Have you every thought about the reason earth is the only planet not named after a god? Or, why the world’s most powerful super computer called BlueGene, can only perform less than one half of one percent than the human brain? A safe assumption would be God had His reasons wouldn’t it? God created a single planet where human life can exist and gave humans a brain six thousand years ago that not even the most modern up to date super computer can keep up.
However, since God created us with a human brain far more powerful than the world’s most powerful computer then why there are more vacant houses than homeless people in the USA? Or, with a brain wired for amazing accomplishments, why do we do what we know is wrong and shouldn’t do? Or, more complex yet is why do we do things we know we shouldn’t do even when we know they are bad? It is a safe bet the answer lies within the human’s weakness and thirst for selfish debaucheries. Yep, those toe stumping desires which led us to be self serving instead of using the tools God gave us to serve Him and others.
On the slope of Long’s Peak in Colorado lies the ruin of a gigantic tree. Naturalists tell us that it stood for some four hundred years. It was a seedling when Columbus landed at San Salvador, and half grown when the pilgrims settled at Plymouth.
During the course of its long life it was struck by lightning fourteen times and the innumerable avalanches and storms of four centuries thundered past it. It survived them all.
However, in the end, an army of beetles attacked the tree and leveled it to the ground. The insects ate their way through the bark and gradually destroyed the inner strength of the tree by their tiny but incessant attacks. A forest giant which age had not withered, nor lightning blasted, nor storms subdued, fell at last before beetles so small that a man could crush them between his forefinger and his thumb.
There is a parallel in this devotional which should serve as a warning to us. Most of us can survive times of crisis. We summon the strength of our faith in God as resolve for any battle that we face head on. Whether it is in our professional or personal lives, we often overcome great obstacles.
It is the small things like jealousy, anger, resentment, pettiness, negativity and other selfish sins that eat us from the inside, which often bring about our downfall. Unlike a giant tree, we can identify and fight those moral or ethical “beetles” to keep them from destroying our hearts, minds and souls but why don’t we more times than not?
Each and every one of us is an A-list sinner. We cannot help it as we have it in our DNA thanks to Adam & Eve. Just because we start out as sinners does not mean we have to end our life’s journey as one. God the Father provided a solution for us to become a “forgiven” sinner.
The apostle Paul described it best when he stated; “I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate.” (Romans 7:19). None of us want to cheat on our spouses or be an alcoholic or addicted to a litany of substances and harmful behaviors.
None of us want to be jealous or cynical or walk around angry enough to kick the dog or worse. No, none of us WANT to do the things we know we shouldn’t do but we still do.
Fortunately, God loves us immensely (Romans 8:35-39) and understands we have sin in our DNA and understands we do things we know we shouldn’t do so He willingly forgives us but we must ask Him. Just as God teaches us to forgive 70 times 7 (Matthew 18:22), we can rest assured God practices what He preaches and more!
Almighty God, thank You for your unlimited love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. Help us to not confuse the fact we are sinners as meaning we are worthless failures headed southbound instead of northbound to the Pearly Gates. Remind us at the end of life’s journey we will stand before You as sinners. Each and every one us. Yet as we stand before You, we will either be forgiven or unforgiven sinners. Only “forgiven” sinners will board the “Train Bound for Glory” so Lord, please forgive me and save me a seat!
City Manager (retired) and Executive Consultant
4 年https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKhfgV1zJL0