"Go Find Your Joy. It's What You're Going to Remember In the End." ~ Sandra Bullock
We are all on the same path, just different points along the way.
Even though it may seem scary and fearful and full of turmoil, the contrast is a way of making the joy more bright.
As I was teaching a course last night, I was given the words:
"The pain we feel right now is only a construct of our mind."
Separation is an illusion.
Death is a not the end.
Death is an illusion, a beginning, a chance to become limitless.
When we fear, we are fearing fear itself.
For what can harm the eternal soul? Nothing. We are eternity.
We are created forever; we are energetic beings having
a physical experience.
When someone hoards physical supplies, or demands
their needs be met; without regard for another
they are robbing themselves of feeling. They are leaning in
to separation, and away from total oneness, which we will
feel at death.
When someone shares, and offers help, and kindness,
and peace; they are leaning in to spirit, and joy,
and the eternal soul that is unity and oneness,
that lives forever, and will be rememberered for all days
beyond this life.
It is ok, no matter where you are on the path, and you may
make stops in many places in the same day
Just remember that the journey is not a place of
stagnation; we are not meant to be stopped in places
of fear, or anger, or frustration...
Our destination is joy, and love, and ecstasy.
And when we arrive, we naturally invite our friends.
I may not be able to spend time with you physically, but I would love to spend time with you energetically. Holding space,
holding sessions, opening a private group on Facebook for you as we discover your authentic self and who you are at the core essence.
With love, ~Kelly Pierce, Business Coach with Soul, founder Ennea-Great! Discovering Your Superpowers Through the Enneagram