GM Restricted Document FAQ
Q: Why am I required to fill out the authorization form?
A: It is GM’s policy to review all requests for restricted documents for information security purposes. This policy has not changed. The online form contains the information needed to process the request.
Q: How long can I expect my authorization to take?
A: If the customer is listed in the GM system as an authorized GM supplier, typical turnaround time is 24-48 hours. However, if the customer is not listed in the system as an authorized GM supplier, additional time may be required in order to obtain approval from the GM Contact/Buyer provided by the request submitter. In that instance, the amount of time will vary based on the responsiveness of the GM contact/Buyer listed on the request form, and that may take up to three weeks.
Q: Why must I get authorization for every GM restricted document I purchase?
A: GM reviews each document for distribution permissions, and reviews the requestor's current supplier status.
Q: Why do I have to fill out the form again when I was already approved for the previous edition?
A: Distribution permissions can change. Also, supplier status can change.
Q: Why does the approval take so long?
A: If the customer is listed in the GM system as an authorized GM supplier, typical turnaround time is 24-48 hours. However, if the customer is not listed in the system as an authorized GM supplier, additional time may be required in order to obtain approval from the GM Contact/Buyer provided by the request submitter. In that instance, the amount of time will vary based on the responsiveness of the GM contact/Buyer listed on the request form, and that may take up to three weeks.
Q: What is meant by "business justification"? Can you provide an example?
A: A business justification is an explanation of why GM should allow the customer to purchase the document. Therefore, listing things like “document updated” does not qualify as an appropriate business justification. Below is a sample of business justifications that would be considered appropriate.
- Document required for project work, and conformance to these GM specs is an engineering requirement.
- For use on the {Insert Program Name} to ensure satisfactory completion of functional requirements
- Test Procedures required for our GM testing programs: {Insert Program Name(s)}.
- Specifications referenced in eSOR provided to {Insert Company Name}.
Q: Can I talk to someone at GM about my request? If yes, who?
A: The process should always start with contacting the IHS Markit Sales Rep, and they should contact GM to see the status of the request. The customer can talk with their GM Contact/Buyer, however, they may or may not be aware of the current approval status.
Q: Why was my request rejected? Is there someone I can speak to about my rejection?
A: A reason for rejection is always provided by GM when they send the notification of rejection.
Q: What does a "supplier of GM” mean?
A: “Supplier of GM” means that you are a supplier in good standing with GM and therefore should have a DUNS# that is included in GM’s Global Purchasing System. However, it is understood that there are some suppliers to GM who are not in this system because of what they supply to GM or how they supply it to GM (i.e. tiered suppliers), and GM has a process for making those determinations internally within GM.
Q: What if I don’t know who my GM Contact/Buyer is? Where can I find this information?
A: “GM Contact/Buyer” refers to the person at GM that has asked you to purchase the standard(s). If your request for a restricted standard is not in response to a request from GM, then it is likely that your request will be denied. However, if you still need the information, please contact the appropriate personnel within your own company to determine who the GM contact needs to be in order for us to process the request.
Q: Why are GM restricted documents not available through my IHS Markit subscription?
A: GM Restricted standard approvals are granted to individuals specifically. IHS Markit online subscriptions provide standards access to entire companies. Therefore, each individual requesting authorization must purchase the GM Restricted document outside his/her IHS Markit subscription.
Q: Can I purchase inactive or historical GM restricted standards?
A: Typically, no, but in some very rare cases GM may approve the purchase of an inactive or historical GM Restricted standard. To request approval to purchase an inactive or historical GM Restricted standard, order that document by itself since GM has a separate authorization process for inactive or historical GM Restricted standards. Approvals for inactive or historical GM Restricted standards may take up to two (2) months.
Q: Is there a rush request process for obtaining approval for a GM Restricted standard?
A: No, GM has a very strict policy regarding Restricted standard approvals, and they have no expedited approval process at this time.