Go with the Flow
Unplug. Go within. Quiet the mind. Invite in the Creator / Source. Connect with your little genius. As you sit in silence and center yourself, open your mind to divine ideas, and inspiration. Feel the energy?
Familiar with the phrase “go with the flow?” I'm not suggesting that you sit back and do nothing; rather, I'm suggesting that you tap into energy flowing from the Universe.
What if I told you that if you trust the natural flow of life, you will no longer need to try so hard to make things happen?
"Stop resisting the circumstances which you have no control over. Focus on whatever you can do and do have control over instead. Learn to work with the flow of life."
~ Akiroq Brost
Rather than trying to force solutions, when we step into the “flow” of life, things happen effortlessly. We notice synchronicity in how pieces “happen” to come together.
Visualize your goals, be open to new ideas, and divine inspiration. Take actions towards your goals and steps in the direction of your dreams. Rise above the noise.
Be lifted to take inspired action.
Go with the flow.