Go to Any Lengths
Only you know, what matters to you, Are you ready to do what it takes to get to there? Nothing comes without sacrifice, There are not many overnight success stories, everything requires work and commitment.
We are all hoping for something quick, we love the concept of the lottery, buy a ticket and win, beat the odds, go from a prince to a pauper, my favorite is, "You got to be in it to win it" the more tickets you buy the more chances you have.
Life can be the same, the more you put it, the more you might get out, sometimes you have to be careful with effort, I can spin my wheels, doing what I think is right, avoiding the recipe, and then end up like a hamster on a wheel, making the same mistake, and going nowhere fast, a lot of effort with no return, wasting the most valuable resource "time" I can spend a lot of time chasing something else, money or pleasure, and then lose focus on what really matters, everyone one is interested, not many are committed.
Success is not always about what we accumulate externally, however, it should always reflect, what it does for us internally, define what success means to you, then be willing to go to any length to get it.
Go the extra mile it's never crowded