Go back to the basics
Lama Al Himssi
atd Certified | Versatile Training Manager | Adult Learning Professional | xAmazon | Crafting Bespoke Learning Experiences Across Industries
There comes a time when you feel uncertain about a decision you already made, you start to question it over & over in your mind, "Was it wrong? Is this what I really want? Where am I going? I was doing great, why on earth I changed?" Things get blurry, you get yourself busy doing day-to-day tasks without a long plan just to get your mind off of these questions, & that will be your biggest mistake.
Such feelings/questions often occur when you make a big change in your career path, when you get out of your comfort zone, when you take a leap into the future...
You see, you should always trust your gut, trust your heart; Usually that's where such decisions were made
To better understand yourself, to better understand why you're where you're now, GO BACK TO THE BASICS, revisit that same old feeling you had once. How? Simply, ask the stupid questions!
- What were my feelings back then? -- Relive the situation.
- Was it really the way I remember it? Humans have this thing called Selective Memory (personally, I keep a close eye on it). Simply put, as the time goes by, you only remember the good things, especially when you're feeling nostalgic. --Reassess the situation.
- Is it reversible? This is tricky. If it's something you cannot undo, why to waste your time regretting? Do something instead. -- Learn from the situation.
- & finally, what is it that I'm seeking? Does this change serve my path?
If you're still comfortable with the situation, then this exercise helped you reignite your passion! More trust in your decisions & a motive to keep going.
If it's the other way around, then you've got a new perspective on what you really want!! Go get it!
Both ways, you're a winner ;)