models and features.?

Benefits of using Model Garden?

  1. Speed: Model Garden can help you save time by providing pre-trained models ready to use.?
  2. Accuracy: The models in Model Garden are trained on large datasets and are known to be accurate.?
  3. Reliability: The models in Model Garden are regularly updated and maintained by Google.?

Cost-effectiveness: Model Garden can help you save money by providing a cost-effective way to access machine learning models.?

How to find models in Model Garden???

  1. Task: You can search for models by the task that they are designed to perform, such as image classification, natural language processing, or machine translation.?
  2. Dataset: You can search for models that are trained on a specific dataset, such as ImageNet or GLUE.?
  3. Model type: You can search for models by their type, such as foundation models, task-specific models, or APIs.?
  4. Language: You can search for available models in a specific language.??

How to use models in Model Garden?

  1. Using models directly: You can use models directly by calling their APIs. This is the simplest way to use models, but it requires some knowledge of machine learning.?
  2. Tuning models in Generative AI Studio: Generative AI Studio is a cloud-based IDE that makes it easy to tune pre-trained models. You can use Generative AI Studio to adjust the hyperparameters of a model to improve its performance.?
  3. Deploying models to a data science notebook: You can deploy models to a data science notebook to use them to make predictions. This is a good option if you want to use a model to develop a custom application.?

What are the different types of models available in Model Garden??

The models in Model Garden are divided into three main categories:?

  1. Foundation models: These are general-purpose models that can be used for various tasks. For example, the BERT model can be used for natural language understanding tasks, such as text classification and question answering.?
  2. Task-specific models: These models are designed for specific tasks, such as image classification or machine translation. For example, the ResNet model is a popular image classification model, and the T5 model is a popular machine translation model.?
  3. APIs: These are models that are exposed as APIs. You can use these APIs to make predictions or to get information about the model. For example, the Google Cloud Natural Language API can be used to get the sentiment of a piece of text.?

How do you use Model Garden to accelerate your machine-learning projects??

  1. By providing pre-trained models ready to use, Model Garden can save you time and effort.?
  2. By offering a variety of ways to use and evaluate models, Model Garden can help you choose the suitable model for your application.?

By providing tools for tuning and deploying models, Model Garden can help you improve the performance of your models.?

How to evaluate models in Model Garden?

  1. Model evaluation: You can use the model evaluation feature to compare the performance of different models. This can help you choose the best model for your application.?
  2. Model monitoring: You can use the model monitoring feature to track the performance of a model over time. This can help you identify problems with the model and take corrective action.?

What are the plans for Model Garden??

Google is constantly working to improve Model Garden. Some of the plans for Model Garden include:?

  1. Adding more models to the repository.?
  2. Improving the documentation for the models.?
  3. Adding more tools for using and evaluating models.?
  4. Making it easier to deploy models to production.?


Model Garden is a powerful tool that can help you accelerate your machine-learning projects. It provides a wide variety of pre-trained models that are ready to use, and it offers a variety of ways to use and evaluate models.?

Buzzing Intelligence:

Bee Colony Optimization in Data Science?

by Vigneshwar K R


One technique that stands out from the rest in optimization algorithms is Bee Colony Optimization (BCO). Inspired by the collective behaviour of honeybees, BCO offers a unique approach to solving complex problems. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of BCO, its principles, and how it can be applied to various domains.?

Understanding Bee Colony Optimization?

BCO is a metaheuristic algorithm designed to solve optimization problems by mimicking the foraging behaviour of honeybees. Like bees in a colony, BCO uses the power of collective intelligence to find the best possible solutions.??

How it Works?

The Bee Life Cycle?

BCO emulates the lifecycle of a honeybee colony. The lifecycle consists of three types of bees: employed, onlooker, and scout bees.?

Employed Bees:?Employed bees are the worker bees that actively search for food sources. Each employed bee explores a specific solution and performs a local search nearby.?

Onlooker Bees:?Onlooker bees observe the employed bees and decide which solution to focus on based on the quality of the information provided by the employed bees. These bees allocate more visits to better solutions, thereby exploiting the most promising areas of the solution space.?

Scout Bees:?Scout bees play a crucial role in exploration. If an employed bee exhausts all possible improvements for its solution, it becomes a scout bee. Scout bees venture into unexplored regions, introducing diversity and preventing the algorithm from stagnating.??

The Bee Dance?

Bees communicate through a series of dance movements in the hive. Similarly, in BCO, bees exchange information by sharing the quality and location of their solutions. This communication allows bees to converge towards the best available solution collectively.??

Applications of BCO?

Efficiency:?BCO is known for its efficiency in finding optimal solutions. By utilizing the collective intelligence of a group of bees, BCO explores multiple solutions simultaneously, allowing for parallel and distributed search. This parallelism speeds up the search process and increases the chances of finding the best solution efficiently.?

Robustness:?The decentralized nature of BCO makes it robust and adaptable to complex and dynamic problem scenarios. The algorithm is designed to handle uncertainties and variations in the problem space. If the quality of a solution degrades or the problem changes, BCO can quickly adjust and explore alternative solutions, avoiding potential pitfalls that could hinder other optimization algorithms.?

Global Optimization:?BCO excels at finding global optima, the best possible solutions in the entire search space. Unlike some local optimization techniques that might get stuck in suboptimal solutions, BCO's intelligent exploration strategy, driven by employed bees and scout bees, promotes the search for better solutions, enabling the algorithm to converge towards global optima.?

Adaptability:?BCO's adaptive nature allows it to navigate various problem types and domains. The algorithm can handle optimization problems with different objectives and constraints, making it a versatile tool for solving many real-world situations. BCO can be easily customized and extended to fit specific problem requirements, enhancing its adaptability.??

Nature-Inspired Intuition:?BCO draws inspiration from the behaviour of honeybees and their collective problem-solving strategies. BCO taps into the wisdom of millions of years of evolution by emulating nature. This intuitive understanding of natural systems enhances the algorithm's ability to find efficient and effective solutions, making it a unique approach compared to traditional optimization techniques.?

Real-World Applicability:?BCO has shown promising results in various applications, including but not limited to logistics and transportation, data clustering, job shop scheduling, and resource allocation. Its efficiency, robustness, and ability to find global optima make it well-suited for addressing real-world optimization challenges. By leveraging BCO, businesses and organizations can optimize their processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency.?

Challenges and Limitations?

While Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) is a robust optimization algorithm, it is essential to acknowledge its challenges and limitations.??

Parameter Tuning:?BCO requires careful parameter tuning to obtain optimal results. The number of employed bees, onlooker bees, and scout bees, as well as the size of the search space, need to be determined experimentally.?

Convergence Speed:?Although BCO is known for its efficiency, the convergence speed can vary depending on the complexity of the problem at hand. Some issues may require more iterations to reach optimal solutions.?

Sensitivity to Initial Conditions:?BCO's performance can be sensitive to the initial conditions or solutions. Slight variations in the starting configurations can affect the algorithm's ability to find the global optima.?

Limited Scalability:?BCO's performance deteriorates as the problem size increases. It may need help solving high-dimensional and large-scale problems, where the search space becomes exponentially large.?

Extensions and Variations

BCO has given rise to several extensions and variations to address its limitations and adapt to specific problem domains. Some notable variations include:?

Artificial Bee Colony (ABC):?ABC extends BCO by incorporating adaptive learning mechanisms and additional heuristics, enhancing the algorithm's performance and versatility.??

Dynamic BCO:?Dynamic BCO adapts the algorithm to handle dynamic optimization problems, where the problem characteristics or constraints change over time.?

Memetic BCO:?Memetic BCO combines BCO with local search algorithms to exploit local search capabilities during the exploration process, improving overall efficiency.?

Parallel BCO:?Parallel BCO utilizes parallel computing techniques to enhance the algorithm's efficiency and scalability, allowing for faster convergence and handling larger problem sizes.?


Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) offers a unique and nature-inspired approach to optimization problems. While it has challenges and limitations, researchers continue exploring variations and extensions to overcome them and improve performance. By leveraging the collective intelligence and communication strategies of honeybees, BCO has the potential to solve complex optimization problems efficiently and effectively. With further research and advancements, BCO can continue to be a valuable tool in various domains, helping us solve real-world problems with nature's secret to efficient problem-solving.?

Power of Microsoft Silverlight:

Crafting Immersive Web Experiences?

by Ajeethkumar N


In the dynamic landscape of web development, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Microsoft Silverlight, a remarkable tool for creating and delivering captivating Internet applications and media experiences, has emerged as a game-changer. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of Silverlight, exploring its capabilities, advantages over HTML5, and evolution from a streaming media platform to a versatile framework for creating immersive web content.?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???

The Essence of Microsoft Silverlight:?

Microsoft Silverlight is more than just a technology; it's a bridge to a world of engaging web applications and interactive media experiences. This powerful tool enables developers to go beyond the limitations of traditional web technologies and create rich, dynamic content that captivates users. From multimedia to graphics, animation, and more, Silverlight has evolved to be a comprehensive platform.?

A Leap Beyond HTML5 and Single-Page Applications:?

While HTML5 and single-page applications have their merits, Silverlight takes the concept of web interactivity to a new level. It offers better speed, enhanced capabilities, and a streamlined development process. The robust features of Silverlight make it an ideal choice for applications that require a higher degree of interactivity and dynamic content.?

Evolution through Versions: From Streaming Media to Multimedia Marvel:?

  • The journey of Silverlight began with a focus on streaming media, offering a smoother experience for video content delivery. However, as it evolved, it expanded its horizons to encompass multimedia, graphics, and animation.??

This evolution was complemented by extended support for developers, including compatibility with CLI languages and development tools. Silverlight became a platform where creativity knows no bounds.?

High-Quality Interactive Video Experiences:?

  • One of Silverlight's standout features is its ability to deliver high-quality interactive video experiences. Whether it's live streaming or on-demand content, Silverlight ensures a seamless experience across multiple formats.?
  • Additionally, it provides robust content protection mechanisms, safeguarding valuable intellectual property while offering users an exceptional viewing experience.

Empowering Business Applications: Rich, Cross-Platform Interactivity:?

  • Silverlight 5 introduced a new era of business applications, enhancing user experiences by offering deeper interactivity.??
  • Developers can leverage their existing skills and tools to create applications that work consistently across various operating systems and browsers. This alleviates the challenges of cross-platform deployment, making Silverlight an efficient choice for modern businesses.?

A Touch of Innovation: Windows Phone Marketplace Integration:?

  • The touch-centric era called for innovation, and Silverlight answered that call by enabling the creation of touch-based applications. Developers familiar with the tools can rapidly build interactive apps that are distributed through the Windows Phone Marketplace.??
  • This integration showcases Silverlight's adaptability to evolving technologies and user preferences.?


  • Microsoft Silverlight has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of web development. Its evolution from a streaming media platform to a comprehensive framework for creating immersive web experiences underscores its versatility and adaptability.?
  • As web technologies continue to evolve, Silverlight's legacy lives on, reminding us that pushing the boundaries of interactivity and media delivery is an ongoing journey. Embrace the power of Silverlight and unlock the potential to create captivating online ventures that resonate with users meaningfully.?

Open Source Alternative

Kickstart Linux

by Satish G

Are you tired of the constraints and limitations of traditional operating systems? Do you yearn for an environment that grants you unparalleled control over your digital world? Look no further than Linux – the open-source powerhouse redefining how we interact with technology. In this blog, we'll delve into the captivating realm of Linux and explore how its remarkable advantages are transforming the computing landscape.?

From the unbridled freedom of open-source architecture to the elegance of a user interface that rivals even the most polished systems, Linux has captured the hearts and minds of countless enthusiasts, developers, and businesses worldwide. Let us first go through the advantages and disadvantages of Linux?

Advantages of Using Linux:?

  • Open Source: Linux is an open-source operating system allowing users to freely access and modify its source code.?
  • Customizability: Linux offers a high level of customization, enabling users to tailor their operating system to their preferences.?
  • Stability and Performance: Linux is known for its stability and efficient performance, making it suitable for personal and professional use.?
  • Security: Linux is renowned for its robust security features, reducing the risk of malware and other cyber threats.?
  • Powerful Command-Line Tools: Linux provides robust command-line tools that empower users to perform advanced tasks and automate processes.?
  • Strong Community Support: The Linux community is vast and active, offering valuable assistance, troubleshooting, and resources to users.?
  • Server Dominance: Many servers worldwide run on Linux due to its reliability and scalability.?
  • Abundance of Free Software: Linux provides access to a wide range of free and open-source software, saving users from licensing costs.?
  • User-Friendly Interface: Linux distributions offer user-friendly interfaces, with some resembling the aesthetics and usability of macOS.?

Disadvantages of Using Linux:?

  • Learning Curve: Transitioning to Linux might require a learning curve, especially for those accustomed to other operating systems.?
  • Software Compatibility: Some specialized or proprietary software might not have Linux versions available, limiting your options.?
  • Hardware Compatibility (Drivers): Although hardware support has improved, specific hardware components might lack proper drivers on Linux.?
  • Gaming Support: While gaming on Linux has improved, not all games are natively supported, potentially limiting your gaming experience.?
  • Fragmentation: The diverse range of Linux distributions can lead to fragmentation, making standardising experiences across different systems harder.?

These points highlight some challenges users might face when considering Linux as their operating system. It's important to weigh these disadvantages against the advantages to make an informed decision that suits your needs and preferences.?

List of alternative software for various sectors in Linux, categorized by industry:?

Office Productivity:?

  • Microsoft Office: Alternative - LibreOffice (Writer, Calc, Impress, etc.)?
  • Microsoft OneNote: Alternative - Joplin, CherryTree?
  • Adobe Acrobat: Alternative - Okular, Evince?

Software Development (IDEs):?

  • Visual Studio: Alternative - Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Atom?
  • IntelliJ IDEA: Alternative - PyCharm, NetBeans?
  • Xcode (macOS): Alternative - Code::Blocks, Qt Creator?

Graphic Design:?

  • Adobe Photoshop: Alternative - GIMP, Krita?
  • Adobe Illustrator: Alternative - Inkscape?
  • CorelDRAW: Alternative - Vectr?

Audio and Video Editing:?

  • Adobe Premiere Pro: Alternative - DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive?
  • Adobe Audition: Alternative - Audacity?
  • Final Cut Pro (macOS): Alternative - Lightworks, Shotcut?

Web Browsers:?

  • Google Chrome: Alternative - Mozilla Firefox, Chromium?
  • Microsoft Edge: Available natively on Linux as Microsoft Edge for Linux?

Email Clients:?

  • Microsoft Outlook: Alternative - Thunderbird, Evolution?

Media Players:?

  • Windows Media Player: Alternative - VLC Media Player, Clementine?
  • iTunes (macOS): Alternative - Rhythmbox, Amarok?

File Compression:?

  • WinRAR: Alternative - PeaZip, File Roller (built-in)?


  • VMware Workstation: Alternative - VirtualBox, KVM/QEMU?

CAD Software:?

  • AutoCAD: Alternative - FreeCAD, LibreCAD?

Financial Software:?

  • Quicken: Alternative - GnuCash, HomeBank?


  • Evernote: Alternative - Simplenote, Zim?

Remember that while these alternatives offer similar functionality, there might be differences in features and user experience. Exploring these alternatives to find the ones that best match your requirements and preferences is a good idea.?


Some of the popular distros to get started with Linux?

Transition to Linux?

Transitioning to Linux from your familiar Windows environment might seem daunting, but fear not – we've broken down the process into manageable steps. You can choose the most suitable transition level depending on your comfort level and goals. Let's explore the four levels: Virtual Machines, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Docker, and Dual Boot, and provide a step-by-step guide for each.?

1. Virtual Machines: Exploring Safely?

Virtual machines (VMs) offer a risk-free way to experience Linux within your Windows setup. Here's how to get started:?

  • Choose Virtualization Software: Download and install software like VirtualBox or VMware on your Windows system.?
  • Select a Linux Distribution: Download an ISO image of your preferred Linux distribution, such as Ubuntu, Fedora, or Linux Mint.?
  • Create a Virtual Machine: Use your virtualization software to create a new virtual machine. During setup, allocate resources like memory and storage space.?
  • Install Linux: Attach the downloaded ISO image to the virtual machine and boot from it. Follow the Linux installation process within the VM.?
  • Explore Linux: Launch the virtual machine and explore Linux within a window on your Windows desktop. You can switch between the two systems seamlessly.?

2. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): Bridging the Gap?

For a more integrated Linux experience on your Windows system, WSL is a great choice:?

  • Enable WSL: Open PowerShell as an administrator and run the command to enable WSL: wsl --install.?
  • Choose a Linux Distribution: Install your preferred Linux distribution from the Microsoft Store (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian).?
  • Initialize WSL: Launch your chosen distribution from the Start menu. Follow the setup instructions to create a user and password.?
  • Enjoy Linux Commands: You can now run Linux commands directly in the Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell.?

3. Docker: Containerized Flexibility?

Docker allows you to run Linux-based applications in isolated containers within your Windows environment:?

  • Install Docker Desktop:?Download and install Docker Desktop for Windows from the Docker website.?
  • Pull a Linux Image:?Open Docker Desktop, pull a Linux-based image (e.g., Ubuntu), and create a container from it.?
  • Run Applications:?Launch and interact with the Linux containerized applications using Docker commands.?

4. Dual Boot: A Full Linux Experience?

If you're ready for a more immersive Linux journey, consider dual booting:?

  • Backup Your Data: Before you start, ensure all your important data is backed up.?
  • Partition Your Hard Drive: Use Windows' built-in Disk Management tool to shrink your existing partition and create space for Linux.?
  • Install Linux: Boot from a USB or DVD containing your chosen Linux distribution and install it on the newly created partition.?
  • Choose the Operating System: After installation, your computer will prompt you to choose between Windows and Linux during startup.?

Remember, each transition level has its advantages and considerations. Start with a story that matches your comfort level and gradually move towards a fuller Linux experience as you become more familiar with the system. Whichever path you choose, the Linux community is here to support you on your journey to open-source freedom!



