Go beyond just getting things done
When we are struggling to keep up, often getting things done is just about checking boxes and measuring through put. But in dynamic and changing environments, it’s important to shift from measuring the number of things getting done to the impact of what is getting done.
Slow down to speed up
Start by defining what you want to?achieve. Think through the impact you want to drive and how you will measure success.
“What’s measured improves” — Peter Drucker
Think about it: if we measure the number of things getting done, our teams will get lots of things done. But how do we know if those things are having any impact? We can get the work done, but is it the right work?
By focusing on outcomes, we measure the impact and set our teams up for success. Rather than asking for a defined output, like a search optimized web page, we ask for an outcome, such as building a way for online users to find our product across a digital experience.
Once the team understands the objective of the work, the result the business needs, the team can find the most effective way to get there. By tapping into the power of outcomes, you might get something better than you initially expected.?
Things to keep in mind
In most cases, real business value is discovered when teams are doing more than just checking off boxes on their to-do list. Innovation happens when leaders focus on the impact teams are driving, so the teams can focus on the best way to get there. So power up the innovation in your organization by focusing on the outcomes the business needs and letting that guide you every step of the way.?