Gary DeFinis, L.P.I., SRP
CEO at Philadelphia Surveillance Company (215)-338-3303 Post Office Box 39287, Philadelphia, PA 19136 LICENSED PA
The primary factor influencing my limited engagement in domestic investigations is their inherent complexity, emotional weight, and potential for drama and chaos. Additionally, such cases can occasionally pose safety risks. In the earlier stages of my career, I was more inclined to accept these cases due to financial obligations, youthful bravado, and a strong desire to assist individuals facing various challenges.
I took on a domestic case involving a woman experiencing a tumultuous breakup with her husband. She shared numerous details about his manipulative and potentially dangerous behavior, expressing her deep-seated belief that he was having an affair. She was determined to gather evidence of him with another woman, particularly since she suspected he was introducing a new partner into their home after her departure. Consequently, I agreed to undertake the assignment.
Upon arriving near the marital residence, I observed that the location offered an ideal vantage point from the closest cross street, facilitating effective surveillance. I could park in various spots along the street while maintaining a clear view of the driveway, front window, and both entry doors. The property featured one door leading to the basement or garage and another with steps on the side. Although parking options were somewhat limited, I managed to secure a suitable position for my observations.
Upon my arrival, I was unaware that the husband was actively monitoring both his residence and my actions. He had positioned himself on the street, observing my arrival, parking, and subsequent setup for surveillance. Shortly after, an unidentified individual left his home, entered a personal vehicle, and drove away, prompting me to follow. However, I soon realized that I was being pursued aggressively by another vehicle, which was tailgating me dangerously close. This situation escalated as both vehicles began to follow me, creating a heightened sense of fear. Consequently, I resolved to employ my advanced driving skills to evade the pursuit.
I accelerated rapidly, weaving through the streets with sharp turns in an effort to evade my pursuers, who remained relentlessly close behind. Anxiety began to creep in, yet I maintained a belief that I could outmaneuver them if the right moment presented itself. After approximately seven minutes, I managed to shake off one of the following vehicles, but the other continued to trail me until I found myself cornered in a cul-de-sac. The pursuing car obstructed the entrance, positioning itself directly opposite mine, headlights glaring. The situation demanded immediate strategic thinking and precise execution.
I recalled that a powerful spotlight was in the back seat, intended for illuminating deer at night. I retrieved the light and connected it to a power source. Aiming it out the window, I inadvertently dazzle blinded the other driver as I advanced toward him. I skillfully navigated through a narrow gap between his vehicle and the curb, successfully evading him. This brief moment of disorientation allowed me to escape unharmed as I completely disappeared from the area.