Gluten Sensitivity, Celiacs and the Autoimmune Fix

Gluten Sensitivity, Celiacs and the Autoimmune Fix

“The most potent thing you can do for your health is what’s on the end of your fork”

Dr. Tom O’Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker and workshop leader specializing in the impact of celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and the development of autoimmune conditions. He has been in practice for over 32 years and is on the teaching faculty of the institute for functional medicine. While traveling the world, he teaches physicians about developing the big picture as to what’s causing the symptoms that patients are coming in with.

In this episode, Tom translates complex medical information into simple to understand ideas. We will discuss breakthrough plans to stop autoimmune triggers, restore your health and ways to prevent Alzheimer’s and reverse Diabetes. Listen to the end to hear Tom’s vaccine administration strategy for infants. 

Show Notes:

01:58 – What is Autoimmune disease?

08:40 – Thyroid problems in women

16:45 – Food promoting intestinal permeability ( leaky gut )

19:00 – How your diet affects your thyroid

23:20 – How an autoimmune thyroid disease is triggered

29:40 – Preventing Alzheimer’s and Diabetes

31:50 – Wheat sensitivity and inflammation in the brain

33:00 – Reversing Diabetes with a raw food diet

36:00 – Interviewing world experts of autoimmunity

38:20 – Vaccine administration strategy for infants

Recommended Books: Dr. Thomas O’Bryan: The Autoimmune Fix –

Discussed: Betrayal Series:



Female VO: Welcome to Wellness Revolution Podcast, the radio show all about wellness, in your mind, body, spirit, personal growth, sex, and relationships. Stay tuned for weekly interviews featuring guests that have achieved physical, mental, and spiritual health in their lives. If you’d like to have access to our entire back catalog visit for instant access. And here’s your host, Dr. Veronica.

Dr. Veronica: Thanks again for joining for another episode of Dr. Veronica’s Wellness Revolution. We’re going to talk today. I want to jump right into this. I want to have enough time to be able to talk to this gentleman who is a guru. The gentleman I have with me today is Dr. Thomas O’Bryan. He is originally a doctor of chiropractic medicine, but you know what I’ve found? I feel really silly sometimes because I feel like I went to school before medical school with the chiropractors and I was getting really good grades and they weren’t doing as well. And I felt like all these people they’re not so smart at going into chiropractor. Then I realized on the back half of my career that I was the dumb one and they’re the smart one and I better learn from them.

So those of us who were the conventional smart doctors have now kind of thrown away a lot of what we learned. We know about the body and all that, and jumped in the pool with our colleagues because we’re all colleagues out to help people get well who were the chiropractors of natural path and nutritionists. And we all collectively are out there getting the word out on how you can heal your own body.

Dr. Thomas O’Bryan has a new book out there, The Autoimmune Fix. I see so many people every day who say, “I’ve been told I have autoimmune disease and they haven’t quite given it a name but I have autoimmune disease.”

The Autoimmune Fix talks about this but also talks about what’s been going on in the health care system. What’s been going on or not going on when you’d go to your doctor and here’s the latest and greenest. And we also have a surprise coming up on some information that you can get where you can go and hear the world experts in autoimmune disease. Dr. Thomas O’Bryan, welcome to Dr. Veronica’s Wellness Revolution.

Dr. Thomas: Thank you so much. It’s a pleasure to be with you. Thank you.

Dr. Veronica: First define for us what it’s meant by autoimmune disease? Because as I told you and I said in the intro I get a lot of people who said, “I’ve been told I have autoimmune.” The big diagnosis these days is, “I have Hashimoto’s.” Every other person has Hashimoto’s. “Oh, you have an autoimmune disease too. Autoimmune disease, give us the definition.

Dr. Thomas: Sure. Your immune system is the armed forces in your body. It’s the army, the Air Force, the Marines, the Coast Guard, the Navy. It’s there to protect you. And it’s all we have to protect us. And you have exactly the same immune system that your ancestors had thousands of years ago. We haven’t genetically changed.

What was it that our immune system was designed to fight? Parasites, bugs, viruses, molds, and fungus. That’s it. There was no Polysorbate 80, or red dye number 3, or Bisphenol A, or mercury in the fish. There weren’t any of the toxins that we’re supposed to every day. So our immune system is the same as our ancestors, so it’s built to protect us from parasites, bugs, viruses, molds, and fungus. There is no way for it to adapt.

When you get exposed to Bisphenol A for example, which is the chemical that softens plastic like water bottles, or pop bottles, or soft contact lenses, or credit card receipts have Bisphenol A. There is just millions and millions of pounds of this stuff being dumped every year here.

But when you’re exposed to Bisphenol A this chemical gets into your body and it binds on to your cells. It grabs to on to proteins inside your body like an estrogen cell or a testicular cell. Now the immune system that’s there to protect you from bugs, parasites, viruses, molds, and fungus has to attach this molecule that got in there that’s not supposed to be there. “This is an invader. What is this thing?”

Your immune system attacks this Bisphenol molecule or lead molecule if you have lead poisoning, where mercury molecule, and you create this inflammation as the immune system is trying to destroy this invader. And the inflammation has collateral damage which damages your own cell that the Bisphenol A grabbed on to. And now your immune system has just damaged your cell. When the immune system attacks yourself it’s called an autoimmune mechanism. It’s the immune system attacking cells.

In the example I just gave you we make antibodies every day to ourself. There’s a normal reference range for thyroid antibodies and brain antibodies. There’s a normal range, why? Because your immune system is the garbage collector. It’s got to get rid of the old and damaged cells, the ones that are breaking down or just worn out to make room for new cells to be built.

You have a whole new body every 7 years. We regenerate every cell in our body. But to make room for cells to regenerate you’ve got to get rid of the old and damaged ones. There’s a normal level of thyroid antibodies. It’s normal. But when you have a chemical binding on to the thyroid for this example, the chemical might be chlorine or it could be Bisphenol A binding to a thyroid cell, and your immune system says, “What is this stuff? That’s not good for me. I better attack it.

Your immune system attacks that cell and causes the inflammation that damages the thyroid that the Bisphenol A’s grabbed on to. Now the antibodies that your body makes to get rid of old thyroid cells, it has to make some more antibodies to get rid of the damaged thyroid Bisphenol A cell, because the thyroid cell’s been damaged you got to get rid of it. So you make some extra antibodies to your thyroid.

That’s not a problem. But you’re exposed to Bisphenol A every day. One hundred percent of the infants born today have Bisphenol A in their urine, 100% of them, because mom has it. Mom’s toxic with this stuff, right? It binds on to your cells. And so every day you’re exposed to this stuff, and then your body makes more antibodies to your thyroid to get rid of the damaged thyroid cell that the Bisphenol A was grabbing on to. And you make more thyroid cells.

And if you did a blood test you’d see you had a high thyroid antibody levels and you make more thyroid antibodies. Until one day this thyroid antibody production becomes self-perpetuating. It’s got a life of its own. Now you develop the autoimmune disease, so you’re on the autoimmune spectrum with elevated antibodies, but now it moves into an autoimmune disease because you’ve killed off enough thyroid cells because of the elevated antibodies, the thyroid can’t function very well anymore. That’s the autoimmune disease.

Mrs. Patient, you pull at a chain, the chain always breaks at the weakest link. It’s at one end, the middle, the other end, your heart, your brain, your liver, your kidneys, wherever your genetic weak link is that’s where the chain’s going to break when you pull too hard. Inflammation is the pull on the chain.

That’s why we here about anti-inflammatory lifestyles. It’s that you want to live as much of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle with all that that means. And your show talks about that a lot, about anti-inflammatory lifestyles, so that you don’t have that link of the chain break and get an autoimmune disease. What’s pulling on the chain?

What’s pulling on the chain is the gasoline or the kerosene that you’re getting in your body, if it’s air pollution or if it’s food you’re eating that aren’t good for you. The question is it a kidney or a brain cell, is it gasoline or kerosene? When you want to start fixing these problems you have to ask the questions, “Where is my immune system attacking right now and why is my immune system attacking there?” That’s the way you uncover what the mechanism is that’s causing the diseases that we have.

Dr. Veronica: Talk a little bit about thyroid because I think all of us that are in the functional medicine wellness arena, the thyroid people come in because they just seem for whatever reason they’re the most miserable… There’s other miserable people, but the thyroid people seem to be miserable and go seek their help. Why thyroid and why mostly women, although there’s a lot of men now prop up with it.

Dr. Thomas: Yeah, but the ratio of women to men with Hashimoto’s is 9:1. It’s much more prevalent in women. There’s a number of reasons for that. The first reason is receptor sites are catcher’s mitts. The pitcher throws the ball to the catcher. You have receptor sites on the outside of your cells facing the bloodstream. So as the blood’s going by it goes past these receptor sites. Hormones get inside the cell to do whatever they’re supposed to do by going through the receptor site.

Estrogen in your bloodstream only goes into an estrogen receptor site. It won’t go into a thyroid receptor site. And it goes into the estrogen receptor site, it opens the door and the estrogen goes inside the cell and the body will do what it’s going to do. Insulin won’t go into an estrogen receptor site, it won’t go into a thyroid receptor site. It only goes into an insulin receptor site. All the hormones have specific receptor sites. There are chemicals that we’re exposed to now every day, never before in the history of humanity but now every day. And there are three chemicals known to compete on thyroid receptor sites.

Now, back up for a minute. There’s only two substances for which there are receptor sites on every cell of your body. No, it’s not testosterone, no not estrogen, no not insulin, the only substances for which there are receptor sites on every cell of your body are vitamin D… That’s why vitamin D is so important for us because every cell needs it, and thyroid hormone. Because your thyroid hormone is the thermostat on the wall in your house.

At night you turn the thermostat down so the furnace goes down. It’s colder in the house, so that you sleep and you save fuel. In the morning it automatically turns back on before you get up, and so it warms up the house but you save fuel during the night. Thyroid hormone controls the thermostat. That’s called your metabolism and how hot your cells burn, how many calories you burn, that’s your thyroid hormone. Every cell needs control as to how hot it should burn, that’s what thyroid hormone does.

Thyroid hormones in the bloodstream, and it goes past the thyroid receptor site and it goes right into it. It opens the door and the thyroid hormone goes into the cell. As you know many people will feel like they’ve got thyroid symptoms. They come in and the doctor does a blood test and sees that their thyroid hormone levels are normal but they’ve got thyroid symptoms so they write a prescription for thyroid hormone. And we’re shot gunning thyroid hormone into someone that has normal levels because it’s going to help feel a little better.

How is it possible that their thyroid hormone levels are normal but a blood test that many doctors do is called TSH and it’s a measure in the brain telling the thyroid how much hormone to make. TSH stands for thyroid stimulating hormone. How come the TSH can be a little high but the thyroid hormone levels are normal? And you see that all the time in practice. We all see that. How does that happen? It’s because the thyroid hormone is not getting into the cell, it’s in the bloodstream. Your bloodstream’s just a highway. There’s lots of traffic on the highway so you do a blood test and you’re looking for are there Chevrolet’s on the highway. Is there a thyroid hormone on the highway.

There’s enough hormone but it’s not getting into the cell, so the brain says, “I need more thyroid hormone in these cells.” The TSH goes up to say, “Make more hormone, make hormone.” But you’ve got plenty of hormones. And doctor shot gunned with synthetic hormone and people will feel a little bit better. It doesn’t fix them but they feel a little better.

How come the thyroid hormone is not getting into the cell? Because there are three chemicals that compete and will go into thyroid hormone receptor sites. But when they go into thyroid hormone receptor sites they don’t open the door. They just sit there. The pitcher throws a fastball to the catcher but the catcher’s got three baseballs in the mitt. And so the fastball just bounces out. The thyroid hormone just keeps going down the bloodstream, it can’t get in.

What are the chemicals that compete in thyroid receptor sites? The most common one… Mrs. Patient, you’re in an elevator in a hotel. The elevator doors open. Can you tell right away the swimming pools on that floor? Oh yeah. They smell it. But everybody else in the elevator can’t smell it. But they smell it. Why do they smell it? Because they have a chlorine sensitivity. Their detox capabilities are not breaking down the chlorine, so the chlorine is sitting in the receptor sites of the thyroid hormone.

So the thyroid hormone is going by, it can’t get into the cell. The thyroid hormone keeps going by, and yet the brain says, “I need more hormone. I need more hormone,” and it’s chlorine. It’s a very common competitor for thyroid receptor sites. Those women, especially the women, cold hands and feet, sometimes they wear socks to bed, or your husband says you got really cold feet. You can’t get up in the morning. You wish you had 20 more minutes in bed. Can’t lose that last 5 pounds even if you don’t eat for a couple of days. Bowels are sluggish, emotions are kind of sluggish, brain’s sluggish, you kind of feel a little depressed, all signs of a sluggish thyroid.

Your thyroid hormone levels are normal but your doctor gives you thyroid hormone anyway because we know it’s going to help a little bit. And they haven’t had the chance to read about this competitive inhibition of chlorine into the thyroid receptor sites. That’s a very common mechanism for thyroid dysfunction. How does that relate in terms of autoimmunity?

Dr. Veronica: Let me just interrupt. Because you said there are three things, and you mentioned the chlorine, but tell people the other two that go along with chlorine just because people are going to start connecting the dots and say, “That could be me.”

Dr. Thomas: You won’t like this. Fluoride is very, very common. It’s a very common thyroid inhibitor substance. It’s in your toothpaste, it’s in your mouthwash, it’s in your drinking water and it competes on thyroid receptor sites. And the result is your thyroid hormone doesn’t work as well as supposed to. You gain weight, you feel sluggish, sometimes you can pack on an extra 20-30 pounds over five years that it just creeps up little by little by little. Fluoride is the second one. The third one is bromide.

So it’s chlorine, fluoride, and bromide. Bromide is in baked goods. A lot of bromide is used in baked goods. Those are the three chemicals that will compete on thyroid receptor sites. And they don’t breakdown, they just stay there.

Dr. Veronica: Okay. That’s chemicals. I know you’re an expert on another food that everybody loves and when you tell them they have to give it up they want to murder you practically because they’re addicted. Talk about that food. You don’t have to talk to me about…

Dr. Thomas: Unfortunately it’s the most common food in America today. It’s 132.5 pounds per person per year that we’re eating. That’s wheat. You have toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, a pasta for dinner, croutons on your salad, a cookie or a muffin, and it goes on a day, after a week, after a month, after year, after year.

Harvard’s published another study last year. Hollon and his team published a study and they showed that every single human when they eat wheat gets intestinal permeability. The slang term is leaky gut. And that’s the gateway into the development of autoimmune diseases that we’ll talk about a little bit later, but that’s the gateway.

And every single person, every time they eat wheat, not just once in a while, every time. And their language was all humans develop intestinal permeability. Anyone that’s watching this interview, if you’re a human, I think most of you are, that means every time you eat wheat you get tears in your lining in your gut. It’s called pathogenic intestinal permeability. Even for those that don’t feel bad.

Those that feel bad when they eat wheat they’re the blessed ones. Because you can’t argue with them, they know when they eat it they get sick. But the ones where the weak link in the chain is their brain they don’t want to associate the pasta they had last night with the brain fog they’ve got today. They just don’t want to associate it, or with seizures.

In the Journal of Gastroenterology children with drug resistant seizures, that means that they’ve been to at least two specialists and they’ve tried at least three drugs before they can get the classification of drug resistant seizures, 50% of those children go into complete remission on a wheat-free diet. Why don’t our neurologists know this? Because it’s in the gastroenterology journal, and neurologists don’t read gastroenterology journals, they read neurology journals. So they just don’t know this. Wheat can affect any tissue of your body. I’m going to give you an example of how it affects the thyroid.

When you eat wheat, Mrs. Patient. Proteins are like a pearl necklace, hydrochloric acid made in your stomach undoes the clasp of the pearl necklace. Now you have a string of pearls. Our digestive enzymes are supposed to act like scissors to break the pearl necklace into smaller clumps of pearls, then smaller clumps, and smaller clumps, and smaller clumps. Until they get broken down into each pearl of the pearl necklace. That’s called an amino acid. And the amino acids go right through the walls of the intestines, and then your body uses those as building blocks to make a new muscle, or a new bone, or a new nerve hormones called neurotransmitters that your body uses the amino acids.

Your intestines are 20-25 feet long. It starts at the mouth and goes to the other end. It’s one long tube. It kind of winds around in your abdomen. It twists around quite a bit, but it’s one long tube. If you could take a doughnut and stretch a doughnut straight down and look down the doughnut it’s one tube. When you swallow food it’s not in your body yet, it’s still in the tube. It’s got to go through the walls to get into the bloodstream and go everywhere else in your body.

But there’s a cheesecloth that lines the intestines so that only the single pearls of the pearl necklace can fit through the cheesecloth to get into the bloodstream, only the amino acids. The problem with wheat is that no human can breakdown the pearl necklace in each pearl of the pearl necklace. The best we can do is break it into clumps of pearls. There’s a 33-pearl clump, a 17-pearl clump, an 11-pearl clump. And these clumps of pearls are gasoline and the fire in the intestines. They cause inflammation. And it’s the inflammation that tears the cheesecloth. When you tear the cheesecloth now larger clunks of the pearl necklace of any food can go through the permeability into the bloodstream before there’s been enough time for the digestive enzymes to break that food going down the track until it’s small enough to get through. Does that make sense?

Dr. Veronica: Yeah.

Dr. Thomas: You got these clumps of pearls going through into the bloodstream. They’re called macro molecules, big molecules. And your immune system says, “What’s this? This is not good for me. I better fight this. If you had prime rib for dinner and you chew it three or four times instead of the 15-20 that you should… You chew a couple of times and swallow it down, we shovel more than we chew and you shovel it down you got this clump of stringy meat that’s kind of hard to break down. And the enzymes are trying to cut off each pearl of the pearl necklace but it takes a while. That’s why you got 20 feet of intestines for the scissors to work on that.

So it’s going down in the first part of the intestines now, but there are tears in the cheesecloth. So these macro molecules of prime rib get into the bloodstream. Your immune systems says, “Whoa, I better fight this.” Now you make antibodies to beef, and you’re allergic to beef, or to bananas, or to chicken, or to potatoes, or to cantaloupe.

And the doctor that does the 90-food panel to see what foods a person is sensitive to, and it comes back with 20-25 foods and the patient goes, “Oh my god, that’s everything I eat.” Of course it is, because your body is trying to protect you. You don’t shut down the immune system, you stop the tears of the cheesecloth. So you have to find out why is the cheesecloth tearing. And when you find out why the cheesecloth is tearing then 6 months to a year later you check again the 90 foods, now you’re sensitive to two or three and not 20.

That’s the mechanism in the development of intestinal permeability, the leaky gut. Let’s tie that now to the thyroid. How does this trigger an autoimmune thyroid disease? When this macro molecule of beef gets into the bloodstream and your immune system says, “Whoa, what’s this?” The brain says, “You General, you now are General Beef. Take care of this.”

General Beef builds an assembly line. The assembly line starts producing soldiers. They’re called antibodies. The soldiers are trained to go after beef, that’s all they do. They’re in the bloodstream looking for beef. And when they see beef clumps they fire their chemical bullets to destroy the beef clumps. Remember your bloodstream’s just a highway. There’s no lanes of traffic. Everything’s bouncing around in there. It’s going in the same direction but it’s bouncing around.

Think of the antibodies like Arnold Schwarzenegger and he’s got his head out of the big Humvee. He’s got those dark glasses on. He’s got a big submachine gun. “Over there.” And he’s firing these chemical bullets at beef because he’s been trained to go after beef.

The beef macro molecule may be 15 amino acids long because it hadn’t had enough time to be broken down into each pearl of the pearl necklace. So there’s 15 amino acids there and Arnold has been trained to go after what anything that looks like that 15 amino acids. I’m going to sat AA, B, C, D, but it really is 15 letters long in this example.

Let’s say Arnold is going after wheat because wheat got in, it tears the cheesecloth, it gets in as a macro molecule. Your immune system makes antibodies to wheat. I said beef to start with but I’m going to talk about wheat now.

Let’s say Arnold’s looking for AA, B, C, D. Bouncing around in the bloodstream looking for AA, B, C, D. He’s got these dark glasses on. The surface of your thyroid facing the bloodstream is made up of proteins and fats. That’s what the surface is made of facing the bloodstream. Proteins are made up of amino acids. There are hundreds of amino acids long, the surface of the proteins of the thyroid, hundreds of amino acids long. But part of the thyroid includes AA, B, C, D.

Arnold that’s looking for wheat, AA, B, C, D, he’s like, “Oh look, over there.” And he fires his chemical bullets at the thyroid to damage the thyroid cell because it’s got AA, B, C, D. That’s called molecular mimicry. And it’s a big problem for people today, they just don’t know it. It’s a big problem as to why autoimmune disease is so prevalent.

Arnold starts firing his chemical bullet at the thyroid damaging the thyroid cell. Remember you have a normal amount of thyroid cells but now you have to make a few extra because there’s more damaged thyroid cells than normal. That’s after having toast for breakfast. But now you have a sandwich for lunch. More Arnold, more damage to the thyroid, AA, B, C, D, if that’s the weak link in your chain.

If it’s your brain Arnold goes after your brain with molecular mimicry. If it’s your kidneys Arnold goes after your kidneys with molecular mimicry. It just depends on what the weak link is in your chain. With wheat it doesn’t matter because AA, B, C, D is very common to the structure of the human body. It’s a component of… If you think of proteins like it’s big, long brick wall, many colors of bricks in there, but there’s this pattern. Any time you see that pattern, “Oh look it’s there. Oh look it’s over too. Oh, it’s there too. And that’s AA, B, C, D in our bodies. It’s very common in our bodies.

So whoever the weak link is in your chain that’s where Arnold’s going to go. And then you have to make more antibodies to your thyroid until this antibody production to your thyroid becomes self-perpetuating. Now you’re on the autoimmune spectrum, killing off your thyroid in this example or your thyroid, killing off cells, until eventually you’ve killed off so many cells now you’re starting to get cold hands and feet, or it’s hard to wake up in the morning. Now your thyroid’s not working so well for you.

You go to a doctor and they take your thyroid hormone. The hormone levels are normal but you’re not functioning very well. And they don’t check to look for the autoimmunity that’s causing all the inflammation in your thyroid and killing off the cells in your thyroid. That’s the autoimmune spectrum.

Dr. Veronica: Okay. First of all I love your analogies. They’re just so beautiful. Thank you. I’m into this story and I’m just like… When you’ve heard the story before and explained in the medical health and all the lingo with all the stuff behind it it’s like, “I’ve heard about that.” But with the Arnold Schwarzenegger behind it with glasses it’s like…

Dr. Thomas: Yeah, it helps.

Dr. Veronica: Thank you so much for that. I would’ve jumped over because that’s a beautiful explanation. Now you’re talking about the autoimmune fix and we talked a little bit before we came on about type 1 diabetes which people think, you just got it. There’s nothing you can do about it. And also Alzheimer’s, you just get old and you just get it. There’s nothing you can do. You got the tangles in your brain. You’re going to get it.

Talk a bit about can we fix this. Because most people think, “I’m a victim. I just got it. There’s nothing I could do about it. I got the pill. I keep going to the doctor and gets adjusted. I feel miserable. This is just my luck in life. My family had it. My mom was like this. Too bad. Oh well.” But that’s not true.

Dr. Thomas: No. That’s not true at all. I was just looking for something. I can’t find them quickly so I’ll just skip that. No one gets Alzheimer’s in their 60’s or 70’s. It’s a decades long process, slowly killing off brain cells. Until you’ve killed off enough brain cells that the system doesn’t work very well anymore just like your thyroid.

Dr. Dale Bredesen is at UCLA. He runs the Buck Institute at UCLA. That’s the Alzheimer’s Research Center. He published a paper in November of 2014 showing complete reversal of Alzheimer’s in 9 out of 10 people within 5 years at UCLA. They reversed it within 5 years. How did he do it? There’s a 34-point checklist. “They have this. They have this. Do they have this? Do they have this?” Top of the list, wheat sensitivity. Next, dairy sensitivity. Because AA, B, C, D is so very common with the brain when you have a sensitivity to wheat.

When I give my lectures to doctors, there’s 200 doctors in the room how many know we’re suspecting of a sensitivity to wheat? Let me see a show of hands? And I say, “Hold your hands high for a minute please,” and they do. I say, “Look around the room,” and it’s about 80% of the room. Then I’ll say, “How many of you know or suspect if you have an inadvertent exposure to wheat it seems to affect your brain? Let me see your hands again? Come on, hold them up.” And about 50%-60% of those people raise their hand again. And I said look around the room.

This is a talk to doctors, health care practitioners. This is not a celiac group. This is your practice doctors. This is how often it’s in your practice. “How many of you are finding it this often?” And maybe there’ll be one person that raises her hand. In other words in clinical practice six to seven out of ten people will test positive if you do the right test, looking for a sensitivity to wheat. And of that number the most common system affected for molecular mimicry AA, B, C, D is the brain. Most common for most people it affects the brain.

You’ve got Arnold firing at your brain causing inflammation in the brain, that’s pulling on the chain. And eventually one day you say, “I’m getting old. I don’t remember the way I used to. Haha…” “Really? How old are you?” “I’m 38.” No, that’s not supposed to happen. No, that’s not normal, you’re getting older. No, it’s a brain that’s on fire. You’ve got inflammation in your brain. Why? I don’t know why. Let’s find out.

But you’re on the autoimmune spectrum, and that’s what this book is about. The Autoimmune Fix just came out two weeks ago. What it’s about is to understand this big picture concept. Everybody wants a cure. May I be gentle and say this to your listeners. Wake up. There’s no such thing as a cure. There’s no magic pill that fixes your diabetes. Wake up. A cure means you don’t have the symptoms anymore. You have no markers of the symptoms like blood test or urine test, and you can do whatever you want.

Remission means you don’t have the symptoms anymore. There is no markers of the symptoms, urine or blood test. And as long as you live the lifestyle that got you feeling better you’re going to stay healthy. There’s no cure. You want to read about a cure for diabetes? Go to YouTube and type in Type 2 diabetes and raw food diets. And you’ll see the videos of African-American post-menopausal women which is a very high-risk group for diabetes, you’ll see a video of them. They go on a raw food diet for 30 days and you see the doctors talk about their blood tests, and this is unbelievable, their diabetes is completely gone. Their cholesterol’s come down 85 points. I’m taking them off their cholesterol medication. You see the doctors saying this.

The most potent thing you can do for your health is what’s at the end of your fork. That’s it. It’s like, wake up people, wake up. And the reason I’m so direct about this is because for the first time in the history of human species, for the very first time the New England Journal of Medicine tells us today that children born today are going to get sick at an earlier age than their parents. They’re going to get diagnosed with diseases at an earlier age than their parents, and they’re going to die at an earlier age than when their parent’s died.

For the first time in the history of the human species. This has never happened before. We’re going down. Now, the statistics are very clear, our health care system is one of the worst. The U.S. is ranked second from the bottom in quality of health care at the World Health Organization, yet we spend more for health than anywhere else on the planet. It’s in pharma’s big interest to keep us dumbed down and not understanding any of this.

That’s why I spent a year with Betrayal, The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You. When you guys wake up to this common sense stuff that’s in here and that’s in Betrayal you’re just going to start asking different questions. And when you ask different questions your doctors are being demanded upon to get more answers. Because the things that I write about in this book just make common sense.

Stop throwing gasoline on the fire. Everybody knows that diseases are inflammatory. Alright, stop throwing gasoline on the fire. “How do I do that?” Well, you have to learn. And so it’s going to take a while to learn. There’s no cure that you take this pill and you’re fine. There’s no cure. There is remission. And you can have a wonderfully vibrant, dynamic life you can. But we have to learn how to ask the right kind of questions.

Dr. Veronica: You mentioned Betrayal, I think so many people feel betrayed by the health care system, betrayed by their doctors, betrayed by the government, society, just betrayed by everything. We talk about Betrayal and we’re going to talk about how people can get access to Betrayal and learn.

Dr. Thomas: I’ve traveled the world, literally. For the last few I put 165,000 air miles now in this last year. Lisbon, Barcelona, Leipzig, Germany, three times in London, Dublin, Sao Paolo, all over the world, interviewing world experts, the godfathers and godmothers of autoimmunity. And they know all of this and it’s shocking when you hear them talk about it. They’ve know about this for years these kinds of concepts, but no one’s carrying the message out and putting it together.

We put it all together. It’s a seven-part series online, everything’s free. It’s about an hour a day for seven days. And you can register for it here with your website, so people can click on it and register and they can watch Betrayal. They’re going to hear from the experts.

You’re going to hear from Dr. Marta Vives Pi in Barcelona, Spain who is reversing type 1 diabetes with diet and nutrition, regenerating beta cells of the pancreas. So your body starts making insulin again. What we’ve been told it’s impossible. No, it’s not. Read her papers. Here’s the evidence. It works. It’s simple. It’s not a drug, and it works.

You’re going to read Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld, the godfather of predictive autoimmunity. His book is there on the shelf, Vaccines and Autoimmunity. It just came out. Dr. Shoenfeld, to get a sense of who this guy is, 28 of the PhD students who got their PhD’s under him, many more than that, but 28 of them share departments of immunology in med schools and hospitals around the world. This is the godfather. I interviewed him three times.

And you hear him say, “Dr. O’Bryan, I am very much in favor of vaccinations. They have saved millions of lives. However, if the person carries the gene HLA-DRB1, and 30% of the population does, they are very sensitive to having an acute reaction to the adjuvants in vaccine. Thus, it is of wisdom to perhaps be cautious in administering the vaccines. Perhaps a smaller time scale of administration, not seven in one day, not three in one day to these infants that have a weakened, not developed immune system yet. So you give one and you wait two weeks. You give another one.

Sean tells all four vaccinations but he’s saying for these patients that are HLA-DRB1 you got to wake up. You can’t throw this toxic poison in them because their bodies can’t handle it that well. Other bodies may be able to handle it okay. So it’s not saying don’t vaccinate, he’s just saying vaccinate with caution if they have that weak link in their chain. That’s the kind of stuff you’re going to hear from these experts. It’s just such useful information and it saves lives. It’s going to save thousands and thousands of lives. I want everyone to watch this. It’s all free. Because if you watch it you’re going to ask different questions of your doctor.

Dr. Veronica: I just got to share because we’re just meeting for the first time a little bit before the podcast of how I personally felt betrayed by my medical education. I also felt betrayed in my health care. I realized that I was sensitive to certain things because my sons, one got depressed and one got bipolar, and we figured out that they were sensitive to wheat and soy. One had thyroid symptoms major.

Dr. Thomas: AA, B, C, D.

Dr. Veronica: The doctor came to me who was my [Unintelligible 00:38:56] Dr. Veronica who’s a chiropractic at… “Come here mom. Let me test you.” And then what do you know, I’m sensitive. I’m not eating tons of these food so I would get six sometimes and say, “What’s going on. I don’t even know what happened?” And all of a sudden it answered questions for me.

And the other thing that I will say is as an African-American I used to feel, “That’s a white people disease.” And I realized it’s not a white people disease. And probably everybody in my family is suffering from these things and oh my god we better wake up. My mother and my father has diabetes. I’m an eye surgeon by training. My grandmother went blind from diabetes. This is this betrayal that you’re talking about needs to get out there into the whole world. So when people go to my Facebook page, to my website, even if it’s after the date don’t think that you still can have access to it because the world needs to see this.

Dr. Thomas O’Bryan I thank you for your work, your book The Autoimmune Fix. For those of you who like to read go get the book. You need it on your shelves so you can pick it up and read it over and over again, because it takes a while to digest this.

Dr. Thomas: May I say something about the book?

Dr. Veronica: Yes.

Dr. Thomas: Here’s the thing on the book. Right now it’s on Amazon for 16 bucks. Amazon is selling it at a loss because it’s getting more traffic. More people are coming. And then when you’re on Amazon you’re likely to buy something else, so that’s their philosophy. But it’s 16 bucks. If I make The New York Times Best Seller list that means I get invitations. I’m now a candidate for Ellen, Oz, Bill Maher, all these shows where I can carry this message out even further.

For 16 bucks I promise if you’re not happy I’ll give you a refund. You just send me a note and I’ll give you a refund. I’m very proud of it. It’s 30 years of work. But help me carry this message out. Help me if you would by getting the book. There’s no profit in this. You make a couple of bucks a book. This is not for that. This is really to carry the message out to wake the world up because our kids are dying younger than their parents, and that’s what this is about. So help me and watch Betrayal. Tell your friends about Betrayal. Help us carry the message out there so we can reach a million people with this.

Dr. Veronica: Yay, and I’m going to help you reach those million people with the followers of Dr. Veronica and all my posting on social media. Dr. O’Bryan, again, with much gratitude for your work and your time, those 165,000 miles to get Betrayal put together so we all could figure out what we need to do to heal ourselves. Thank you so much.

Dr. Thomas: Thank you.

Female VO: Thank you for listening to The Wellness Revolution Podcast. If you want to hear more on how to bring wellness into your life visit See you all next week. Take care.


Annmaree Miller

Holistic Healthcare practitioner at annmaree miller's holistic healthcare

6 年

Yes. Dr Wakefield was simply saying in his et al 1998 paper that SI was affected possibly during the administration of certain vaccines. The linking of GUT dysbiosis and . Dxs are so common now. Look forward to seeing the dot connection progess. ?



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