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The holy life is a moral struggle, and it is not meant to fool around and deceive people or earn wealth in the name of religion or make a name and fame, and then lead a luxurious life as a parasite on other's money.

Basically, the Holy life is to control the body, purify the mind, calm it and make it still, and develop detachment from worldly enticement, possessions, relatives, and relationships so that the Sadhu or the holy man attains Moksha the ultimate objective of spiritual life.

Therefore, the Holy man is attached only to the ‘Soul’ and not to his body. Yet, it is difficult for him to maintain his physical body without the use of worldly goods. So, the holy man has to disengage himself from the ‘Maya’ and like a bee collect alms and take small portions of food to sustain his body. Need and not greed is the divine path of simple living and high thinking.

According to Vedic Parampara, a Sadhu must renounce the world, leave his home, and dwell like a hermit in a cave, forest, Himalayas, temples, or ashrams, and must not stay at one place for long, he should keep moving from one place to another or else he will develop an ‘Inflated Ego’ take pride in material possessions, brag the number of disciples and showcase palatial ashrams.

In the present scenario, the Godman has relegated the real and genuine ‘Holy Man’ to the background.

Today, the ‘Godman’ is a Holy Man, he is a wealth generator, a capital fundraiser of his companies. He projects himself as a commercial entrepreneur of religion, clothed in holy robes, with a well-kempt beard and tidily trimmed hairdo, displayed as, a distinct brand identity.

Even after 1000 years of long embarrassment, the audacity to disgrace ancient Vedic culture continues, and it has not ended. What a shame. When will Hindus wake up from their slavish slumber???


The word Godman was first recorded in 1550 to define a demigod. Nowadays, Godman?is used as a?colloquial term for a charismatic Guru, who is raised to the pedestal of a demigod by their cult following. They have a high-profile presence and attract attention and support from large sections of society.?They claim to possess paranormal?powers, such as the ability to heal, the ability to see or influence future events, the ability to read minds, etc.

In India, the 'Himalayas' was called the abode of Gods. Mystics who had risen from this ascetic order were seasoned and competent to show the right path to worldly people, unlike the present-day charlatans, who in the garb of self-proclaimed Gurus and Swamis shamelessly mislead innocent and trusting people with their smooth talk, holy robes, hairdos, matted locks, shaven heads, and by coloring their whiskers and beards.

All these are deceptions to deceive the world. What more proof do people need to know, how the charlatans look and behave?

The greatest exploiters of religion are the self-styled Godman. In India, they call themselves by many self-bestowed titles like Guru, Swami, Mystic, Baba, Bapu, Bhagwan, Brahmachari, Maharishi, Sadguru, and so on. There is never a shortage of charlatans in any religion, but in India, they are available dime a dozen in all seasons. They wear a robe, grow a beard and support a hairdo as a trademark, and use religion to build their credibility, character, and capital.

The Godman is a part of the Indian social system, a product of the indigenous ‘Religion-God-Factory’, this is a worrying social ill, indeed. These conmen have assumed the position of psychiatrist or counselor or father figure, and misled people, by claiming to have the panacea of all problems.

As a result, the simpletons who genuinely seek happiness go astray between the tussle of the ‘Cheaters’ and the ‘Cheated’. In India, there are a thousand charlatans available for every honest man in search of God. Therefore, Godliness should not be left to the whims of bearded anchorites, who claim to know the truth. Most are clever psychologists, whose wisdom is no deeper than a puddle.


Religions rest on the foundation of lies and not on reason so the self-proclaimed Godman conveniently promises supernatural blessings thru his divine powers, he offers hope to ward off all the hardships of life, fears, uncertainties, helplessness, and hopelessness, increases their bank balance, enhances power, gives promotions, fame and so forth, whatever one can figure out, in exchange of money, and by total surrender to him, without daring to question his nefarious designs.

Religions allow sufficient space for these dubious characters to fill in. Their sole purpose is fraud and not a selfless service to mankind. There is a vacuum in everyone’s life so something always seems to be missing. Misplaced faith can lead people to believe an uneducated con man in the garb of a holy robe is a supernatural being. This is where, the wonder of the weird, called Godman enters. The ignorant see him as a special person with divine powers. But, in fact, he is a charlatan preying on human fears and helplessness, promising solutions at a cost, by trading false beliefs and superstitions as a balm for comfort.

When people are dissatisfied with their lives, they need to believe in something that can relieve their frustrations and depression. That’s when the Godman gives them hope and offers divine blessings as placebos. Blind faith and trust defy all reasons so people believe in what the Godman says and accept as true the dream he promises to manifest to fulfill their worldly ambitions.

Successful people are the most vulnerable of all. They fear failure because they cannot handle losing their material possessions and position. That’s why they believe in all sorts of superstitions, amulets, gemstones, and astrology, hoping to stay intact where they are and to assuage, the Godman gives them, the 'Hope' to face the insecurities and uncertainties of life. Life is full of suffering. Countless desires remain unfulfilled, even when life comes to an end hurriedly.

With ‘Hope’ life is less tormenting or tragic, and becomes an optimistic pursuit that can lead people to a higher level of understanding, beyond the reality of the world. The Godman claims to hold the key to the door that gives access to this higher reality that is full of miracles, and which offers happiness and bliss, this dream stuff is sold to the highest bidder. That’s why in India the rich donate huge money to a Godman, and not as genuine offerings in places of worship, for free education, medicines, housing, etc. to uplift the poor. How foolish they are.?The godman is a social status of the rich. The human attraction towards magic and miracles does go far on complex celestial causes, this is sheer stupidity.

The Godman exists because of people’s faith in his power as a healer and not to gain knowledge of holy scriptures or spiritual wisdom, even though the Godman doesn’t know about it. In the religious marketplace, there is a gang of Godmen, each marketing a different brand of divine solutions. They offer quick-fix solutions to all problems. They offer the manna for the mind, balm for the body, and salvation for the soul, and help their brainless and dim-witted followers achieve all that they desire like, money, women, status, mansions, fame, position, etc., which is the most stupid game plan, indeed.

Many Godmen mesmerize, and manipulate the minds of their followers, rob their wealth, and ruin them financially and emotionally. Many have been caught by the camera performing simple magic tricks with the sleight of hand, claiming it as a miracle. The followers of Godmen are pretentious and suffer mental disorders because of pursuing foolish teachings taught to them by the Godmen. When these followers realize their stupidity, then they find it too hard, to face reality, and thus take the route of escapism, drinking alcohol or taking drugs, and consequently ruin their future.

Today, there are many rogues, masquerading as masters, who intentionally freeze the freethinking of followers. They jolly well know, it’s difficult for the followers, to tell the difference between the real and the false teacher, in this state of mind followers are time and again deceived easily by the Godman. Conman under the garb of Holy men is now a part of our social system, and this is very worrisome indeed. They mislead naively and easy to fool people, to accept as true that their problems of life can be solved by their mumbo-jumbo. The troubled human mind accepts the Godman as the panacea for all human ills.

Godman sells hope to helpless followers as goods are sold in the bazaar of false beliefs and fake miracles. We live in a world of tricksters and the tricked. There are countless charlatans to have, for those who believe seeking others' blessings can magically transform their lifestyle, claiming to be in touch directly with God. No one can save a fool from his foolishness.?Godmen are clever psychologists who exploit human weaknesses, extract money from foolish followers, and live a comfortable life without earning it by their sweat and brow. Their followers shell out money to buy peace of mind, but in turn, they get more turbulence, more anguish, and suffer more than they did before.

Law should protect people from being misled by Godmen. Some Godmen own T.V. channels and business empires, one Godman appointed a Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers of a bizarre organization for global governance, and even printed currency notes to financial aid programs in developing countries. One wonders with such stupid pranks; Godmen can still manage to attract the elite and the intellectuals of society. God willing, his disciple is today a leading international Godman.


Godmen act as stress therapists, and to attract followers they use all types of entertainment like pimping, providing free sex, magic, music, pomp and show, drugs, yoga, breathing exercise, meditation, silky smooth discourses with a velvet voice, and singing hymns to relax their followers in the comfort of palatial fortress having the best amenities called ashram.

On a serious note, there are reports of frequent murders taking place in these ashrams on contract killing or at the behest of the Godman.??

Sex is for procreation, no training is required to perform sex, even animals do it instinctively but for perverts it’s pleasure. There are many philandering proxy pundits called Godman who urge their followers to have free sex to reach a state of super consciousness.

Tantric claims the power of Kundalini enables an individual to move sexual energy into spiritual channels. Honestly, all this garbage reduces the yogic union of the self with the divine to a distorted level. So, it is essential to set apart sex from spiritualism.

Sex has no role to play in our spiritual ascent.

We are surrounded by people who shape our emotions and actions. They use their rank and reputation to convince us to carry out their plan or program. They are the ‘OPINION-MAKERS’. They fuse knowledge, experience, personal charisma, and understanding of human issues. It is true, that opinion-makers and not bogus Godmen enjoy the admiration and emotional support of educated people.

Religious people spend their whole life with God's name on their lips and hardly feel the presence of God. In fact, the absence of God starts right from the time they begin to pray. Therefore, they live in a continuous state of spiritual pain till their death. Their tormented mind fails to find God, so they themselves doubt his existence. The Godman also lives with this deep-set discrepancy.

But, Godman as a con artist masquerades his personal and public demeanor to hoodwink people. Therefore, his discourses are engaged in verbal deception. He laughs and weeps as if his heart is in love with God. Being a hypocrite, he depicts self-contradictions. What he speaks is completely different from what he does. He lives in a distorted reality. Therefore, his deceit and ignorance are not conducive to spiritual growth both for him and his followers.

Godmen entice and entrap spiritual seekers. Goodman’s dangerous designs are not visible until it is too late. The Godman is after money and nothing else.

Spirituality isn’t dependent on the skills of salesmanship. But Godman is like a salesman and not a hermit, who cajoles and coerces innocent people by selling his ambiguous promises to them. A real Holy man does not preach for money, he lives a simple life. In other words, simple living and high thinking.

A lot of image building goes in superficially making a wolfish Godman look attractive, who demands donations from people, accepts expansive gifts, and lives a king-size luxurious life as a parasite on others hard earned money, he occupies decorated thrones in massive halls and reaches out to millions of viewers through television. He is a smooth talker, artificial, shallow, hypocritical, and inept to set his disciples free from suffering.

Yet, not only the gullible but even the elite engage Godman secretly to enhance their social standing, and politicians seek them stealthily as a vote bank. There is hardly any spiritual pursuit in these activities.

Myths are created to define the mystical.

All faiths proclaim Avatars, Prophets and even God will descend on earth from the sky to communicate directly with mankind. This is an ancient belief held closely by the followers of all religions. The Godman time and again try to fit into this ‘Gap’ to exploit the trusting believers. There are Godmen among us, who on the sly, bring disparaging deviation of ethics and spiritual wisdom, as a result, people start following their wicked and wrong ways. These shameless Godmen propagate a doctrine of their own and having entered a religious life they do not cease committing sins and drive others to commit sins. Even perfect murders are executed and victims burnt in their ashrams, the police shy to enter.?

Abstract religious concepts offer a plethora of opportunities to manipulate and deceive religious people. Godman uses this conceptual slide to slip, skate and skid the na?ve into a pit of darkness. Godmen have refined and finetuned the art of deception to its most wicked level, to deter people from the truth, and tame them to become obsessed with the Goodman’s fallaciousness. Criticism is stifled, protest is profane, and only praising the Godman is allowed. Under this protective shield, it is easy for an imposter to fabricate and spread a number of contradictory creeds and thus misleads easily trusting and innocent people.

Nowadays, the ‘Pop’ creed is becoming more and more a means of escape for the youth, who are disheartened by the religion forced upon them from birth. So, spiritual discourses and meditation have become a default replacement, working as institutional support systems like counseling centers. The world should support social processes by popularizing universal spiritual values through State machinery rather than by ‘Retreating Religions’ or by ‘Goons as Godman’.

Recently, a Godman used laughing gas to infuse happiness and laughter on the sad faces of his depressed disciples, and a Godman loved to perform magic tricks rather than preach the doctrine of divinity. Illusorily, the Goodman’s hairdos, facial hair, beard, whiskers, and dress code is a trademark, and not his cut-and-paste copied teachings, picked up randomly, from here and there without understanding, yet, a Godman’s words create an impact on a dumb audience. This baffles the common man who fails to reconcile such sheer stupidity.

‘Meditation’ and ‘Yoga’ not only serve as relaxation exercises but it paves the way to higher levels of consciousness. Godman as a deceitful dodger has made meditation and yoga look cumbersome and tedious to justify the money he stealthily extracts from his disciples, otherwise, it is a set of simplistic exercises, which can be learned from any trainer, but the Godman sinisterly makes a big business turnover out of it so cunningly.

We cannot allow the Godman to belittle Vedic philosophy and heritage anymore. We need a ‘Regulatory Authority’ to deal with the Godman with stringent laws.

Why corrective measures are not being taken?

Why State rules are not set up to enforce punitive action on those who under the grab of a holy man con simply innocent and trusting people?

When will the State wake up from its self-induced slumber to deal with this serious social problem?


An amulet or a locket or any magical charm cannot ward off our misfortunes. These are false and superstitious practices; people should not pay attention to them. The alchemists, the magicians, the sorcerers, the wizards, and the Godman are cheats. People, society, State, and its rules and regulations should expel and eliminate them from our social system.

Godman’s crooked knowledge and corrupt conduct bring misery to the life of innocent people economically, mentally, and physically. As people are gullible so they are vulnerable. The Godman blatantly plays on the gullibility of innocent and trusting people. Therefore, the Godman should neither be trusted nor served.

Godman put on a show to stage virtue, actually, they hardly practice any virtue themselves and cheat others in the name of virtue. They are greedy, deceitful and show-offs, such wicked people must be considered rouges, rascals, and rapists. If their followers do a reality check, they can easily find out the criminal and unethical acts of the Godman they blindly follow.?

A mere glimpse of the Godman or just being in his presence is considered not only holy by his devotees but is sufficient to fulfill their worldly wishes too. Such lies cunningly circulated by the paid gang of chela’s hired by the Godman, who spread false reports that the Godman is the storehouse of divine energy, so just being in his company, or by his mere sight on the devotee, can remove all problems, unburden all sorrows, and rejuvenate the devotee with joy and bliss.

In terms of verbal communication, the Godman is essentially an eloquent, fluent, and fine orator, who speaks with a sweet honey tongue, and wears a mask of virtue over a crafty and corrupt mind, which dwells on dirt, diverting and defiling truth and wisdom of Vedic sages. Followers trust the Godman but the Godman himself is full of mistrust.

Godmen are often wealthy and live luxurious life because they know how to trade faith profitably as a commercial enterprise. They drill the minds of innocent people stressing their teachings are the panacea of life and that they are the Godsend custodian of their destiny.

The conventional conditioning by religions and the culture of silence on religious matters make their wicked ploy work easily, and the fools follow and serve them like slaves. Religious matters should not be protected at the risk of being cheated by a Godman. People go through the process of refutation before they can expose the Godman. Therefore, public awareness is required.

Personal efforts are vital in the pursuit of self-realization. Many spiritual seekers go to the Godman for guidance, but his teaching does not satisfy them, and their search to find a sagacious Guru goes in vain. They may read books, reflect on them, and relate to suggestions, but eventually on the path of self-realization, one has to walk alone like a rhino. There is no guru-disciple involvement on this path.

It is said that a Godman is a trickster who sits by the river bank selling water in plastic bottles. Anybody can go directly to the river and fetch water without going to the Godman. This analogy suggests that the seeker has to walk alone on the spiritual path to attain self-realization.

When the spiritual urge grows, ever so often, a seeker tends to knock on the door of a Godman. Once in his cult and commune, carried by the created hype, he starts revering and obeying the Godman. Sooner or later, he realizes the buildup of covert activities, contrary to what is being preached. He gives up being fooled and realizes that one should follow his own self-paved path, rather than seek any external assistance and outside authority.

Sex, money, murder, and other scandals are linked with the Godmen. They are the biggest liars, thieves, and bullies, hiding under the cloak of a holy man, who manages multimillion-dollar assets by trading religion.

Godman cheats on people. They are lazy at leisure, they are chronic sex addicts and uneducated good-for-nothing unemployed people, coming from disturbed families, who don the robe as rogues to extract money from the pockets of trusting people.

People should stop going to the Godman for his guidance and blessings.

Remember a real Holy man will never deceive people nor will he seek their favor nor will he mislead innocent people to earn name, fame, or money.


Godman creates psychic groups, which act like drugs on the dull and the dumb, fiddling to fraud them in its fold. They entice and entrap simple spiritual seekers by disturbing and dangerous means to pocket their money. Truth does not depend on salesmanship but Godman acts as a salesman using his ambiguous attitude. He clothes his disciples in unusual dresses, making them sit in strange postures and forcing them to surrender and submit to the Godman’s command.

Truth is not attained by strenuous efforts or by the stupid suggestions of a Godman, whom himself doesn’t know what truth is.

The uneducated and the unemployed with dubious backgrounds having little or no knowledge of religious scriptures think themselves fit enough to be a Godman. The Vedic sages did not preach for money, they spoke about renunciation, while today’s Godman is commercial and lustful, he forces people to give donations, and accept expansive gifts. He sits on a lavishly decorated throne placed in a huge auditorium and reaches out to his audience through television, as well.

It is fashionable among the ‘Indian Elite’ to have a Godman, who can enhance their social standing, even if, they have nothing to do with religion or spirituality.

It’s true, that Godman himself is not liberated, how less he can liberate others. The Godman is loud and shallow and spends a lot of time and money to build his image as a Godman, enabling him to be in the company of the cream of the crop and politicians in power, as birds of a feather flock together.

All popular Godmen of India have a dubious track record, clearly implying that only the shameless liars with criminal backgrounds qualify to be the best Godman.

Godman propagates false doctrines others believe, the gullible follow and gift their land and money and cause others to commit depravities with destructive deviation and thoughtlessly exploit people with false beliefs and superstitions.

Outwardly the Godman is in sheep’s clothing but inwardly he is a ravenous wolf.

Religious people are simple and naive so the Godman takes full advantage of this shortcoming. Even though the Godman himself is flawed, so he fumbles and fails, when exposed. Yet he churns out ready reckoners for God's Realization.

In addition, we have a clan of clerics, prelates, and pseudo-saints, who play havoc with the life of the believers. These men of God virtually sell religion. They have also devised queer ways of earning faith and loyalty from their followers and bullyingly warn from the podium, if, their devotees switch over to another Guru, then they should prepare to face the divine wrath.

Only wicked people become Godmen. Therefore deceitfulness, fraud, hypocrisy, irreligion, etc. obviously tends to increase. They hold mass gatherings and insist, if they are made the object of worship, only then a disciple can attain salvation, so if a disciple fails to serve the godman, he will go to hell.

Godman concocts cock and bull stories and simpletons believe, and are ensnared by their pretense, and thus are brought under his control.

The Godman should neither be trusted nor served.


Godman is an imposter he not only looks so much like a holy man but also pretends to be too holy, actually he is not. The main characteristics of a Godman are as under :

Godman displays virtue but he himself does not practice virtue, instead, he cheats on others in the name of virtue.

Godman is a covetous wretch, a deceitful person, one who brags of his greatness before others, one who bears malice to others, one who mixes with all kinds of men both good and bad, such a person is considered a crook.

Godman’s sole aim is to accomplish his selfish interest through fraud, unfairness, and pretense, so he persists in his obstinacy, even though, he knows he is wrong. He has a false demure and puts on a saintly appearance to deceive others.

Godman quotes from holy scriptures to convince people. Their real teaching does not lie in their words but in their personality. They are unable to hide their inner vibrations, penetrating people to discern the concealment under their mask.

Godman distorts the truth, casually his argument seems sound. Yet, we can easily sense in him, a strange agitation and unease, his eyes are restless and dull, his voice grates, his gait suggests inner turmoil and tension, and his posture indicates a state of mind centered not inward but, on the world around him. These signs manifest in their disciples too, who submit themselves to their influence and contradict what they outwardly endorse.

Godman prescribes acts of charity to their supporters and then appropriates the gifts themselves. A charming bangle or a locket cannot ward off evil nor do spells do it. So, it behooves all, to do away with all false and superstitious practices. The tricks of Godman are downright fraud, everyone should reject them.

When deceitful advantage is taken then that fraud becomes more wicked in the hands of an evil person disguised as Godman, who is full of sinister tricks and thrives by cheating trusting people by the eloquence of speech, and fluent and persuasive smooth talk. It is like some crafty, corrupt and bad minds undertaking goodness to sidetrack, leading it to discord and discontentment.

Even the enchanted ashrams of Godmen are full of suspicion.

Godman is wealthy and survives because religion is drilled into the mind of people from childhood, etching that religion alone is everything, the rest is nonsense.

This propagation is so effectively carried out that the psychologically troubled and trusting people become slaves of the Godman. Their hypocrisy is fed on the culture of silence and traditional conditioning. Religious values should be protected, but certainly not at the risk of being cheated.

Godmen fleece money. These swindlers are good-for-nothing unemployed conmen, who extract hard-earned money, from the pockets of innocent people.

The world salutes money and success. Therefore, in the rat race, when people meet failure, they take shelter from Godman, who fully exploits and extorts money from them. People should stop going to Godman for assistance. They should stop being fooled. External authority can never help or enrich their spirit. People must cultivate self-reliance step by step like an ant gradually raises an ant hill.

Human self-effort is crucial in the quest for knowledge.

Buddha had gone to the sages for guidance, alas their teaching did not satisfy him. Even Gandhi writes in his biography he could not find a person he could enthrone in his heart as his Guru. So, he read books, pondered over them, and applied suggestions to his life, that appealed to him.

Ultimately, in the final stages of the path, we walk alone. So, walk alone like a rhino, as there is no mentor-guide association.

Spirituality is nameless.

Selfish people blinded by self-interest mistake diabolical deeds for good actions, they are not alive to their true selves, so they begin to look upon Godman like a shepherd who treats his disciples like sheep.

It is only when there is no law to punish Godman, such frauds have become so rampant. The state should enforce the law to curb ‘Religious Frauds’ perpetrated by a Godman on innocent, easy-to-fool, and trusting people.

Politicians and media trivialize this problem.

Politicians do so for votes and the Media for money. we need a ‘Regulatory Authority’ to deal with the problem of deception under the grab of religion with stringent laws, or else, the gullible will continue to fall into the trap of Godmen. Unless corrective measures are not taken this social ill will continue unabated.

The State should introduce suitable legislation and enforce punitive action against the fake holy man known as the Godman.


Let us all accept religion is a philosophy, and philosophy is a branch of knowledge taught in educational institutions as any other subject listed in the syllabus.

Teachers in schools or professors in universities do not stick to any peculiar dress code or any particular hairdo to teach physics or philosophy.

The self-proclaimed Gurus and swamis are unqualified teachers of religion, so why do they need typical paraphernalia to teach religion?

Isn't it true that only professionals are allowed to wear distinctive dress for people to spot them as a doctor in a hospital or a lawyer in court?

Similarly, people identify the wearer of ‘Holy Robes’ as a religious person mistakenly, even if, he is a rogue.

This is how phony pretenders trade faith deceitfully, under the cover of holy robes, they rob the gullible and lead a luxurious life as parasites on the earnings of the faith-followers.

Religion is a lucrative business for shameless liars and cheats. Even people with mental disorders do well, without any risk, and make a fortune, in the business of religion, a trait clearly visible in most Godman.

Then why the government allows these scoundrels to live on tax-free benefits?

They are the black sheep who are contaminating the ethics of Vedic heritage, with their turncoat theatrics, memorized and mechanical, repetitive and routine oratory. This is a social evil.

Law must take strict action against Godmen so that no one dares to befool innocent people anymore in the future.

Now, the time has come, when a spiritual seeker will walk 'Alone' on his self-chosen, individual spiritual path, without seeking the help of Gods, priests, mullahs, pundits, gurus, baba, or any self-proclaimed godman, prayers or chanting, or visiting places of worship, or reading holy books or scriptures, or performing rituals or offering sacrifices or following false religious beliefs or dogmas or superstitions with blind faith.

I’m not a mystic or a philosopher, nor a wise man or a foolish person, nor a theoretician or a theologian, nor a scholar or an illiterate, nor inferior or superior to an average person on the street.

I’m not a God-man or a con man. I’m a 'Common-man', and I’m a truth seeker who respects social norms and the rule of law.

None of the highly advertised Babas or Swami or Gurus, in any way, are to be regarded as spiritual leaders.

Only a common man among us is the one, people should look up to tag on.

The world cannot have a real spiritual teacher until people are ready for him. So, don’t disbelieve a common man who reminds the world, to at least read the message he wants to convey, or else people are themselves to be blamed for their delusion.

The only deliverance, the only escape is internal transformation, the change of one’s heart, only then peace and love will settle within and around.


The Godman is a crafty cheat, a self-proclaimed sage attired in holy robes, commonly known as Swami, Guru, Baba, Sadguru, etc. They live in luxury mansions called ashrams.

These pseudo-sages are a growing tribe in India, this is not good for the revival of Sanatan Dharm in its unspoiled form.?

The amount of wealth and the number of followers of a Godman determine his status and power, this is against our ‘ Sadhu Parampara ’.

A Godman lacks formal spiritual teaching, so he picks up spiritual ideas from here, and without understanding them, he juggles with words, superficially he projects himself as a spiritual teacher, but in secret, he excels in the art of deceiving people.

Since it's quite easy to cheat a stupid crowd so thriving on the financial support of the mass isn’t a difficult task for them to manage.

India is changing, therefore, we cannot allow our ‘ Vedic Heritage ’ to be sabotaged by the charlatans, we have to end, the pestering perception of these imposters.

The real sage will not pretend but prefers to remain ordinary as one among all, and not as somebody but as a nobody.

Just for the sake of care and caution, it would be in the fitness of things to narrate a story for consideration, which is as under :

Once Upali, the millionaire approached Buddha and was so pleased with the Buddha’s exposition of the Dhamma that he instantly expressed his desire to become his follower.

But Buddha advised him, saying :?

"O Upali make a thorough investigation. It is well for a distinguished man like you to make a full investigation."

Hearing this, Upali was overwhelmed with joy at this unexpected utterance of the Buddha and said :

"Lord, if I had become a follower of any other teacher, his followers would have taken me round the streets in a procession, proclaiming that a millionaire had embraced their teacher. But Lord, you advise me to investigate further. The more pleased am I with your advice."

It is true that :

The Buddha always emphasized, it is important to gain ‘Right Understanding’ and advised that no one should impulsively rush into becoming a follower of any Swami, Guru, Baba, or Sadguru.

One should take enough time to decide, ask appropriate questions to clear doubts, have a proper investigation done with full facts, and then judiciously take the right decision.

Or else it is prudent to stay away from the Godman.



Donald Chalmers

Independent Writing and Editing Professional

2 年

Thanks Suresh, it seems that we agree on much, since I've long held such thoughts, though have not expressed them so vehemently, since I also recognise some good amongst the bad. Yes, I agree with your conclusion, that "The real sage will not pretend, he prefers to remain ordinary as one among all, and not as somebody but as a nobody". But to remove the sexism, we surely should remove your reference to "he" (alone) and replace it with "but" in that sentence. For wherever possible, we should use universal language to describe universal concepts, surely ?

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