Devora Krasnianski
Passionate about helping people live their best lives | Coach | Dating and Relationship Coach | Midlife Coach | Founder at Adai Ad | Founder of Jewish Women Talk About Midlife
[Adai Ad - Just One Thing]
For a happy and successful life, think GLOW.
The word 'glow' connotes images of a consistent radiance of light, of happiness, of passion. 'Glowing' means warm, complimentary, praiseworthy. Now that sounds like a nice way to live your life.
G- Gratitude. Notice and appreciate the wonderful things that are in your life. The big and the tiny.
L- Laughter. Have a sense of humor about all the things that go awry. It's inevitable, there are things to laugh about all the time.
O- Optimism. Trust that things will work out in the end.
W- Wholeness. Living in a way that aligns your values and actions.