Go the extra mile because you can
Child trying to get up on his own

Go the extra mile because you can

Have you ever watched a child wanting to walk after they have been crawling for long?

Such children see that all people around them, walk and do not crawl. So, they begin to wonder why they can't also walk just like everyone else.

They quickly learn that to walk, they must stand up from their sitting position. They, therefore, start making efforts to stand up.

They do this by holding onto objects at their site. All they care about is having that ability to stand so irrespective of what the object looks like, they will hold unto it and try to rise up.

According to the laws of physics, if such an object weighs less than the weight of the child it may not be able to support the child. This will lead to the child falling down.

Other times too, the objects they hold unto don't have good support off the ground and lead them to fall down.

This, however, doesn't deter the children because they are so determined to walk up straight just like every other person around them.

They keep doing it and learn a lot of lessons from the process. They learn about what can support them and what cannot support them. They gain the wisdom not to hold onto certain things as a means of support.

The fascinating thing is that most children do this consistently and far more times than you can count. As such, they quickly pick up the skill and master the art of getting up on their own.

This continues until they are able to walk. They apply this same set of mindset to other things and that is why children are known to be the fastest learners.

What is in this story for you? There is always an extra mile that you can go.

You see people around you doing things that you admire and would want to be able to do. So, my question to you is;

Why crawl, when you can walk?

Why walk, when you can run?

Why run, when you can fly?

The extra mile awaits you, so why settle for something less.

The unfortunate thing is that most times to be able to go the extra mile, you will go through some form of pain.

Just like the children who fall off so many times, you may also fall off sometimes, and go through some pain. But if you don't give up and keep going just like the children do, you will soon conquer.

Find the right motivation to get you fired up to fight for the extra mile and go for it with all your might.

You can do it. Believe in yourself because no one else will if you don't.

Don't give up yet because the pain is but for a jiffy.

Have a good day.


