Global Warming/Cooling Air Time Variations
Jaime Saldarriaga, Ph.D.
Owner at Hydrology and Water Resource Science/Energy and Natural Resources/Climate/Utilities Regulation/Research/Mentoring/Global Issues/PEACE.
Time Non-Stationarity
Air Heat is an Earth Atmospheric Phenomenon determined by the interaction among the Sun (more generally the Cosmos), the Hydrosphere, the Cryosphere, the Lithosphere and the Biosphere including Anthropos. In the paleo-history of Earth these interactions are being understood as non-stationary in time. Before the Era of Industrialization the Anthropic Intervention on the atmosphere is considered insignificant. Yet, after more than two centuries from the beginning of this period it is showing significant changes in the Atmosphere in the form of a slow upward trend. Therefore, there are two clear time spans: before and after Industrialization Start. This evolution allows to study the process separately in these two time spans. It might be conjectured that the long term trend during the Industrialized span is caused mainly by the Greenhouse Emissions associated to the Industrial Model adopted. Yet this Conjecture has not been proven with compelling scientific evidence. In fact, it is possible that underlying the anthropic attributed trend could exist a naturally caused trend (not necessarily linear) explaining a part of the resulting observed upward trend. More detailed investigation is therefore needed to determine the correct attribution to the two underlying causes: non-anthropic and anthropic. There are two samples of data corresponding each sample to each time span.