Glutamine Benefits
A private members’ Club located in the Principality of Monaco, on the iconic Avenue Princesse Grace.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. It plays a critical role in immunity and gut health. Glutamine helps repair the gut from inflammation and provides fuel for cells in the immune system.
It can be used to repair gut tissue and enhances immune barrier function of the GI tract.
When gut health is compromised, it can lead to poor performance and injury.
Taking glutamine before exercise can reduce the stress-induced intestinal permeability that occurs when blood is shunted to the muscles.
Glutamine prevents food cravings and calm annoying, obsessive thoughts about food. Glutamine stops your desire for sugar that hits you when stressed.
Glutamine also improves the messages sent by the chemical transmitters to and from the brain, allowing you to avoid obsessive thoughts about food. Glutamine is used to treat alcoholism and drug abuse because it calms compulsive feelings.
The key to unlocking your athletic potential lies in a place few coaches think to look. By optimizing your gut health, you can maximize performance and improve your overall well-being.
Glutamine is an alternate source of energy available to the brain.
You can open a capsule, put it under your tongue and the sugar craving will decrease within minutes. Or try 1 to 2 grams of?glutamine?mixed in water or other beverage to combat food cravings and get control of your diet.