Go With The Flow
This phrase is well said. Right now all of us are just going with the flow. It is easier and less stressful.
If you try to swim against the tide now, you will be tired soon and will start to drown. No one will be available near you to pull you out.
This is the time to take life slowly but it certainly won't do you good to just keep relaxing and not doing anything. Soon the ebb and flow will be regularized. If you are not tuned with work and other circumstances around you, you will not be able to join the stream again after things return to normal
Sometimes life throws you into fifth gear, and it moves very fast. you do not have time to sit back and think.
Before starting work from home for my staff, I sat down and jotted the points that I wanted to be covered. After sometime I became super excited and so the list went on very long.
But I controlled my excitement and decided the priorities. Once the three priorities were set, I planned the strategy on paper. Made a workable time table that the staff members would follow. Gave a timetable to the Coordinators and asked them to keep posting messages so that the staff would not get confused.
I just kept posting the encouraging phrases to help them perform better. Some of them had their phones on silent mode, Some did not switch on the internet frequently to check and respond, some responded once and then got busy with work assigned, etc.
But alas! On day two everyone was rewired with the new way of working and managing home and work from home!
As a leader be focused about what you want to achieve.
Determination is the next step.
Discussion with the lead people of the team is also required! This helps to eliminate a few snags which you might have overlooked. Also the comprehensiveness comes out clean and hence implementation is easier. Roadblocks if any surface and they can be dealt with.
Your FAITH in their ability will develop the confidence needed to carry out the work.
But EMPATHY will reign hearts and make the minds work!
"Empathy is finding the echoes of another person in yourself."-Mohsin Hamid
< What kills the spirit?
The members are bound to falter because they are not used to the system. Shouting or getting angry or being frustrated will worsen the situation. Then what to do?
# Do not give too many instructions. The members can manage a few mistakes that they commit.
#Unreasonable time frame for the task to be accomplished. Do not expect the results the immediately. Some people might be very good with Excel but others are not. If they are facing an issue, there is no one who can physically be there to solve it for them. They will have to ultimately work it out on their own.
# Do not assign all the tasks at one go. Give them one by one. Once the flow is maintained, they will do it in a short amount of time.
To Conclude-
Working From Home was a learning for me first. So I picked up the skills and then put my staff to task.
Currently the situation is grim and work from home will continue for a long time. So adapt to the change and GO With the FLOW!