go with the flow
Justin Castelli, RLP?, CFP?
aligning your finances with your authentic life, founder RLS Wealth, co-founder of The AGC? and founder of PRST?
This might be the latest I’ve posted a Daily Note during the week—I had every intention of getting it out earlier this morning, but I decided to surrender to the flow of the day the SHIFT conference would bring me.
I checked out of my room and went to the lobby to sit down and write today’s note. I had planned on using a quote my good friend Scott Frank shared with me, but as I sat down to write, I was joined by a friend of mine getting ready to launch her own financial planning firm. Instead of cutting the conversation short, I put the Daily Note aside and talked with her about her soon-to-be business. It was an inspiring conversation that ended up being a gift I would have missed out on receiving had I put out the energy that I had something else to do. The Universe knew I needed that conversation and that the note could wait.
Once the conversation ended, I cracked open my MacBook and another friend joined me for a short conversation.
This continued to happen for three more conversations.
Each one a special conversation that I would have been extremely disappointed to miss out on. Each one could have easily been shortened if I had been too focused on finishing the note for the day.
Not only did I get to spend some quality time with some great people, but I also was given a more impactful subject for today’s note…sometimes we have to set aside the plans and priorities we have set and go with the flow of life, or in my case, of the SHIFT conference. I’ll save the quote for another day.
How many times does someone or something unexpectedly come into your day, and you quickly dismiss it in order to address something you have decided is a higher priority?
This doesn’t just happen in the professional setting–it happens to us personally as well.
For the parents out there, how many times has one of your kids asked you to play, look at something they’ve created, or “come here†and you tell them you can’t at that moment you are working on something?
What if you would have gone with the flow? Was that thing you were doing THAT important?
We can’t always submit and go with the flow of life, but we can certainly do it more than we do. And the more you allow your Self to be open to the unexpected “interruptions†(they aren’t really interruptions, but that’s how we receive them), the easier it will be to continue to because you know what is on the other side.
More flow, less “noâ€.
See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,