Go above and beyond your Job Profile
In Every Organization, you will find individuals who seems to know it all about the organization. They will constantly take an effort to think beyond their job profile and know what’s going on in other functions, teams and even geographies. Recently when I attended a training session, I was awestruck to see the instructor’s level of awareness of our organization. Our products, top customers, what material goes into our products etc. He informed that it then becomes easier for him to connect with audience and bring out the best in them. Pondering on the thought, I made observations on how the well-informed leaders in my organization behave.
To get you started, here are five ways I have learned from them to go above and beyond at work- without compromising on quality of work:
1. Let go of sand to make way for Stones and pebbles:
People in core operations can relate, you arrive at office in morning and you are faced with long list of emails, missed calls, pending tasks etc. which you need to attend to and then you get into firefighting mode until evening. Then how will you create time to know your organization better? Well the answer I found for this is much simpler. You need to let go of some sand to make way for stones. As an analogy, If you compare your typical day as a large mayonnaise Jar with limited space(time), rocks are equivalent to most important projects and thing you are doing, pebbles represent other things that matter like important meetings, decisions, urgent tasks etc while sand represent day to day activities like making reports, attending calls, responding mails, chit chat etc. We need to prioritize how we fill the jar in right sequence as Stone, pebble and sand because at the end of day even if you miss some sand, tasks that matter to you are already taken care of. Knowing your organization must always be on top priority.
2. Say yes to relevant opportunities:
In our organization, there is a wonderful concept called ’winning edge’ in which employees can take a short-term project in any other sector or function, learn and contribute. Such experiences not only give a new perspective but also exposes to contribute beyond your function and in process learn and develop broader understanding. It also helps reshape your professional identity and take your next career decision.
3. Present in team meetings:
Your learning is of limited importance unless your function/team is benefited from it. Best way to make full use of it is to share your learning among the group and get feedback. For Eg. When I shared my experiences on working in cross sector project, some of my learning helped colleagues in challenges they were currently facing. Our functional leader always share information through Quizzes, newsletter, knowledge sharing sessions and activities during monthly meetings. This not only helps team to be well informed on what’s happening around but also drive innovation mindset.
4. Connect:
There is no better way to know about your organization than connecting with people in other functions. Let’s make it an aim to connect with at least one person whom you do not know weekly. For people who are not comfortable with initiating conversations, make use of connectors who seem to know everyone.
5. Stay Updated:
Attending global and regional town halls, Conferences, Newsletters, Monthly meetings, awareness drives, participating in functional initiatives etc. are also some good practices that can help you stay informed and stay updated.
I think incorporating above things will help significantly in professional career to add value to projects and deliver your results. But more than being known as a well-informed employee, you will be seen as the employee who genuinely wants to contribute and see his/her function succeed.
“Don't miss out on something that could be great just because it could also be difficult”