Glycans~Chitin Polysaccharide~Polymeric~ Crab Shell~Diabetes~Turgor Pressure~Olive~Osmosis~Anticancer~ Squalene~Triterpenoid~Electrodynamics
Anne Stanford
Corporate Assistant /CEO and CFO at Braintree Corporation Bioscience, Biomedical, Translational Research
As, For “Antibody”, As, For “Cell Wall Matrix Space Forming “Glycans”, As, “In Ancient Ferns”, As, For “Space Forming Glycans” And “Plant’s Energy Metabolism”, As, For Levels Of Certain Glycans, As, “Bound To Serum Proteins”, As, “Increased In “Human’s With Diabetes”, As, For Space Forming Star Forming Carbon, As, For “Carbon Hydrates”, As, “Polymeric Carbohydrates”, As, “Many Small Space Forming Sugar Molecules”, As, For “Glycans”, As, “Polysaccharides”, As, “Plant’s Medicinal Space Forming “Biomolecules”, As, For “Polymerization”, As, For “Star Forming Carbon Molecules”, As, “In Icy Mantles”, As, “On Interstellar Grains”, As, “Polymerized”, As, “By Cosmic Rays”, As, For “Insects”, As, “To Produce N-And O- Linked “Glycans”, As, For “Winged Insects Lepidopteran Glycomes”, As, For ”Chitin Space Forming Polysaccharide”, As, “A Linear Space Forming “Polymer”, As, For “Polysaccharides”, As, “Antibacterial”, As, “To Prevent Bacterial Growth”, As, For “Space Forming Plant’s Polymeric Carbohydrates”, As, For “Refractory Grains”, As, Of “Silicates”, As, “Ejected From “Large Stars”, As, “To Aquire Mantles”, As, Of “Organic Polymers”, As, For “Chitin Linear Polymer”, As, For Crustacean’s Chitin Polysaccharide”, As, For “Chitin”, As, For “Caterpillars”, As, “From Ancient Crustaceans”, As, For “Caterpillar’s Metamorphosis”, As, “Butterflies”, As, For “Chitin Polysaccharides”, As, “Of Wings Of Butterflies”, As, For ”Crabs And Shrimp’s Outer Skeleton”, As, For “Chitosan”, As, “To Alleviate Human’s Diabetic Hyperglycemia”, As, For Anti-Proliferative Motions, As, Of “Crab Shell Extract”, As, “To Inhibit Proliferation”, As, Of “Human’s Breast Cancer Cells”, As, For “Space Forming Organic Polymers”, As, “To Induce Apoptosis”, As, “Of Human’s Liver Cancer”, As, For “Mushroom Fungal Mycelium”, As, “Natural Polymers”, As, Of “Chitin”, Cellulose And Space Forming “Fibrous”, As, For “Mushroom’s Chitin Fibrous”, As, “Self-Healing”, As, For “Mycelium Interwoven Space Forming Fibrous Networking”, As, “Very Similar”, As, “To Dermal Space Forming Collagen Structural”, As, For “Collagen”, As, Space Forming Amino Acids “Glycine”, Proline And Hydroxyproline, As, For “Tissue Regeneration”, As, For “Crabs”, As, “Ability To Regenerate”, As, For “Space Forming Fibrous Connective Tissues”, As, For Tissue, As, “Strain-Stiffening Polymer Networking”, As, For “Plant Tissue Stiffness”, As, For “Turgor Pressure”, As, “To Regulate Cell Stiffness”, As, For Turgor Pressure, As, “To Promote And Restrict “Seed Growth And Size”, As, For “Turgor Pressure”, As, “Within Cells”, As, “Regulated By Osmosis”, As, For “Plant Cell’s High Turgor Pressure”, As, For “Changes In Guard Cell Volume And Turgor Pressure”, As, For “Cell Growth Rate And Turgor Pressure”, As, For Cancer Cells And Varying Degrees Of “Compression”, As, For Organism’s Ability, As, “To Regenerate”, As, For “Human’s Limb Regeneration”, As, For “Human’s Wound Closure Rate”, As, For “Osmotic Pressure”, As, “To Speed Up This Process”, As, For “Osmotic Regulation”, As, “In Leaves”, As, “In Roots Of “Olive Trees”, As, For “Olive Tree Regeneration”, As, “To Generate “Base Shoots”, As, For “Shoot Growth”, As, “To Replace Dis-eased Limbs”, As, For “Olive Leave’s Space Forming Bioactive Compounds”, As, “Space Forming Phenolic Compounds”, As, For “Space Forming Phenolic Compounds”, As, “In Plants”, As, “To Support The Function Of “Fibroblasts”, As, For “Fibroblasts”, As, To Repair “Human’s Wound Healing”, As, For Producing “Regulatory Molecules”, As, For Fibroblasts, As, “To Remodel The Extracellular Matrix”, As, For Phenolic Compounds, As, “High In Antioxidants”, As, “To Reduce Inflammation, As, For “Potential Anticancer Motions”, As, For “Olives” And “Olive Oil Vegetable Based “Squalene” And “Terpenoids Space Forming”, As, For “Squalene Comes From Sharks”, As, For Squalene Anticancer, Anti-Diabetic, As, For “Sharks Rarely Get Cancer”, As, For “Squalene Space Forming Organic Compound”, As, “In Olives”, Sugarcane And Rice Bran, As, For Space Forming Unsaturated Hydrocarbon, As, A “Triterpenoid”, As, For Space Forming Triterpenoids, As, For “Mitigating Human’s Neurodegeneration”, As, For “Space Forming “Plant’s Terpenes”, As, “To Cross Human’s Blood Brain Barrier”, As, “To Directly Effect “Human’s Nervous Systematics”, As, “An Antioxidant And Anti-Inflammatory”, As, For “Bird’s Nest Fungus”, As, For “Cyathus striates Wild. Ex, Pers., As, “To Yield “Triterpenes glochidone”, As, For “Glochidone Genus Of Flowering Plants”, As, For Space Forming Pentacyclic Triterpene Compound”, As, “In Plants”, As, “Human’s Potential Anti-Cancer Motions”, As, For Human’s Higher Brain Energy, As, “Hertz Oscillations”, As, Of “Human’s Thalamic Neurons”, As, “Electrodynamic”, As, “Human’s Generated Cognitive Binding Effects, As, For “High Frequencies”, As, “To Produce More Oscillations, As, For “Frequency Of Hertz”, As, “Vibrations Per Unit Of Time”, As, For “Electrodynamics Of A “Neutron Star.” Thank-you.