Go the Extra Mile
Inexorable Joseph
We help locally owned businesses compete with anti-union multi-national corporations so that "We The People" become "Essential" Once Again!
mindful of his faithful love and his constancy to the House of Israel
All we can do is what we think God wants us to do. I have been handed a daunting task. Giving everything for absolutely nothing in return. Faithful and constant to something shows no loyalty back.
Starting to understand how God feels. Am I complaining? No, not really. I have done plenty of things I felt God wanted me to do that make no sense. As long as it makes sense to God I am ok with it.
I think of the story of the preacher that had his entire congregation flake on him. He felt like he needed to preach anyway. Never understood why until years later when a famous preacher told him that he was listening outside, heard what the man said, and that it set him on his course.
That famous preacher reached millions. Commit today to going the extra mile.