Go BIG or Go RED
Once, during a photo competition I was hosting, I overheard one of the judges say "I tell my students, 'when you don't have the greatest of shots, make it really BIG or RED!'" Overhearing statements like this are part of the reason I enjoy being around different kinds of professionals. They remind us of the basics, and I am forever learning as I move through my photog life! Some things may seem trivial like this, but even when you think you know something, it's nice to get an unsolicited reminder; especially one that stays with you.
Red = vibrancy
Red = anger
Red = excitement
Red = love
Red = emotion
Red = ? (Fill in the blank)
Red is just one of those appealing and griping colors. It screams "look at me!" And you can't help but feel some kind of emotion from it. It can also help distract from the ordinary of just about anything.
Red is an important color in cultures and history. It is used during the Chinese New Year celebrations to signify prosperity, wealth, and abundance for the new year. Red dragons dancing, red envelopes filled with money for the kiddos, red lanterns and more!
As far back as the 15th century, monarchs and royalty wore red to symbolize power. Many wore robes fashioning red and purple, and even red heels. Louis XIV declared red heels to be worn to show aristocratic status. Fast forward to modern times and we can find iconic nods to history in Christian Louboutin's shoes... all with red soles.
Why are barns red? For hundreds of years, farmers have been painting their barns red, or something close to it. In the past, the paint wasn't really paint, but a stain comprised of skimmed milk, lime and red iron oxide which created a rusty color mixture and much less expensive than paint. This cheaper option was used to protect the wood. Linseed oil was also use to seal the wood and it dried to a coral tint. Over time, farmers noticed the homemade paint kept the building warmer during the winter months since the color absorbed the heat of the sun. This in turn made red a popular choice and an American iconic tradition still used today.
What do you feel when you literally see red?
Samantha S. Marshall is an award winning photographer, specializing in portraiture, architectural history, nature, wedding and corporate photography with a style consisting of colorful and energetic imagery. Running a client-friendly, service-oriented business she believes that great creativity often is the result of a collaborative effort and values working closely with her clients. Based in Northern Virginia, she is a huge supporter of many special interest groups including mental illness awareness, the rescue community and helping others to find their own artistic passions. Samantha is the coordinator of the annual FCMP Photography Expo and has been featured regionally and internationally in print and online publications including Elan Magazine, O, The Oprah Magazine, Around Reston, Modern Reston, and the Connection Newspaper. Visit Samantha's website to learn more about her, read her blog series "In Front of My Lens", or book a private session.