me and my short Americano in my office today



It was a lovely autumn day today, and I had multiple errands to run. I love how the Creator whispers to me through totally unexpected encounters. Today, the lesson was about affirming my joy in young people.

?I enjoy the presence of young people. I connect with the energy of Millennials and Gen X because they are different, and I like different. I find younger people refreshing and open to new ideas. The younger generation doesn't have the hang-ups of Boomers. Yes, I said it: we baby boomers do have some hang-ups.

?Let me explain. About a week ago, I was invited to attend an "age-friendly" conference with Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation. It was a lovely gathering of about 500 people, but not very diverse. One could surmise a forum about making Oregon "age-friendly" is of no interest to Millenials and Gen X, but perhaps disinterest stems from our perspectives about these "young whipper snappers." I was delighted to see young people were present in both service and leadership roles. It was beautiful to see them and hear their perspective.

Eleven of us were randomly assigned a table, including a prominent state-elected leader. We were tasked with identifying and recommending solutions for a multi-sector plan for an age-friendly Oregon related to Workforce and Economic Vitality in ninety minutes. You heard me right: ninety minutes while "aged" facilitators constantly interrupted from the podium as if we "aged folks" do not understand simple instructions. The whole thing was baffling.

I was surprised when an Oregon State Employment Division representative quoted stats that sounded more like his opinion than a well-researched analysis. The guy stated, "Nobody wants to work, and our population is aging; the younger generation is not interested in working and does not care about benefits." I asked him how he knew this was what young people wanted, and he shrugged his shoulders. I suggested that our assumptions about what the more youthful generations are-- -assumptions. I asked him and our eight white male colleagues, two white females, and me to consider asking young people what attracts, intrigues, and engages them in the workforce. Assumptions are what people of color face all the time, and biases are wrong, plain and simple. How do the "experts" working in sectors designed to increase workforce engagement believe so much in their rhetoric and bring such narrow-minded thinking to the problem-solving forum?

Another gentleman who worked in the Forest Industry but was retired interrupted and bluntly stated, "Why does it have to be Us versus them?" "Why do you make it about him being a white male?" I said, "You are right," but I am trying to articulate that mainstream perspectives should be reconsidered in a rapidly changing world. We must encourage one another to think outside the box for viable remedies. I have been forced to live with a mainstream perspective my entire life. While never cow-towing, I have endured many professional experiences being the only one. I walked into rooms where 650 white male executives in the Medical Device industry stood with their mouths open; I was the ONLY Female and only woman of Color Vice President. They were surprised--but I wasn't. I knew I could go toe-to-toe with any of them, and so can young people now. When the Governor appointed me to the Oregon State Board of Higher Education, I was the ONLY young person, one of two people of color overseeing (then) all thirteen higher education institutions, including the formidable Congresswoman Edith Green. My presence and perspective helped even the most powerful leader rethink what was best for the greater good. There was no glass ceiling when I was coming up—it was iron-clad shut, so I had to make my way by being insightful, courageous, and sometimes bold.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am a boomer, proudly so--maybe on the cusp, but still a boomer, but I am not your "typical" boomer. For survival's sake, I have always had to think outside the box to survive in the mainstream (primarily all-white male) systems. Throughout my career and personal journey--I have found human engagement fascinating because leaders say they want to change and yet prohibit change. Why invite us (POCs, women, or even young people) to the table if your ego or bias is so sensitive that you are not open to other people's recommendations? Seriously why? You are wasting my/their time.

Ending on a more joyful note, I ventured out to Office Depot, and it was a gorgeous day. I love being outside. I planned on getting notepads and manila envelopes, but have you seen the price of manila envelopes? (I digress) At the checkout, the young gentleman (Millenial) was welcoming, friendly, engaging, and inquisitive. He inquired, "You have an English professor vibe about you." I laughed. I imagined it was because I was wearing a cardigan with my light brown dress, or maybe the silver covering my crown gave me that brilliant look. Needless to say, I laughed and shared what I do. He said, "I like your energy; it is so positive." The fact that this young CSR was not afraid of conversing and even going beyond the routine "Hi, how are you?" script was enjoyable. I told him I sometimes write, and he took a moment to write down the name of my website, Rise to Excellence. (Now I need to update it, gosh darn it.) He bid me a fine farewell, and I smiled as I walked to my car with a load of office supplies I saw on sale. (I should not be allowed to shop--I digress again.)

It was such a warm yet crisp autumn day that I wanted a short Americano. When I told the Barista welcoming me at the drive-through that I only wanted 2/3rd of the water, He stated, "I so get it; you want to taste the coffee." We both laughed, and as I pulled up, I saw yet another Millennial smiling and asking me how my day was going, but it was genuine. I shared my conversation about the Office Depot CSR and how much I enjoy young people. I told the Barista that the OD guy thought I was an English professor. I laughed, saying it was "because of my cardigan" and "I enjoy dressing colorfully lately." "Heck, I mix Red and pink, Gold, black and turquoise, and for today-- orange, brown and dark brown." I never wear orange. This young gentleman tells me, "You know it, people like you make this world a better place. You have to be able to laugh and smile, and especially laugh at yourself. If you can't go big, go home." We did an air fist bump, and off I went, smiling even bigger.

You may think these two stories do not interrelate, but they are very synchronous to me. Our mysterious Universe also has a good sense of humor. My ancestors always encouraged me through real-life experiences, and today, they wanted me to know that my thinking was not off base.

I always try to bring all I have. I always try to share my best. I shared my forty-five years of wisdom, expertise, personal experience, academic training, and professional background in the private, public, nonprofit, tribal, and inclusive faith-based sectors to that table of eleven. Still, even with my genuine desire to be helpful, the white female Ph.D. and the white males at the table did not listen to me nor regard what I had to say as relevant to their problem-solving session. What is genuinely disheartening is that I brought my authentic heart to the table, which is (to me) priceless. It is sad, but it is what it is, and I will not waste my time attending these conferences again. I'd much rather be engaging with young people.

Beloved colleagues--y'all aren't ready for viable recommendations or workable solutions because it may require you to think outside your comfort zone. Mainstream leaders, whether elected, appointed, or privileged through family wealth or the fact you do not have to pay taxes-- you need to get out of your head. We, inclusive baby boomers, color outside the lines because we do not allow your restrictive thinking and boundaries to stifle our creativity, forcing us to embrace narrow mainstream limitations.

Beloved humans, we cannot solve our state's most significant issues if you (mainstream America)? do not want to see us, do not want to hear us, do not want to listen (truly listen) to us without being biased and defensive. Yes, I am calling you out, and because the division of wealth and resources is disparate, you made it about Us versus them. Not me, I, or my community of colorful dressers (hey, maybe I should start a movement)-- have fought, suffered, and worked hard for parity, equality, and basic respect.?

In all fairness, it is not about academic training or intelligence. There were highly brilliant and powerful Oregonians at our table, including a woman with a doctorate who (oddly enough)? whispered disrespectfully several times when I offered my recommendations. I called her on it and realized the experts sometimes are the most close-minded. They are accustomed to interrupting and minimizing our words; that's why so many of us no longer come to your pre-fabricated table of faux inclusivity and why we stopped working with the mainstream systems.

You are missing the boat by closing your mind. You are missing the blessing of the two gentlemen I engaged with today. Listen to young people. Truly hear them. It will benefit you to get a clue because inclusive baby boomers and young people are moving toward solutions within our communities, and you will get left behind. (pun phrase intended.)

You might be able to gentrify our historic neighborhoods, you may change voting boundaries to make it more difficult for us to vote, you may make excuses as to why blocking the rights and sensibilities of the young is your way, you may even walk back your promise and obligation to Affirmative Action, inclusive hiring, and affordable housing but you will never ever silence our voices.

But like my millennial friend at Starbucks reminded me today, Go Big or Go Home or simply go home.

It's time for change.

#risetoexcellence #boomers #millenials #GenX #youngpeople #youngpeoplearebrilliant #thinkoutsidethebox #agefriendly #howabouthumanfriendly #Gohome #gobig #solutions #inclusivity #authenticdialogue #ancestorsrock #wisdomisnotadegree


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