Go Corona Go Away!!!
Ashish Bansal
Entrepreneur, Premium Printing Exports (Books and Stationery), Chartered Accountant, Premium Quality Medico Aesthetic Technologies, Husband, Father
Fellow Earthians,
As you know, our planet has been going through a very tough phase for the past couple of months due to the dissemination of a newfound virus (Coronavirus or “COVID-19â€). The World Health Organisation or WHO has declared the disease, a pandemic. As of last week, more than 3,00,000 of our families have been affected by this disease worldwide, and almost 13,000 families have lost their loved ones. COVID-19 has risen to have an impact on more than 150 countries.
How does it spread?
Since January of 2020, the virus has been spreading through human-to-human transmission. It is known to be highly contagious, primarily by touch, transmission of respiratory droplets by cough and sneezing, through contact with contaminated surfaces and objects, and between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
What are the Symptoms?
- Dry Cough
- Fever
- Shortness of Breath
- Headaches
- Sore Throat
- Joint Pains
What can we do?
As of now, there is no positive cure developed for the outbreak, but there are some preventive measures that we as a community can take to help slowdown and eventually eradicate the transmission of the disease. Below stated are the measures we can take to help ourselves, our loved ones and anyone else around us:
- Wash your hands, maintain impeccable hygiene
- Follow faultless cough etiquette
- Do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed/un-sanitised hands
- Clean your personal surroundings and objects
- Most Importantly, follow and encourage Social Distancing.
Even if you do not observe the symptoms on yourself, you are at risk. The only way to suppress and eliminate your exposure is to follow Social Distancing.
Here are some examples of Social Distancing:
- Stay Home with your loved ones
- Do not be in a group of more than 10 people at a time.
- Maintain at least a one meter distance from one another
- Go to your place of work only if absolutely necessary
- Avoid Public Transport
- Avoid Publicly Accessible areas
Social Distancing can have multiple positive impacts on the environment and on the people, you are surrounded by, which are:
- Protecting yourself and others from the possible attack of the virus and also containing the spread.
- Reduction in the level of pollution due to reduction in travel resulting in fresher air.
- Who doesn’t love more time with loved ones? Use this opportunity to spend time with your family while working from home.
We can fight the virus only if we, the people are united.
In the words of Alexander, The Great:
“Remember, upon the conduct of each, depends the fate of allâ€
We are all facing unprecedented difficulties, which is why we all need to #breakthechain ; fight the #coronavirus ; spread #coronavirusawareness and #fightcovid19 to ensure #gocorona. We all need to #stayathome and maintain #socialdistancing. In the end #weshallovercome and rise above these #toughtimes.
Warm and Sincere Regards,
Citicap Channels Limited
Stay Safe, Stay Clean, Stay Healthy, Respect Mother Nature
#StaySafe #StayClean #StayHealthy #RespectMotherNature #SaveTheplanet #BreakTheChain #CoronaVirus #CoronaVirusAwareness #FightCovid19 #GoCorona. #StayAtHome #SocialDistancing #WeShallOvercome #ToughTimes #WashHands #HandSanitizer #Disinfect #WearMask #AvoidTravel #AvoidSickPeople #PreventCorona #DontPanic #Isolate #DontHoard #