"Go with the Flow"? Planning & Execution: Defining your Style

"Go with the Flow" Planning & Execution: Defining your Style

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” – Unknown

It seems a bit crazy to try and predict or plan for the future in business or in life.?If anything, the events of the past two plus years have shown us that life is absolutely unpredictable and the best laid plans can get obliterated in the blink of an eye.?Reflect back on your life for a moment and think of all the times you put a ton of energy into planning something, only for it never to happen the way you intended it to.??See what I mean?

With this said, the question arises as to how you approach the planning process for your business or for your career path?? How do you set goals, both short and long term, and then develop a course of action in order to achieve them? Or don't you?

There are a few ways to approach the planning and execution process, and it really depends on your experience and personality.?

  • Fluid - Go with the Flow:?Going with the flow is akin to being highly fluid and adaptable, like water.?You find the best path in that moment and redirect, depending on where circumstances dictate.?You might create a general concept of a plan that’s loosely formed, and from there you attempt to follow it but with it in mind that you’ll change as needed. In other words, there is no concrete plan … you take it as it comes.
  • Craft Putty - Build it, execute but re-stretch and form around as needed:?This method of planning is more rigorous.?There is energy and intention invested in the planning process, and it’s important for you to have a blueprint in which to follow.?However, you recognize the need to be flexible at times during the execution of the plan, and pivot in a different direction. A plan is in place, but it’s ‘malleable', like putty, and can be re-formed to match the circumstances.
  • Hardened Steel – Build it, Drive It and don’t Veer off Track:??The plan is ‘the word’, and veering off track is out of the question.?All available resources are invested in creating the plan and the execution is precise and unwavering.?Obstacles are meant to go through, not around, and the focus is on getting to the desired outcome (goal) without deviation from the plan.

In my experience with coaching CEO’s, Executives and business owners, it’s clear that successful people do focus on goal setting / planning and fall somewhere in between the spectrum of ‘Craft Putty’ and ‘Hardened Steel’.?Without exception, creating a strategic business plan or a blueprint for what the business will become and how it’ll get there is foundational to success.??Certainly, some people ‘wing it’ and get desirable results, but that’s the exception… not the rule.?Most successful leaders have a well-defined vision that’s clearly formed and communicated to their teams.?Then, depending on the culture, the plan is executed with either precision or with some level of flexibility.?Again, it all depends on leadership and culture.

Developing personal awareness as to how you approach planning and execution is important as it will reflect on the cultural values of your team, and your organization as a whole.?In other words, if you are a “Go with the Flow” leader, in all likelihood your team will adopt that same point of view of planning and execution.??

In the final analysis, it’s up to you to set the tone with the type of planning and execution your company will embrace.? Each method of planning / execution has its nuances and consequences, so be mindful of this, and keep an eye on it in order to make sure you’re moving steadily towards your goals.


Troy Jacobson is a leading Business Coach based in Tucson Arizona with clients throughout the United States who leverage his strategic planning and leadership training services. For more information, visit www.troyjacobson.com

Ira Feuerstein

Professional Speaker, Technology Consulting Expert, Digital Transformation Consultant, Lead Gen Specialist, Channel Leader, Visionary, CyberSecurity Expert - Helping Customers Procure Technology Services

2 年

Coach, thanks for sharing!? Fantastic post.

Douglas Crowe


2 年

Interesting Coach?thanks for sharing.



