Go 100% Or Don't Go At All
John Mallon
Principal, Drayton Hawthorn Group--Professional Employee Benefits & Insurance Recruiting With An Extensive Network of Underwriting and Account Management Talent
So this is your fourth interview of the week and you're just pretty darned tired of talking about yourself and your achievements and your goals and your aspirations. And if you're being honest with yourself, you already know with 100% certainty that you nailed the last interview with ABC Enterprises and it's the dream job. So here you are, at the reception desk of Widget Inc., after sitting in thirty minutes of traffic and just barely making the interview time. Sure, you could just skip it, you know what's going to happen, but that's not you, you don't ghost, or do no-shows. You'll do the interview, but no reason to go all-in, right? You're certain ABC is where you're heading. Offer on i's way, any minute now.
Not so fast, Pointdexter. Your attitude speaks louder than your words.?If you are going on an interview half-heartedly, with limited interest or expectations, then why bother?
You’ve already lost.
You MUST give this interview and every interview your all, a 100% effort, regardless of where you THINK your interest level is at the moment or how it compares to the other opportunities you’re exploring, and here’s why.
So give it your all, as if it’s the last employer on earth.?Go all-in on your preparation, research the company, the position, everything. Get to know Widget, Inc. better than the people that work there. There’s no telling what will happen.
You just don't know until you've had a chance to evaluate everything you've learned about all of the companies you're meeting with which may be THE ONE.