Yesterday, we profiled
Youssef Mekawy
, Career Coach - Office of DEI Programming & Outreach Manager at the
University of Missouri-Kansas City
. Today we would like to share some (unabridged) feedback from UMKC students. 13 students and 4 faculty attended GlobalMindED, including the First-Gen Leadership Program and Inclusive Leader Awards Dinner on day 1, the conference on days 2-3, and the Industry Marketplace/Career Fair on day 3.
How did attending the GlobalMindED Conference impact you, both as an individual and as a student/ young professional?
- "It showed me that you can do anything if you just put your mind to it. I got so much good advice."
- "Truly the GlobalMindED conference helped me out a lot as an individual and student a lot. Not only did I learn a lot of things but I’m able to take it back to aid my peers to help them with their own personal development which is a huge part of being a leader."
- "This conference has made me more sure of what I want to be able to contribute to the world and how I feel I should/will go about it in the future. I feel more confident in myself and my ideas now and I think this will carry into every aspect of my life."
- "Attending GlobalMindED impacted me as an individual, providing more tools and perspectives that can help me continue to grow and strive towards becoming my best self as a student/young professional."
- "This conference helped me as an individual to realize that it's good to be uncomfortable and that you can learn from it, as I at first felt out of place at the conference, seeing as most presenters talked about being a minority, but I learned to realize others feel like this on the daily and I used that as an excuse to show that I deserve to be there too. As a student, I learned that I am super fascinated by lobbying and policy making, something I hadn't considered prior to the conference."
- "It really opened my eyes to the idea that I can actually achieve greatness. It also gave me a real-life visualization of what it is like to become a professional that can create an impact."?
What was the most enjoyable part of the experience for you?
- "Getting to travel to a new place and meet so many different people and hear their stories."
- "For me, the most enjoyable part was getting the chance to choose the topics of the panels/workshops we got to go to. This really let me be able to learn about certain topics that I felt suited me for my personal development as a leader."
- "I think that being able to see so many successful people who looked like me and being able to have meaningful conversations with them was the best part of the GlobalMindED Conference."
- "The most enjoyable part of my experience was hearing the personal experiences. I enjoyed hearing how the different speakers got where they are today, what they faced, and how they overcame their struggles."
- "I enjoyed bonding with other FGR students while developing skills that I can take into a workplace setting."
- "Getting to meet people that were in my same shoes 10 years ago and learning from their experiences."
If you could give advice to another student who is considering applying for a similar experience next year, what would you tell them?
- "The days are long but it’s so worth it. The experience is amazing."
- "Always think of how opportunities like this will get you closer to succeeding in your goals and the personal development you will gain from it."
- "GO WITH AN OPEN MIND - things may not be as they seem and you may get more than what you originally thought. Just don't go into the experience expecting it to be one specific way."
- "I would tell them to have a notebook. You will hear so many interesting things as well as helpful things that you will want to write down."
- "You should go, even if you're scared. The only person that would miss out if you don't go is you."
- "Do not just go for the trip. Actually take in the information that the professionals give you. It is life-changing if used right."
"We are having such a wonderful time with our First-Gen students at GlobalMindED!”?-
Megan Elsen
, Associate Director at the
University of Missouri-Kansas City