Glorious traditions, narratives traps, and bad checks
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:
- 暴力æ怖 / violent terrorism.; violent terror?
Today’s quote:
- 昨天,阿富汗外交部大楼外å‘生爆炸,导致至少5人é‡éš¾ï¼Œå¦æœ‰çº¦40人å—伤。 。。。 ä¸æ–¹åšå†³å对一切暴力æ怖行径,对æ¤äº‹ä»¶äºˆä»¥å¼ºçƒˆè°´è´£ï¼Œå¯¹é‡éš¾è€…表示哀悼,å‘伤者和é‡éš¾è€…家属表示慰问。?
There was a bombing yesterday [January 12, 2023] outside the Afghan foreign ministry in Kabul. At least five people were killed and about 40 others were wounded.?... China firmly opposes all acts of violent terrorism. We strongly condemn this incident, mourn for the victims and extend sympathies to the people whose family members were killed and those who were injured in the incident.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 共建共治共享的社会治ç†åˆ¶åº¦è¿›ä¸€æ¥å¥å…¨ï¼Œæ°‘æ—分裂势力ã€å®—æ•™æžç«¯åŠ¿åŠ›ã€æš´åŠ›æ怖势力得到有效é制,扫黑除æ¶ä¸“项斗争å–得阶段性æˆæžœï¼Œæœ‰åŠ›åº”对一系列é‡å¤§è‡ªç„¶ç¾å®³ï¼Œå¹³å®‰ä¸å›½å»ºè®¾è¿ˆå‘更高水平。?
We have further improved the social governance system based on collaboration, participation, and shared benefits. We have effectively contained ethnic separatists, religious extremists, and violent terrorists and secured important progress in the campaigns to combat and root out organized crime. We have responded effectively to major natural disasters.
- éžæ´²ç–¾æŽ§ä¸å¿ƒ / Africa Center for Disease Control; Africa CDC?
Today’s quote:
- éžæ´²ç–¾æŽ§ä¸å¿ƒæ€»éƒ¨é¡¹ç›®æ˜¯ä¹ 近平主å¸åœ¨2018å¹´ä¸éžåˆä½œè®ºå›åŒ—京峰会上宣布的对éžåˆä½œæ——舰项目,是继éžç›Ÿä¼šè®®ä¸å¿ƒåŽä¸éžåˆä½œçš„åˆä¸€æ ‡å¿—性项目。?
The Africa CDC headquarters is a flagship project of China-Africa cooperation announced by President Xi Jinping at the FOCAC Beijing Summit in 2018. Like the AU Conference Center, the CDC headquarters is yet another landmark of China-Africa cooperation.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- ä¸éžå»ºç«‹äº†41个对å£åŒ»é™¢åˆä½œæœºåˆ¶ï¼Œä¸å›½æ´å»ºçš„éžæ´²ç–¾æŽ§ä¸å¿ƒæ€»éƒ¨å¤§æ¥¼é¡¹ç›®å·²äºŽåŽ»å¹´å¹´åº•æ£å¼å¼€å·¥ã€‚?
A cooperation mechanism has been established for Chinese hospitals to pair up with 41 African hospitals, and construction for the China-assisted project of the Africa CDC headquarters officially started at the end of last year.?
- 迄今ä¸æ–¹å·²å‘éžæ´²æ供近120批紧急抗疫物资,å‘15个国家派出抗疫医疗专家组,已ç»å¹¶å°†å‘35个éžæ´²å›½å®¶åŠéžç›Ÿå§”员会æ供疫苗,ä¸æ–¹æ´å»ºçš„éžæ´²ç–¾æŽ§ä¸å¿ƒæ€»éƒ¨å¤§æ¥¼é¡¹ç›®å·²æ£å¼å¼€å·¥ï¼Œ30个ä¸éžå¯¹å£åŒ»é™¢åˆä½œæœºåˆ¶æ£æŠ“紧推进。?
We have provided close to 120 batches of emergency supplies to Africa and sent medical expert teams to 15 African countries. We have started to provide COVID vaccines to 35 African countries and the African Union Commission. The construction of the Africa CDC Headquarters, a project for which we are glad to provide assistance, has started, and cooperation between 30 pairs of Chinese and African hospitals is well underway.?
- ä¸å›½å†³å®šä¼˜åŒ–å‡çº§50个医疗å«ç”Ÿæ´éžé¡¹ç›®ï¼Œé‡ç‚¹æ´å»ºéžæ´²ç–¾æŽ§ä¸å¿ƒæ€»éƒ¨ã€ä¸éžå‹å¥½åŒ»é™¢ç‰æ——舰项目;开展公共å«ç”Ÿäº¤æµå’Œä¿¡æ¯åˆä½œï¼Œå®žæ–½ä¸éžæ–°å‘å†å‘ä¼ æŸ“ç—…ã€è¡€å¸è™«ã€è‰¾æ»‹ç—…ã€ç–Ÿç–¾ç‰ç–¾æŽ§åˆä½œé¡¹ç›®ï¼›ä¸ºéžæ´²åŸ¹å…»æ›´å¤šä¸“科医生,继ç»æ´¾é£å¹¶ä¼˜åŒ–æ´éžåŒ»ç–—队;开展“光明行â€ã€â€œçˆ±å¿ƒè¡Œâ€ã€â€œå¾®ç¬‘è¡Œâ€ç‰åŒ»ç–—巡诊活动;实施é¢å‘弱势群体的妇幼心连心工程。?
China has decided to upgrade 50 medical and health aid programs for Africa, particularly flagship projects such as the headquarters of the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention and China-Africa Friendship Hospitals. Exchange and information cooperation will be carried out on public health. Cooperation programs will be launched on the prevention and control of emerging and re-emerging communicable diseases, schistosomiasis, HIV/AIDS and malaria. China will train more medical specialists for Africa and continue to send medical teams that better meet Africa's needs. More mobile medical services will be provided to patients for the treatment of cataract, heart disease and dental defects. And targeted health care services will be provided to women and children of vulnerable groups in Africa.?
- å…‰è£ä¼ 统 / noble tradition; glorious tradition?
Today’s quote:
- 秦刚外长表示,ä¸å›½å§‹ç»ˆå°†éžæ´²ç½®äºŽå¤–交优先方å‘ï¼Œä¼ æ‰¿å’Œå¼˜æ‰¬ä¸éžå‹è°Šå·²ç»æˆä¸ºä¸å›½å¤–交的光è£ä¼ 统和鲜明底色。?
Foreign Minister Qin said that Africa has always been a diplomatic priority for China and that carrying forward and advancing the China-Africa friendship has been a noble tradition and a defining feature of China's diplomacy.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 弘扬党的光è£ä¼ ç»Ÿå’Œä¼˜è‰¯ä½œé£Žï¼Œä¿ƒè¿›å…šå‘˜å¹²éƒ¨ç‰¹åˆ«æ˜¯é¢†å¯¼äºŽéƒ¨å¸¦å¤´æ·±å…¥è°ƒæŸ¥ç ”ç©¶ï¼Œæ‰‘ä¸‹èº«å干实事ã€è°‹å®žæ‹›ã€æ±‚实效。?
We must carry forward the proud traditions and venerable conduct of the Party. In doing so, we will encourage Party officials, especially leading officials, to take the lead in conducting in-depth research and studies and to immerse themselves in hard work, take concrete measures, and deliver solid outcomes.?
- ä¸åŽæ°‘æ—具有å对分裂ã€ç»´æŠ¤ç»Ÿä¸€çš„å…‰è£ä¼ 统。?
The Chinese nation has an honorable tradition of opposing separatism and safeguarding unity.?
- ä¸åŽæ°‘æ—具有å对分裂ã€ç»´æŠ¤ç»Ÿä¸€çš„å…‰è£ä¼ 统。?
The Chinese nation has an honorable tradition of opposing division and safeguarding unity.?
- 我们将一如既往åšæŒå…šå¯¹å¤–交工作的领导,全é¢è´¯å½»ä¹ 近平外交æ€æƒ³ï¼Œç”¨å…šçš„å…‰è£ä¼ ç»Ÿç ¥ç ºå¤–äº¤é£Žéª¨ï¼Œç”¨å…šçš„åŽ†å²ç»éªŒå¯è¿ªå¤–交智慧,ä¸æ–开创ä¸å›½ç‰¹è‰²å¤§å›½å¤–交的新局é¢ã€‚?
We will continue to uphold the Party's leadership of diplomatic work, fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, steel the spine of China's diplomacy with the Party's fine traditions, seek inspirations from the Party's history and experience, and keep breaking new ground in China's distinctive major-country diplomacy.?
- è¯è¯é™·é˜± / narrative trap?
Today’s quote:
- 访问期间,秦外长还驳斥了所谓ä¸å›½ç»™éžæ´²å¸¦æ¥â€œå€ºåŠ¡é™·é˜±â€çš„æ— ç†æŒ‡è´£ï¼ŒæŒ‡å‡ºä¸å›½å§‹ç»ˆè‡´åŠ›äºŽå¸®åŠ©éžæ´²å‡ç¼“债务压力,所谓ä¸å›½å¯¹éžâ€œå€ºåŠ¡é™·é˜±â€æ˜¯å¼ºåŠ ç»™ä¸éžçš„è¯è¯é™·é˜±ã€‚?
During the visit, Foreign Minister Qin also refuted the misguided accusation that China created “debt traps†for Africa. He said that China has been committed to helping Africa ease the debt pressure. The “debt trap†allegation is nothing but a narrative trap imposed on China and Africa.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 事实一å†è¯æ˜Žï¼Œæ‰€è°““ä¸å›½å€ºåŠ¡é™·é˜±â€å®žè´¨ä¸Šæ˜¯ä¸€äº›åˆ«æœ‰ç”¨å¿ƒè€…ç¼–é€ çš„ç”¨äºŽå¹²æ‰°ã€ç ´åä¸å›½åŒå‘展ä¸å›½å®¶äº’利åˆä½œçš„“è¯è¯é™·é˜±â€ã€‚?
Facts have proven time and again that the so-called “China’s debt trap†is nothing but a narrative trap designed with ill intentions to disrupt and undermine China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with other developing countries.?
- æ ¹æ®ä¸–界银行的数æ®ï¼Œåœ¨49个有数æ®å¯æŸ¥çš„éžæ´²å›½å®¶å…±è®¡6960亿美元的外债之ä¸ï¼Œå€Ÿè‡ªå¤šè¾¹é‡‘èžæœºæž„å’Œä¸å«ä¸å›½çš„ç§äººé‡‘èžæœºæž„的债务é¢å 到债务总é‡çš„çº¦å››åˆ†ä¹‹ä¸‰ã€‚æ ¹æ®è‹±å›½â€œå€ºåŠ¡æ£ä¹‰â€æœºæž„对24个债务负担最高的éžæ´²å›½å®¶çš„调查显示,这些国家未æ¥7å¹´å‘ç§äººé‡‘èžæœºæž„和多边金èžæœºæž„的债务å¿ä»˜ä¸ä½æ•°åˆ†åˆ«ä¸º32%å’Œ35%。西方ç§äººæœºæž„的贷款平å‡åˆ©çŽ‡å‡ 乎是ä¸å›½é‡‘èžæœºæž„贷款利率的2å€ã€‚这些事实和数æ®éƒ½è¯æ˜Žï¼Œæ‰€è°““ä¸å›½å€ºåŠ¡é™·é˜±è®ºâ€çº¯å±žè™šå‡ä¿¡æ¯ï¼Œæ˜¯é‚£äº›ä¸å¸Œæœ›çœ‹åˆ°ä¸å›½åŒéžæ´²ç‰å‘展ä¸å›½å®¶åˆä½œåŠ å¿«å‘展的势力炮制出æ¥çš„“è¯è¯é™·é˜±â€ã€‚æ£å¦‚“债务æ£ä¹‰â€ç›¸å…³è´Ÿè´£äººæŒ‡å‡ºçš„é‚£æ ·ï¼Œâ€œè¥¿æ–¹å°†éžæ´²å€ºåŠ¡å±æœºå½’咎于ä¸å›½ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯åœ¨è½¬ç§»æ³¨æ„力。?
According to data from the World Bank, of the $696 billion external debt of 49 African governments with data, about three quarters is owed to multilateral institutions and non-Chinese private creditors. Debt Justice found that for the 24 African countries with the highest debt burdens, the median share of their external debt payments from 2022 to 2028 to non-Chinese private creditors and multilateral creditors is projected to be 32% and 35% respectively. The average interest rate on loans from Western private lenders is almost twice that of Chinese lenders. These facts and data show that the so-called “Chinese debt trap†is pure disinformation and a narrative trap created by those who do not hope to see China-Africa cooperation pick up speed. As Debt Justice’s head of policy said, “Western leaders blame China for debt crises in Africa, but this is a distraction. The truth is their own banks, asset managers and oil traders are far more responsibleâ€.?
- 王毅国务委员指出,所谓éžæ´²â€œå€ºåŠ¡é™·é˜±â€çš„说法是那些ä¸å¸Œæœ›çœ‹åˆ°éžæ´²åŠ å¿«å‘å±•çš„å¤–éƒ¨åŠ¿åŠ›åˆ¶é€ å‡ºæ¥çš„“è¯è¯é™·é˜±â€ã€‚?
State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out that the so-called “debt trap†is in fact a narrative trap created by forces who do not want to see rapid development in Africa.?
- 空头支票 / bad check; empty promise?
Today’s quote:
- 秦刚外长表示,ä¸å›½ä»Žä¸å¼€â€œç©ºå¤´æ”¯ç¥¨â€ï¼Œæ›´ä¸ä¼šå¼ºäººæ‰€éš¾ã€‚?
Foreign Minister Qin said that China makes no empty promises, still less presses others against their own will.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- å°æ¹¾å‰é€”在于国家统一,å°æ¹¾åŒèƒžç¦ç¥‰ç³»äºŽæ°‘æ—å¤å…´ã€‚那些外部势力的“空头支票â€ï¼Œç»ˆç©¶æ˜¯é ä¸ä½çš„。?
The future of Taiwan lies in national reunification, and the wellbeing of Taiwan compatriots is linked to national rejuvenation. Those bad checks from external forces are ultimately unreliable.?
- å°æ¹¾çš„å‰é€”希望在于两岸关系和平å‘展,在于实现国家的统一,而ä¸æ˜¯ä¾é 什么外部的“空头支票â€ã€‚?
Taiwan’s future and hope lies in the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and reunification with the mainland, not in counting on the empty promises of external forces. Seeking foreign support to gain independence is a dead end.?
- 旗舰项目 / flagship project?
Today’s quote:
- éžæ´²ç–¾æŽ§ä¸å¿ƒæ€»éƒ¨é¡¹ç›®æ˜¯ä¹ 近平主å¸åœ¨2018å¹´ä¸éžåˆä½œè®ºå›åŒ—京峰会上宣布的对éžåˆä½œæ——舰项目,是继éžç›Ÿä¼šè®®ä¸å¿ƒåŽä¸éžåˆä½œçš„åˆä¸€æ ‡å¿—性项目。?
The Africa CDC headquarters is a flagship project of China-Africa cooperation announced by President Xi Jinping at the FOCAC Beijing Summit in 2018. Like the AU Conference Center, the CDC headquarters is yet another landmark of China-Africa cooperation.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- ä¸å·´ç»æµŽèµ°å»Šä½œä¸ºâ€œä¸€å¸¦ä¸€è·¯â€å€¡è®®çš„旗舰项目,已ç»æˆä¸ºä¸å·´åˆä½œçš„æ ‡å¿—æ€§å·¥ç¨‹ï¼Œæœ‰åŠ›ä¿ƒè¿›äº†å·´åŸºæ–¯å¦ç»æµŽå‘展和民生改善,产生了积æžçš„ç»æµŽå’Œç¤¾ä¼šæ•ˆåº”。?
As a flagship program of the Belt and Road Initiative, CPEC has become a landmark of China-Pakistan cooperation. It has effectively boosted economic development, improved people’s livelihood, and generated positive socioeconomic effects in Pakistan.?
- ä¸è€é“路是两国互利åˆä½œå’Œå…±å»ºâ€œä¸€å¸¦ä¸€è·¯â€çš„旗舰项目。?
The China-Laos Railway is a flagship project of the two countries’ mutually-beneficial cooperation and BRI cooperation.?
- ä¸å›½å†³å®šä¼˜åŒ–å‡çº§50个医疗å«ç”Ÿæ´éžé¡¹ç›®ï¼Œé‡ç‚¹æ´å»ºéžæ´²ç–¾æŽ§ä¸å¿ƒæ€»éƒ¨ã€ä¸éžå‹å¥½åŒ»é™¢ç‰æ——舰项目;开展公共å«ç”Ÿäº¤æµå’Œä¿¡æ¯åˆä½œï¼Œå®žæ–½ä¸éžæ–°å‘å†å‘ä¼ æŸ“ç—…ã€è¡€å¸è™«ã€è‰¾æ»‹ç—…ã€ç–Ÿç–¾ç‰ç–¾æŽ§åˆä½œé¡¹ç›®ï¼›ä¸ºéžæ´²åŸ¹å…»æ›´å¤šä¸“科医生,继ç»æ´¾é£å¹¶ä¼˜åŒ–æ´éžåŒ»ç–—队;开展“光明行â€ã€â€œçˆ±å¿ƒè¡Œâ€ã€â€œå¾®ç¬‘è¡Œâ€ç‰åŒ»ç–—巡诊活动;实施é¢å‘弱势群体的妇幼心连心工程。?
China has decided to upgrade 50 medical and health aid programs for Africa, particularly flagship projects such as the headquarters of the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention and China-Africa Friendship Hospitals. Exchange and information cooperation will be carried out on public health. Cooperation programs will be launched on the prevention and control of emerging and re-emerging communicable diseases, schistosomiasis, HIV/AIDS and malaria. China will train more medical specialists for Africa and continue to send medical teams that better meet Africa's needs. More mobile medical services will be provided to patients for the treatment of cataract, heart disease and dental defects. And targeted health care services will be provided to women and children of vulnerable groups in Africa.?
- 强人所难 / force someone against their will; impose demands on others?
Today’s quote:
- 秦刚外长表示,ä¸å›½ä»Žä¸å¼€â€œç©ºå¤´æ”¯ç¥¨â€ï¼Œæ›´ä¸ä¼šå¼ºäººæ‰€éš¾ã€‚?
Foreign Minister Qin said that China makes no empty promises, still less presses others against their own will.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- ä¸å›½æ„¿ç»§ç»æœ¬ç€æ‚£éš¾ä¸Žå…±ã€é£Žé›¨åŒèˆŸçš„精神,秉æŒä¸é™„åŠ ä»»ä½•æ”¿æ²»æ¡ä»¶ã€ä¸å¹²æ¶‰åˆ«å›½å†…政ã€ä¸å¼ºäººæ‰€éš¾çš„åŽŸåˆ™ï¼Œæ ¹æ®è‡ªèº«è´¢åŠ›å’Œç»æµŽå‘展状况,针对éžæ´²å›½å®¶æ€¥è¿«éœ€æ±‚,继ç»å‘éžæ´²å›½å®¶æ供紧急和必è¦çš„æ´åŠ©å¹¶é€æ¥å¢žåŠ æ´åŠ©è§„模,创新æ´åŠ©æ¨¡å¼ï¼Œä¼˜åŒ–æ´åŠ©æ¡ä»¶ï¼Œé‡ç‚¹ç”¨äºŽäººåŠ›èµ„æºå¼€å‘ã€åŸºç¡€è®¾æ–½å»ºè®¾ã€åŒ»ç–—å«ç”Ÿã€å†œä¸šå’Œç²®é£Ÿå®‰å…¨ã€æ°”候å˜åŒ–ã€é˜²æ²»è’æ¼ åŒ–ã€é‡Žç”ŸåŠ¨æ¤ç‰©å’ŒçŽ¯å¢ƒä¿æŠ¤ä»¥åŠäººé“主义æ´åŠ©ç‰é¢†åŸŸï¼Œå¸®åŠ©éžæ´²å›½å®¶å‡å°‘è´«å›°ã€æ”¹å–„民生ã€å¢žå¼ºè‡ªä¸»å‘展能力。?
It stands ready to continue to provide and gradually increase emergency aid and necessary assistance to African countries in a spirit of sharing weal and woe and standing together through thick and thin with the latter. While providing the assistance in light of its own financial capacity and economic situation and the pressing needs of African countries, China sticks to the principles of no political strings attached, non-interference in others' internal affairs and no demands imposed on others. China will come up with innovative assistance models and optimize assistance conditions. China's assistance will be primarily used in the areas of human resources development, infrastructure, medical care and health, agriculture, food security, climate change response, desertification prevention and control, and wildlife and environmental protection, and for humanitarian purposes, with the aim to help African countries alleviate poverty, improve people's livelihoods and build up capacity for independent development.?
Read in parallel: