Glory Then, Glory Now, Glory in the New Season 3

Glory Then, Glory Now, Glory in the New Season 3

David W Palmer

Burning Redundant Chaff

(Matthew 3:12 NASB) “His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

Under the spirit and power of Elijah, which is a facet of the whole Christ anointing, John the Baptist prepared people for Jesus’s glorious mission. In this verse, we see that he warned people to turn from anything that could burn because the holy fire of God’s glory would burn up the chaff.

The objective of threshing the grain harvest is to separate the reproduced seeds (wheat in this translation) from the chaff. Chaff is the stalks, leaves, husks and anything else that constitutes the plant that helped to multiply the seeds—but is not the reproduced seeds themselves. To achieve the separation, the harvested plants were beaten to loosen the hard seeds. Then, if windy, they threw it up into the air. The lighter chaff would blow away, but the denser grain would fall back to the threshing floor. No doubt it was dusty work, but eventually the grain would be separated from the chaff.

If there was no wind, from this passage we see that the harvester would use a “winnowing fan” (Mat. 3:12 APE). Representing Jesus, this shows that he can generate the necessary movement of air for this objective, even if it is not a naturally windy time.

John the Baptist said that Jesus would do this separating in his own threshing floor. According to his parables, the grain or seed in this story represents God’s word. This means that Jesus is looking among people, ministries, programs, churches, denominations, and everyone who seems to be active in his kingdom. He is seeking fruit from the word he has sown; Jesus is looking for a multiplication of God’s pure word. The chaff, although indispensable in its season, is now redundant—destined to be burned.

For our scenario, what does the chaff represent? Remember, chaff may contain some weeds, but primarily it all grew from the original seeds and was the very plant that enabled the reproduction of them. In other words, chaff was essential in its season to maintain the very existence and growth of the staple. In ministry, chaff is the styles, languages, programs, structures, churches, denominations, or systems that were used in their season to grow God’s word. When their season has ended, Jesus first threshes them and then throws them up in the air—allowing the wind to operate on them. Eventually, only what is a pure reproduction of the original seed (God’s pure word) remains; the chaff and all it represents is blown into a separate pile to be burned.

For those of us in church life and ministry, this truth about holy fire may be very difficult to accept. Even though the chaff grew from God’s word, and was the very instrument for its reproduction—in its season—once it has achieved its purpose, Jesus aims to burn it. But this is only because it cannot produce fruit again.

So at this moment in God’s history, we are seeing the reality of this. Many of our programs, structures, departments, styles, and ways of doing ministry are destined to burn. They have been extremely useful in the season(s) that led up to this moment; they have been used successfully in achieving Jesus’s objective of reproducing his word into hungry hearts, a new generation, a church, or a group. However, the previously reproduced word now needs to be taken and sown again for this new era. It has in its DNA the ability to grow a whole new crop of chaff—the right structure and growth factor to reproduce God’s word again.

This means that the word sown over the previous season into a new generation of believers has come to harvest. In their [new] season, they may do their ministries with new strategies, programs, styles, and presentation; but where the pure word of God has reproduced in them, it will be sown again into another generation and so on:

(1 Peter 1:23 NKJV) Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever.

We must remember in this that God’s pure word is incorruptible, and that he wants it to reproduce on the earth bringing blessing, revelation, healing, life, salvations, abundance, and more. But we have to not hold on to any program, style, strategy, or system as incorruptible, eternal, or essential—no matter how much fruit it bore in bygone seasons.

Each new season will ultimately produce a lot of chaff in the process of reproducing God’s word. So, whether it’s your favorite style, a program in which you grew in God and the knowledge or his word, or a style in which you encountered God in glorious worship, don’t hold the wrapping as sacred; look for the reproduced word. Take it, allow Jesus and his gardening Father to show you your next season of cropping, and plant what reproduced via last season’s chaff. Receive from him your assignment for the next season, and don’t fight against the style, way, or program used by him to get God’s word to reproduce again.

Be ready for ministering in a new way for you, and be ready for what creative and ingenious ways God will use his church and its members to operate in this season of glory to see a multiplication of his word: online, in homes, in a different style of meetings and gatherings, the list goes on. Some of what will come forward we cannot even imagine at this time, but God will bring the ideas, styles, programs, and structures to birth in the hearts of those into whom his words have been sown. Let’s focus on Jesus, stay in the lane of our own assignment, and …

(Habakkuk 1:5 NLT) “Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.

(John 4:35 NLT) “You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest.”


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