I want us to learn something small but has a big impact on our health. It is a molecule called GLUTATHIONE. Research have shown that, apart from Water, Food, and Air, glutathione is the fourth most important product our body requires for optimal health.
This molecule is produced by our cells, which is the basic unit of every human being's life
It is known to be the master of all antioxidants or the mother of all antioxidants; protects our cells from dying, strengthens immunity, improves mental focus and clarity, Reduces stress and inflammations which brings about pains, removes toxins and free radicals from our system etc.
The bad news is some factors like age, stress, smoke, excessive alcohol, medications, toxins, sun exposure, sleep deprivation etc causes its depletion in our cells.
The reduction of glutathione is associated with over 74 diseases including, Diabetes, Asthma, HBp, Joint Pains, Cancers, Arthritis, Glaucoma, etc. and conditions associated with PAIN have been linked to it.
Because of how important this molecule is to our human body, over 100,000 studies have been made on it. Scientists have come out with glutathione supplements but its potency failed as it gets degraded nearly 90% in our gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
The next available option is to take intravenously (IV) which is very expensive to adapt. Therefore raising glutathione level is a difficult and expensive thing to do.
As already stated that apart from food, water and air, the next important product our body needs is glutathione. But how can we raise its levels as there are a lot of factors inhibiting its production over time.
To be continue...