Gmail Messages Can Now Self Destruct
No, Tom Cruise of the Impossible Mission Force will not personally fly to your office and smash your router while hanging upside down from the ceiling. Instead a Chrome Browser extension called Dmail will allow you to specify in minutes, hours and days how long a recepient can view your message. Pretty Nifty if you ask me.
If you are in the habit of sending sensitive messages across unencrypted channels and crossing your fingers, this could be just your thing. If you're like the rest of us and sometimes *ahem* regret the late night messages you might have sent, this could also be your thing.
To use the feauture, install the Chrome extension and refresh your Gmail account screen. Note this extension only will appear in the Chrome Browser and not Firefox, Safari, Explorer and the like. Compose a new message and you will notice a new button labeled "Send with Dmail" right next to the conventional Send button we are all familiar with. You now have the power to "revoke" emails which essentially is a form of self destruct.
Wait a tic, doesn't Gmail already have a provision to yank back regrettable emails that have already gone out? Yes technically it does and Google gives you a whopping 30 SECONDS to make that decision. Who comes back to reality in just 30 seconds? With Dmail you can set that time for as long as you like making your sent message inaccessable.
In practice, you might set the timer for one hour or maybe as long as a week and the email will disappear into the ether based on your instructions. If you don't have an exact schedule picked out for destruction, choose the "never" option as your time period. If you change your mind later and want to make the magic smoke come out of that email, you can order its destruction at a push of the button.
All emails go through an encryption process and whenever the author wants to revoke viewing access, the recipient will no longer be able to read or access the sent message. As a bonus, Dmail says they are going to add a disable forwarding button -- which means only the original recepient will have access to your email message.
Dmail messages can be received by any email client or service, but it most be send via the Dmail Chrome Browser Extension for the encryption to work.
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