Go Forth and Roll
To the uneducated onlooker, it’s just a smooth, flat, manicured lawn that smugly exudes with the woft of establishmentarianism.
To some, it’s a green “Bermuda Rectangle” just waiting to surreptitiously unleash a variety of random and mysterious challenges to those that don’t respect its hidden subtleties.
But, for those privileged few that are in the know, it’s a potential thought forum that continually challenges even the sharpest and most experienced mind.
Those that confidently grace its grassy surface are willing to accept the supreme contest that demands continual innovation. They are happy to relish a victory when truly deserved, and these esteemed individuals marvel at the astonishing personal learnings derived from the experience.
These sporting gladiators are equipped with an array of colourful Henselite bowls, some fortunate enough to embellish the esteemed and coveted MCC emblem. Their feet are adorned with the requisite flat soled shoes in smooth respect for the turf, and to ensure no annoying groove indentations that may upset the grassy equilibrium. In their trouser pocket, a small white towel dangles precariously awaiting just the right moment to dab the beads of stress induced perspiration from the player’s forehead, and to lovingly wipe any foreign matter from their spherical hand held implement.
In response, the cunning and mindful lawn calls on the prevailing climatic conditions to spontaneously muster up a sporting environment that contains all the random seasonal elements; wind, rain, sun, shadows, even the occasional swooping magpie, with the strategic wicked intent of annoying the player.
Even the bowls, which should have a long term and an unquestionable loyalty to their owner, typically side with the lawn, and have an unpredictable bias that continually throws the frustrated bowler off guard.
The game is called lawn bowls, and one that is relished by many insightful men and women around the world.
So, if you are looking for a sport that demands a thoughtful and ongoing mindset of continual innovation, may you seek no further, as the answer has you literally standing on the green.
Yes, just go forth and roll!