Go Bag / Hobo Bag when doing short-term roles
I have had a lovely break after my last role and was able to sort out a lot of admin for my mum - and there was a lot .
As her financial manager, I have to lodge accounts with the ACT Public Trustee every year to get audited. Some documents can't be obtained online and require you to go into a physical branch to get the paperwork. Given that so many banks have closes their branches, sometimes the wait in a physical branch is several hours on a weekday and not even possible on a weekend given that the banks close at midday. I also sorted out some NDIS paperwork and collated all the documentation for my security clearance revalidation.
It wasn't all admin, I also read a lot of books, did a lot of baking, watched a lot of tv shows and movies, created a lot of fan videos, wrote a LOT of fan fiction (think hundreds of thousands of words) and had a lot of afternoon nanna naps... but now I will be start a new gig on Monday.
This will be the second time I've had a role with this agency and the third time I will be working with the main point of contact. As everyone who has worked with me recently knows, this is what I love about doing short-term roles. Not only do I get the opportunity to learn lots of new skills, I also get to know lots of wonderful people and frequently get the opportunity to work with them again - often in a different capacity or at a completely different organisation.
The only constant is that I know that I'll be working for people who I can work with, know my personal circumstances and know what they're getting i.e. there are no nasty surprises on either side.
When people say it's just a job and you can't be happy at work - this is so not true. It's totally possible to love going to work, to not have a sick feeling in your stomach on Sunday night...It's 100% possible to feel valued and appreciated at work.
When we send a foster dog on their trial adoption, they always go with a Hobo Bag.... similarly, in advance of my new role, this weekend, I've packed and refreshed my Hobo Bag / Go Bag which I have tweaked with and finetuned over time.
As someone who these days tries to only work in the same place for 3 months at a time... although occasionally I weaken and do 9 months ...I have pretty much figured out what I need when I go to a new workplace.
Some workplaces provide pretty much everything and really pamper their people ... some places provide pretty much nothing except boiling water. I have to laugh a bit when I think back to my old law firm days when they used to give us unlimited beverages, snacks, evening snacks. We even got lovely sit down evening meals when we worked late. When I was working in Beijing, I still remember the outrage between the offices when daily fresh fruit was discontinued in one office (not mine).
But I digress. This (for the most part) is my current go bag:
AVP at Canada Life
6 个月Loved your hobo bag. Clara - it is very considerate of you to bring in baked goods (by you) 3x a week so that everyone won’t be missed. Also I think you might be able to get down to 2 pairs… I have one pair for far and very close (for latter, I usually just take off my specs), and the computer pair is a life/neck saver!!!