Taking into account the foregoing there are some aspects of the (GMDSS) System that must be updated, becouse has become obsolete on time and require some "Urgent Improvements and Renovations" if we want to continue garanteeing the "Safety of Human Life at Sea & the Safety of Maritime Navigation".
A. Terrenal & satellite Segments are not longer complete, by now they are not completely indepèndent, so we starts whwn the chains of (RTLX) were closed worldwide becouse (High Costs), the duplicity of the System in some crucial aspects ceased to exist & the issue was patched a new possibility of communications in Areas: (A3-A4) based on Inmarsat that complies with the Functional Duplication but using the same Satellite Segment on these areas.
B. The above has important repercusions on a lack of alternative guarantees on Areas: (A3-A4) and is to provide that in the future still more probleams are detected, since even the navigation with "Electronic Charts (ECDIS), should have independent Systems of (PSN) like (GP S, GALILEO,etc), but shopuld be even independent technological Systems as required & may be is time to reintroduce a New Generation of Hyperbolic Systems like (LORAN-E, etc) that guaranties the navigation and tracking planned for the Ship.
C. The Maritime Safety Information (MSI) has to be required & improved out of Navtex Coverage & for now is reduced to the information provided by the Satellite Segment of "INMARSAT" trough (EGC).
D. Administrations depening this problem, seen to be making it fashionable to award exemptions with cease to (RTLX) in Areas (A3-A4) , withut having an alternative to duplicate "Satellite Segments by Inmarsat", bu it sounds not only out of sense an ad monopolly than efficiency.
E. Finally in my opinion the functional activity that requires a quicker intervention and has already started to deterioratepractically from the beguining is the concept of "Maintenance on Board" although the subject was already emphaasized from the beguining by Resolutions like: R.A.702(17).