Global VATupdate Newsletter Week 21 2023

Global VATupdate Newsletter Week 21 2023

Highlights (there is much more)

·??????E-Invoicing & E-Reporting developments in the news in week 20/2023

·??????BREAKING: Decision in ECJ C-232/22 (Cabot Plastics Belgium) on existence Fixed Establishment will be released on June 29, 2023

·??????ECJ C-114/22 (Dyrektor Izby Adminitracji Skarbowej w Warszawie) – Judgment – VAT deduction even if sale of the brands was a sham transaction

·??????ECJ cases on the legality of VAT penalties and their compatibility with EU law

·??????VAT implications of proposed EU Customs Union Reform

·??????EU VAT Directive 2006/112/EC explained: Art. 194 – Domestic Reverse Charge for…

·??????EU VAT in the Digital Age delays 2028 e-invoice convergence?

·??????ViDA: Real-time digital reporting based on e-invoicing under EU VAT

·??????Belgium Plans to Introduce Mandatory E-reporting in Addition to Mandatory E-invoicing

·??????What are the mandatory electronic invoice formats in France?

·??????PDPs: a new way to manage e-invoices in France

·??????France - Public invoicing portal: what alternatives for managing your company’s invoices?

·??????Mandatory B2B Transactions in Germany

·??????Germany - Munich – Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing Year-End Adjustments

·??????New two-step authentication in the Hungarian Online Invoice System from 1 June 2023

·??????Norway - The VAT Handbook 2023

·??????Poland - The Ministry of Finance is accelerating works for implementation of the National e-Invoicing System (KSeF)

·??????VAT and indirect taxes in Africa – A Guide 2023

·??????On July 1, 2023, Egypt will Completely Cease the Use of Paper Invoices

·??????Saudi Arabia E-Invoices (FATOORAH) – Fifth Wave Dec 2023



