Go Long
?? Seth David ??
?? "I bring systems, strategy, and subscription-model mastery to the table. Let’s eat!"
I don’t know much about American Football. I’ve never had the patience to sit and watch sports on TV. I’ll go to any sporting event live - that’s fun to me, but watching it on TV is a big fat NOPE!
But I know enough to know what “go long” means.?
It means if you can complete a long pass, you can cover more yards. It’s a much more efficient way to score a touchdown.?
When it comes to running your business you can apply a very similar methodology and this is what I see emerging now more than ever for small businesses.?
Go Long.
Transmission vs retrieval.
Understanding these concepts are the essence of how to get out of the paradox of needing to free up time when you don't have time to do the things that will help free up time.
You change your thinking.
The first step in this is to ask yourself, “what is the worst thing that would happen if you dropped a few balls in the short term to pick up more balls in the long run?”
In most cases I've found that the consequences of falling a little behind are not that severe, especially when I consider that once I do get laser focused on something I can catch it up and get ahead of it pretty quickly.
So if I blow off work today, to focus on my systems, knowing this will improve everything I do, it's worth it.
This is what Going Long means.
I'm trading what might be faster in the moment in exchange for what will make everything more efficient in the future.
Transmission vs retrieval means the same thing.
Do I just want to write up and answer and send it off in an email?
Or should I write it up in a document that I can store in a place that will be easy to reference in the future?
Then I can link to it over and over again.
This is trading what's faster now for what will be repeatedly faster in the future.
It’s the difference between advancing 4 yards or 25 yards.
If you’re stuck in the paradox of not having time to change things so you can have more time, you are probably going short much more often than going long.
Does your inbox still have 100’s or even 1,000’s of emails in it?
Are you waiting to find the time to label it by sender?
Here’s a pro tip - it is already labeled exactly how you need it. With the “from” email address. Nine times out of ten when you search for it later it will be based on who sent it. The other 1 time will likely be based on something in the subject line.?
Do this right now. You will thank me for it later.
Filter your inbox for anything more than 30 days old.?
Select all.
Archive it.
Archive all of that $#&!
It will be there in a search if you really do need it, but if it is in your inbox from over 30 days ago it is probably no longer relevant and likely only represents something you my need to reference at some point in the future.
Spending time labeling emails is a perfect example of spending time keeping busy in the moment doing something that isn’t going to help you do anything faster in the future.
Not when you have powerful search capabilities.
Then with what remains, you have one of three options with respect to each one:
Reply now (if it will take less than two minutes).
Archive (because it is just something you may need to reference later).
Defer (because it represents a larger task that you need to complete.?
You should also delete the junk mail. I do this first, actually.
Each morning I select all of the unread emails.
Then I uncheck the ones I want to keep and review.
Then everything else gets deleted in a click while they are all still selected.
For the emails you defer, you should forward them into a system you can trust where you can turn them into a task that you can work on, and then quickly click back to the now archived email so you can reply when you are ready to.
ClickUp’s browser extension is GREAT for emails.
But I use Notion, which does not have a good system for forwarding emails, so I came up with this workaround for now.
I went into the weeds just there so you could see some concrete examples of what I am talking about.?
Now it’s up to you to look around your entire situation and see every version of this possible. Where are you trading time in the future for time in the moment?
Pay attention to what you are doing throughout the day.?
Ask yourself, is this something that will be useful to reference later?
I would not have been able to articulate it this way at the time, but this is how I started my YouTube channel which then accidentally put me on the map in the accounting industry as a trainer.?
I realized I was spending a lot of time explaining the same things over and over in emails, and LinkedIN groups where I would regularly answer questions.?
So I started making videos that I could simply link to in order to answer QuickBooks questions, instead of sending a wall of text!
It was both faster for me in the long run, and much more effective for the recipients as well.
A FAQ page on your website is great, but a FAQ page with screenshots and videos is 1000x better. The latter takes more work, but guess where people will want to go for answers first?
I can blow off researching a small difference on a company’s bank rec and that will save me time in the moment.?
But do you know how much MORE time it saves me in the long run when I know that we never plug a single difference no matter how small??
This means there is no possible way a transaction is missing, which means I know I can search for and find it, and if necessary reclassify it.?
This gives me a hell of a foundation to stand on when I am talking to a client and they are wondering where a particular transaction is. All I need is the exact amount and I can find it in 30 seconds.
Is it worth it to take the time now to start playing with ChatGPT and learn and then improve ways to use it to get things done more efficiently?
I would say so.
Many of you will say you don’t have time for that now and the irony is that doing this is exactly the kind of thing that will buy you back time.
Should you save yourself the hour or two of walking up and down searching the aisles of your local supermarket in exchange for the fees you pay to have that stuff delivered?
I think so! Your time is likely much more valuable than that, whether you use that time to spend with family, or you get more work done.
As you start your week this week, put a reminder in your calendar or wherever you know you will check first thing every day.
Remind yourself to pay attention to what you are doing throughout the day and ask yourself, “how can I trade what I am doing to save time in the moment, for what will save me much more time in the future?”
How can you “Go Long” this week?
Reply and comment below with your questions or ideas!
Let’s have this conversation and see how many people we can help this week!