Go From Worrier To Warrior.........
Larry Davis
I help Real Estate Professionals emotionally protect themselves from stress, worry, negativity thereby improving relationships, increasing happiness, performance & career satisfaction.
Larry Davis’s Worry Tip #1?
From Worrier to Warrior
Let’s be honest, worry gets a bad rap.
?For all the fuss and drama, there’s nothing inherently wrong with worry, per se. The only problem with a worried mind is that it’s not finishing its job.
?You see, the worry trap is simply a matter of limited thinking. Your mind identifies a threat and starts computing of all the ways that the threat might impact you. From a problem-solving perspective, this is great! After all, until you understand the potential impact of a problem, you won’t have much motivation to solve it.
?However, once you’ve identified a problem and its potential impact, the next step is to start finding solutions.
?Here’s a quick formula to help you escape the worry rut and get back in action, fast.
?1.?????What is right about this situation?
This is a VERY important first step. One part of your brain is already lit up with “problems.” So, in order to get your “solution” brain parts working, you have to flip the switch by looking for what’s already right.
2.?????What is wrong here?
Okay, NOW you can let your brain freak out, but just a little. What’s not working? What are you afraid of? Get as specific as you can to identify the real, core threat. It might help to write this part down, so that it’s out in front of you, where you can see it clearly.
?Then ask yourself, is this really true? Is this fearful outcome likely? It might just be your mind playing tricks on you. However, if it is true and likely, proceed to #3.
?3.?????How can I solve this problem?
Try to identify ALL the potential solutions. Again, write them down so that you can see them laid out clearly. Then identify ONE THING that you can do RIGHT NOW to bring about one of these solutions. What is one, clear action that will tip the scales toward a sound resolution?
?Then go do that thing.
?The archetype of the warrior is present in every culture, and always seen as powerful. This is because the warrior does what needs to be done to restore order.
?Become a warrior to eliminate worry and protect your peace of mind.
?Hope you enjoyed this Worry Tip #1.?Let me know what you think below.