Go GenieMo - Digital Citizen 4.0
James Edward Marks
Honorary Fellow :// CreaTech Co-Creator :// Immersive Arts Maker :// Experience Designer :// Nomadic Detective :// Renegade Economist ://
"It might feel fresh from a sci-fi film, but the technology is available, affordable, accessible & sector-relevant." Jisc
It's been a beyond bootstrapped magic flying carpet 10 day trip, floating on the ever more complex work life vs art life waves. A trip that has seen our third way vision and team work shine through with the 'PlayLa.bZ - GenieMo' launch of our DIY open source multi-dimensional motion arts capture & spatial social video broadcast toolkit - at the Tate Modern & Digifest - Digital Citizen 4.0.
"Don't commute - communicate!" Arthur C. Clarke
“The digital campus is a live demonstration of present and future technologies that we believe can be harnessed by the education sector within the next ten years.” Benjamin Goodway, @Jisc Creative & Multimedia Lead
"Exciting things happening #TateExchange this week! Drop-in free to experience immersive technologies creating a whole new kind of theatrical space ? " Tate