Go figure it out - you really can
Using communication systems effectively - isn't that the most boring topic you have ever heard and not inspiring enough to waste your time and energy on going to find out more about, even though it might help somewhat with the way you are feeling about going to work or living your life. So lets examine why its uninspiring. 1) because it implies you are not doing what the work system demands of you and therefore letting someone down. 2) you may be less effective for the client or customer, your colleagues, your business owner of supervisor. Letting yourself down. As a topic it heaps guilt onto you - yet a system implies there could be much happening than your response as one "cog" in the wheel. With so much change going on in our work and life it is easy to say we do not have enough time to stop and examine what is actually going astray with the communication systems we face daily. We are living in a world of disruptive technology- yet the simplest of face to face communication has become complicated. So where to start.
Maybe you could start with yourself and look at what is working in your communication with others, however that takes energy and change which you may not desire or feel you need to do after all it is them not us!.
Maybe you could encourage others to recognise honestly the impact they are having on you, by sharing how you feel when communication is poor and you feel let down.
Maybe you could expect your work managers or family to recognise that times have changed since they did your job ( or were a mother , a girlfriend/ boy friend etc ) and you are less willing to go into burn out for them then they might have. It's challenging to listen to suggestions, because you want to maintain a healthy relationship with the person giving the advice when you are clearly living a much different life and expectations than they did in their generation.
Or maybe you will do what most people do , keep doing the same things expecting a different outcome. So how about it - ditch the maybe's , ditch the doing the same thing and start living with one honest conversation for whoever or what ever is getting in the way of you feeling great - start today , keep going everyday.