GLS Recap - Michael Todd
Chris Meroff
Best Selling Author of "Align" and "The Empathy Revolution" | Commerce for Kingdom | Entrepreneur | Public Speaker | Farmer | Investor
Michael Todd
?Co-Lead Pastor, Transformation Church; Author; Social Media Influencer
Stop striving and start striding:
Share it HOT: Humble, Open, and Transparent.
What is the pace of your leadership?
Many people, your pace is too fast. You’re going at a pace that is unsustainable. We’re at a cosmic slowdown.
The pace of grace – the sweet spot between great results and genuine rest. The fine line between hard work and health and wholeness. Between stats and success. True leadership that will last has to have the right pace.
Find harmony in your life.
Is everything moving at the same pace?
Drumming as an example: right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot. We make music when we all start working at the same pace. There needs to be cohesion and unity.
The pace is not fast or slow. When you find the right pace, it’s easy for others to follow you. When you find the pace the grace, when everything gets the measure of attention it needs, everything changes.
How do I set a new leadership pace?
- Get a vision. Get a vision of yourself rested, whole. Vision is what you see when your eyes are closed.
- Make it visual. Write down a goal. Next month, my pace will be…
- Be verbal. Tell somebody. I’m changing my pace up.
The results are going to come and you’ll have added value.
Pace directly affects peace and peace is true prosperity.
Success is not just where you end up, it’s how you get there.
As leaders, we have to find the pace of grace. -Mike Todd #GLS20