"Go Fly A Kite" on 2-8
Michael Baughman C.P.
Baughman Wallcovering, Better Interiors and Exteriors with Wallcovering.
Bring childhood fun to life in your surroundings with images of fun and being out flying kites every February 8. For thousands of years people have flown kites for fun, relaxation, competition, science and the sheer fun of making one to fly. Here are kite image murals from Youth Center installed by Baughman Wallcovering. Go enjoy yourself on kite day and see the site: https://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/February/kiteflyingday.htm. To get a mural installed or see more installs by Baughman Wallcovering: https://baughmanwallcovering.com/contact-us.html, https://www.baughmanwallcovering.com/murals.html, and https://www.pinterest.com/baughmanwallcov/.
INSTALL: Murals by Baughman Wallcovering PHOTOS: Courtesy of Michael Baughman, C.P. #KiteFlyingDay